Week 1 weigh in

My starting weight was 175.8.
Week 1 : 172.8
Lost 3 lbs. 7 more to go this month!


  • kjones3535
    kjones3535 Posts: 139
    I hate to even post this but I am going to anyway.

    Starting weight: 169
    Current weight: 172

    I think it is just water weight because i have been working hard...hopefully next week will be better!
  • Starting weight: 182
    Current weight: 177
    Not a typical week, but i'm half way there already.
  • Maiello1970
    Maiello1970 Posts: 73 Member
    Greta job posting your results! For the two of you posted here, i will go ahead and update the spreadsheet, but anyone else posting here, please message me your results. It's easier for me since i am at work to just check messages on my phone versus having to look through the posts.

    My results......

    1 pound lost in the right direction!!!
  • Maiello1970
    Maiello1970 Posts: 73 Member
    Starting weight: 182
    Current weight: 177
    Not a typical week, but i'm half way there already.

    @adelro... i got yours updated too.... thanks! and WAY TO GO!!!!!
  • dubcutie
    dubcutie Posts: 6 Member
    Good Morning!

    Starting weight was 180
    Todays weight was 176
    4lbs lost

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Balance79
    Balance79 Posts: 86 Member
    SW 8/1/12: 132.0
    CW 8/8/12: 129.4

    Total Loss: -2.6

    Great job Everyone!!!
  • Maiello1970
    Maiello1970 Posts: 73 Member
    UPDATE: Because I will undoubtedly get results until late tonight, I will post the list tomorrow.
  • nygrl4evr
    nygrl4evr Posts: 196 Member
    I was bad this weekend (cousin's bridal shower and bachlorette party) nothing lost but on the brighter side nothing gained :smile:
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    SW: 298.8
    CW: 297.2
  • Brithicks
    Brithicks Posts: 148 Member
    Sw: 136
    Today: 134!!!!
    I am in a wedding in 10 days and would love to be 130 for it.... looks like I will be stepping up the gym time!
    Overall, I am pretty pleased. My daughter is 12 weeeks and I am 9 pounds from my prepregnancy weight!
  • Starting weight = 182
    Todays weight = 180!!!

    Whooo whooo

    @Maiello1970, I already messaged my numbers to you, but wanted to post my progress as well.

    Great job everyone! Keep up the good work
  • pompom826
    pompom826 Posts: 16 Member

    Nothing lost :( I've been eating and working out daily to a deficit but am seeing 0 results other than a faster mph on my afternoon runs. Frustrated but not giving up.
  • SW 170
    CW 169
  • first time tryin to reply to quote, but failed. Will try again.
  • That's right. Don't give up!!!

    Nothing lost :( I've been eating and working out daily to a deficit but am seeing 0 results other than a faster mph on my afternoon runs. Frustrated but not giving up.
  • SW: 178
    CW: 176.4
  • ASchaffer23
    ASchaffer23 Posts: 42 Member
    @Maiello1970, I already messaged my numbers to you, but wanted to post my progress as well.

    SW: 143
    CW: 140

    3 lbs lost!! :) Finally the scale is starting to budge.
    Keep up the good work everyone :)
  • allinoelle007
    allinoelle007 Posts: 163 Member
    Wow, awesome job everyone! Haven't weighed in yet, but everyone's hard work is inspiring!
  • lepow
    lepow Posts: 92 Member
    I've also had no losses to report; but no gains either. :)
  • Great job everyone!

    My starting weight was 207
    Week 1 : 203
    Lost 4 lbs.