"Accidental" Intermittant Fasting?

Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
I've never been keen on the idea of doing IF as a sort of everyday thing (I've never been the type that could wake up on a regular basis and not have something for breakfast), but since going Primal, I've found that some days, I'm simply not that hungry right when I get up. In a sense, I've sort of "accidentally" done the occasional IF type of thing (usually on weekends, since I know I can get food any time I want). This is unusual for me, since I previously would wake up hungry, if not famished, every day (my morning bowl of cereal was a lot like most people's morning coffee).

Anyone else find themselves doing this, or something like it, unintentionally?


  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    I mainly find myself doing it on weekends! I sleep in a bit on weekends, get up and go for a long walk with the dogs or go to the gym, come home and do all the housework. By that time it's almost lunch time and we end up having a leisurely brunch.
    Given that we usually eat dinner at 6-7pm, I guess I'm "accidentally" doing shorter fasts of 16-17 hours without really realising it.
    During the week I usually get up and exercise then have a high-protein breakfast, except when intentially fasting. I still have my morning hazelnut coffee though!
    Going Primal makes such a huge difference when it comes to appetite and being able to go for longer periods without food!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Yes, when I eat properly (primal) I tend to be less hungry and skip meals. On weekends, since I don't have to obey a schedule, I eat only when I get hungry and often don't eat until noon. I'm never hungry right when i wake up but on weekdays i force myself to eat something before i go to work, even if it's just a whey shake. I was NEVER this comfortable eating grain.
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    Fasting isn't good for the crossfitters.
  • mistybkarma
    mistybkarma Posts: 30 Member
    I'm only on day 6 of the primal diet, but I IF pretty often. Its so strange to simply not feel like eating
  • jukemaster
    jukemaster Posts: 49 Member
    IF is just going to happen at some point. From my experience, IF happens at the start of a Paleo/Primal transition because I'm probably eating an appropriate amount of nutritious food and the body just isn't craving some sort of missing vitamin, mineral, or even a sugar. But as I understand it, the body is still looking for sugar and carbs at that stage and IF might not really be that beneficial early on (I'm not an expert and that could be wrong). After a little bit of time following the switch, the body then becomes fat adapted and it can run better off of existing fat stores. When that happens, your body might not signal the class hunger signal since there is already enough of useful fat ready to meet your current energy demands. For example, I will sometimes accidentally IF by skipping lunch at work since I'm working a desk job and my body isn't screaming at me for energy like it did in the past. I still get hungry, don't get me wrong, there's just some days where my body is just happy with what it has stored away.

    With that said, if you know you're going to blow 1,000 calories in a workout a few days a week, you may want to make sure you still eat enough to meet that demand. On occasion, I've purposefully skipped breakfast, accidentally skipped lunch, and I've still been able to run 8 miles in the evening or do a CrossFit WOD, before dinner, without feeling a need to binge afterwards. If your body knows how to use its fat stores, the hungry feeling we're more accustomed to from our pre-Paleo/Primal days will lessen a great deal.
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    Accidental Intermittant Fasting? That's just "skipping a meal".

    Nothing to it.

    I do it all the time.

    Give it a fancy name, and people start agonizing over it. :)
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Accidental Intermittant Fasting? That's just "skipping a meal".

    Nothing to it.

    I do it all the time.

    Give it a fancy name, and people start agonizing over it. :)

    Yes, because falling into patterns that align with Intermittant Fasting and being curious if other people see the same patterns is "agonizing over it." :huh:
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    So this way of eating is supposed to be like our past ancestors, if you think about how they ate, there had to be times when they had to go longer periods without food. I wouldn't worry about it, you should eat when you feel hungry and leave it to your body to know what you need.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    So this way of eating is supposed to be like our past ancestors, if you think about how they ate, there had to be times when they had to go longer periods without food. I wouldn't worry about it, you should eat when you feel hungry and leave it to your body to know what you need.

    I'm not worried about it, simply curious to see if/how other people's tendencies have changed. It's fun noticing changes and comparing notes. :smile:
  • vodkoffee
    vodkoffee Posts: 160 Member
    I'm not worried about it, simply curious to see if/how other people's tendencies have changed. It's fun noticing changes and comparing notes. :smile:

    Definitely happens to me. :)