What are you working on now?

myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
Found a nice pattern in a British knitting book. It is a poncho with 3 cables up the center front and back and a large cowl neck.

I needed something new to do to keep my hands busy and away from the food.

Not sure how to post pictures on here.


  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    I am working on a lace summer shawl is Paton's Lace Sequin Black yarn. My local Meijer had it on sale so I bought 4 skeins of it. I always wanted a nice lace shawl for cool summer nights!
  • whollybologna
    whollybologna Posts: 87 Member
    Baby clothes mostly :blushing:
    Actually I'm working on a hat that looks cupcake like for my little sister's little girl, due in September. I'm excited about how it's turning out, but I'm short some pick yarn and a longer pair of round needles. Michael's here I come :heart:
  • dtc629
    dtc629 Posts: 3
    I am back with fitness pal after a break.
    I have been making baby blankets as fast as I can.
    My kids have friends having babies.
    Knitting a checkerboard
  • Mom23djd
    Mom23djd Posts: 38 Member
    I am desperately trying to get the Lion Brand Raglan Cardi finished up. I joined the KAL on Rav. I'm so close! Just have to sew up the arm holes and do the front ribbing. I'm hoping to be able to wear it to work next week.
  • divinebird
    divinebird Posts: 81 Member
    Hi, guys!

    I'm working on a Tau shawl (as in, it's half a Pi shawl, lol), a pair of plain vanilla top-down socks, and I'm crocheting the Baby Reims Quilt. I've got a few spinning projects in progress, too. :)
  • Lin806
    Lin806 Posts: 20
    ive been crocheting a sweater for myself and soon to start a baby layette set for my new grand child which won't arrive til fall.
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    I am really short of projects at the moment but I have been spinning yarn - keeps my fingers busy :)

    the last yarn I spun is an art yarn and I have added felted flowers into the yarn as it was spun - that will be used in a weaving project I have in mind

    might spin some yarn and do the elizabeth zimmermans baby surprise jacket
  • MummaSue
    MummaSue Posts: 242 Member
    Not quite knitting (or crochet) I'm making pom-poms for a nursery/infant school in Togo. A friend goes out there once or twice a year and he says they'll help teach counting, colour, texture and help with co-ordination (learning to catch). He goes next in July so getting as many finished as I can :O)
  • LoveVirginia
    LoveVirginia Posts: 8 Member
    I'm working on Christmas socks for my oldest in Tiger stripes (his college mascot), a shawl for myself and a charity project for church.....I'm in a knitting slump and not getting much done lately
  • Pegkd
    Pegkd Posts: 1
    I'm one of those annoying yarnistas who cannot work on one thing at a time. I think it may be physically impossible. So. on needles right now - a simple raglan, sweater for my man; a lace scarf for myself using some hand-dyed one of a kind lace weight I bought on vacation in Sedona; a crocheted Shamrock Motif afghan for my 18 year old who graduates HS next week and will take this to college with her; a shawl that has me flummoxed and two different baby blankets. About half are good "TV" watching projects. I love the felling of having these things done - -since there are so many more projects I want to start!

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  • beelikethebug
    beelikethebug Posts: 50 Member
    I'm knitting a bag for my yoga mat—incorporating knitting with exercise :-)
  • lyntwhit
    lyntwhit Posts: 11 Member
    I'm working on this vest: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/lolita-5

    and this shawl: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/rule-of-three-2

    The Lolita vest is going very fast and will be a great thing to wear at any size I happen to be, I hope!

  • kayakinggrrl
    kayakinggrrl Posts: 101 Member
    I am working on a light, lacey sweater (pattern is called Matcha) to wear in my overly air-conditioned office. I'm knitting it with Malabrigo sock yarn so it's a delight.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm working on Christmas socks for my oldest in Tiger stripes (his college mascot), a shawl for myself and a charity project for church.....I'm in a knitting slump and not getting much done lately

    me too! I have a Christmas sock in progress too, plus baby outfits for some of my co-workers - 3 of the young men in my office are having 2nd kids - 3 boys! And I have socks in progress for my DMil, DDil and me!! But I"m in a slump too, for whatever reason, I just haven't felt much like knitting these past couple of weeks. :ohwell:
  • Ronie111
    Ronie111 Posts: 5 Member
    I have my first ever Magic Loop 2 at a time socks just about to be finished up... personally I think I need to do more with this technique because I'm not real crazy about it... I like the 2 at a time idea and I really liked the toe up because my toes on any other pair just doesn't look right.. but that Magic Loop method is more fussy to me than my tried and true DPN's... I also have a motif back vest that I'm working up.. my design just as the socks are.... I did finish up a bag this week.. I have a mitered square afghan going too... I like it because its portable... but I don't know if it will ever get done.... I have a Bear to do .. a prayer shawl to do... and 2 different beautiful yarns that I am currently looking for projects for... 400yds of one and 600 yds of the other... half the fun is the hunt for the perfect yarn and perfect pattern... :)
  • seamstar
    seamstar Posts: 29 Member
    i am working on a granny square baby blanket. it is pink, white, and taupe. i wanted something easy even though no babies are due any time soon.
  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    I too am working on a mulitude of things: a messenger bag that is comissioned, a blanket for my daughter that matches a pillow I made her, A rainbow granny square blanket, a pillow, a blanket for my sister for her Christmas...plus about 6 others in my WIPs box!
  • deluda
    deluda Posts: 146 Member
    I'm working on a Dr. Who scarf for my future daughter-in-law. With luck I'll have it done by Christmas. I'm not a fast knitter so I work on it as much as I can fit in every day.
  • Working on baby things mainly. Hats, booties and bereavement gowns. I donate to the local hospital. Oh, and o yeah, baby blankets as well !!

  • AggieSigner
    AggieSigner Posts: 23 Member
    I've been working on a crocheted granny square afghan for a couple of months now. I'm hoping to maybe sell it once it's all finished.