Are you single by choice??



  • Jeremy_
    Jeremy_ Posts: 36 Member
    I've been single for a year and a half, and I'm quite happy with my life and where it's headed. It could be said I choose to be single because I choose not to lower my standards. I have an idea of what I want my significant other to be like, and in all honesty it's going to be hard for anyone to live up to that. So I need to temper my expectations to a degree, but still look forward to finding someone to share good times with. I do want to share my life with someone special, but I want them to be special.
  • kylejh
    kylejh Posts: 221 Member
    Sorta by choice and sorta sick of it. I ended a very unhealthy relationship 6 monts ago, after 3 1/2 years. Many times during that period I actually felt single, so I'm nearing the "sick of it" point. That said, I'm looking at myself as a work in progress for a few more months, so being single is ok for now.
  • jpcamden
    jpcamden Posts: 45 Member
    I mostly am. I've had girls that were interested in me recently but I don't want to take the plunge just yet. Just got out of a 3 year relationship (what a colossal waste of time), and I'm trying to join the Army, so I don't want to get a girl around here and end up leaving. Plus, I've been cheated on by both my major girlfriends so I'm kind of tired of that. I have to find the right girl if I really am going to join the Army. It's not easy being an Army girlfriend/wife.
  • vegankat
    vegankat Posts: 7 Member
    I suppose I'm single by choice - I've been divorced for 12 years and haven't really had a serious relationship in that time because I've been busy raising my kids. Now that they are older (13 and 14), and I have more free time, I find myself getting lonely a lot. So, I'm single by choice but really tired of it. I have no idea where to meet people though - I've had zero luck in that department.
  • Nope. But I have considered giving up entirely. Being 30 and having no idea how to date or be in a relationship(due to no experience), I think it might be some what impossible at this point. Other factors also make things difficult.
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,085 Member
    I'm looking for a commitment and relationship that we can grow together and build a solid communication.
  • Thad81
    Thad81 Posts: 138 Member
    I am single by choice, not to say that I am not open to the idea of love again. I have been with women that want to be in a longer relationship, but they were not right for me. I have been more interested in dating lately, and really want to meet someone fantastic. Laugh right? Who doesn't!
  • shannajojo
    shannajojo Posts: 192 Member
    No. I don't get asked out on dates. I like being single, but on the other hand I hate it at times. I think I would be content being single or being married. My heart is open.
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 366 Member
    I suppose I'm single by choice - I've been divorced for 12 years and haven't really had a serious relationship in that time because I've been busy raising my kids. Now that they are older (13 and 14), and I have more free time, I find myself getting lonely a lot. So, I'm single by choice but really tired of it. I have no idea where to meet people though - I've had zero luck in that department.

    This is me as well..... I have been divorced for 11 years.... and now my kids are 16 and 12 and I could actually date. In fact, now they really want me to... but I have no idea where to start.
  • Mrharry83
    Mrharry83 Posts: 6 Member
    i was made to be single by the acts of a cheating wife! :mad:
    but im now enjoying ny single life and enjoying meeting new ladies! :flowerforyou:
    (does that make me sound pervy?) lol
  • debbiemacfarlane
    debbiemacfarlane Posts: 35 Member
    Nope not at all. I am Deb from North Bay Canada. Single currently as my boyfriend left to back to his ex. fun fun...Enjoying life and making goals. Always great to meet new people..
  • ohmelgosh79
    ohmelgosh79 Posts: 118 Member
    Not by my choice at all. Met the guy that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and started planning that life together. Literally overnight he did a 180 on me and ended it by a text message (nice huh? 34 yr olds do that???) he said he was worried it wouldnt work out. So, here I am.....rebuilding myself and tending to mine and my daughter's broken heart. what can ya do?
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    So sick of being single. But I'm working on a little something. Amazing he even close to my age too. I'm feeling pretty good about him.
  • Nope. Lost my wife last Feb, It sucks being single/widowed/alone. Tough to go to a life that you never really knew (was married 21 yrs since age 19). I'm glad I found MFP though. I've changed my outlook on life to concentrate on personal wellness. Definitely feel better than I can ever remember. Still... sucks being single. :)
  • peachea
    peachea Posts: 92 Member
    I was not made single by choice, thanks to a cheating, feckless, self centered ex husband. :bigsmile:

    That was a long time ago. No sense hanging onto old wounds.

    Happily available though!! :love:
  • rmkramer003
    rmkramer003 Posts: 115 Member
    Not by choice, but not minding it much. I've been single for 10 years. I've been on one date in those 10 years. Mostly I'm so busy with kids, school, and work that I just don't have time to fit in a social life. I don't even notice it much, except for family functions and ALL of my family members are happily married except me and my baby brother. Would I like to date more? Yes, but I'm not going to get into a relationship with someone just to be in a relationship.
  • rascallycat
    rascallycat Posts: 248 Member
    By choice! Just ended an 8 year relationship that was really over 3 years ago! Feels great to have my life back!
  • MyPaperBleedsInk
    MyPaperBleedsInk Posts: 240 Member
    Always been single, but not necessarily by choice.
    A male friend asked me out a few years back, but I just thought it'd be too weird and I knew our political opinions differed to drastically to avoid heated discussion constantly.
    Other than that I've had one phone number request, but I had to leave my hometown area that same time period to come back to college sooooo.
  • GoJo65
    GoJo65 Posts: 52 Member
    Just passed my 10th year of being divorced this month..never thought I'd still be single after all this time. At first it was all I could do to work & take care of my daughter(2 at the time) Then I lost a bunch of weight, came out of my shell, finally starting dating & developing a friend network...had a blast.

    Yet here I am, pushing 48 & dealing with mid-life crap so I pretty much have zero interest in dating right now plus I feel so badly about myself, I know I do not have the self confidence to try anyway.
  • auntyaya
    auntyaya Posts: 3 Member
    At first I didn't think so but as it turns out I needed to be out of a bad situation.