August Movers n Shakers



  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    I just realized that I missed a bunch of our posts. Jackie, thank you for the list of f/v servings. That is helpful. I do disagree with what they say about potatoes too. That has got to be the world's most maligned veggie.

    Sorry we came in at the bottom of the challenge last week. Let's don't get discouraged and keep plugging along.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,006 Member
    checking in
    f&v for yesterday.....grapes, 2 watermelon sorry I fell short, didnt get in 5 will try to do better today
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    Thursday :

    Just finished the ab workout. Also put in 39 minutes in the gym on the treadmill doing various speeds and inclines, even jogged a little.
    F/V: 1 serving each black cherries, blueberries and 2 servings each pepper onion blend and schwan spring veggie mix = 6
    Also please add 1 serving lentils to yesterday's tally. I forgot about that until this morning.
  • jmanzano68
    jmanzano68 Posts: 28 Member
    Thursday check in: Ab workout done. F/V: 2 servings each- Avocado, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Celery 1 serving each- button mushrooms, onions. Total=10 servings.
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    :heart: Friday - Arms :heart:
    3 Sets of 15 swimmers press,
    3 sets of 15 wood chops,
    3 sets of 21's and
    3 sets of 15 tricep kickbacks

    Swimmers press:
    Wood Chop:
    21's: (note these are 7 in each position)
    Tricep Kickbacks: (note this is 15 per SIDE so 30 per set)
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Sorry for being MIA, but my in-laws bathroom backed up and flooded their downstairs. When the insurance people came out, they said there was asbestos in the floors that need to be pulled up! So, they have been booted from the house while repairs are being done, and they've been here hanging out! So I haven't been able to get much computer time in...

    Wednesday- exercises done. I was only able to complete 2.5 circuits
    F/V - avocado (.5), watermelon (2), tomatoes (1), parsley drink (1.5), cauliflower mix (1), garden salad (1.5) = 7.5

    Thursday - no exercises :cry: I will try to do it tomorrow
    F/V - avocado (.5), mashed potatoes (1), cauliflower mix (1), tomato/zucchini salad(1.5), parsley drink (1.5) = 5.5

    Have a great Friday! :flowerforyou:
  • lil_pixie
    Thursday check in:

    Didn't manage the exercises, but will try and add them to todays.
    F/V: mango juice 1, cherry tomatoes 1, lettuce 1, sweet potato 1, peppers 1, courgette 1 = 6

    I'll check in with today's exercises & f/v later.

    I won't be around to check in this weekend though - off to Edinburgh for the fringe festival & to see family. (Very excited! I love Edinburgh) Means I wont have computer access and I can't get the forum on my app on my phone.
  • harrietsmama
    Hello! Let's see, wednesday's f/v - 7 servings total - half a cucumber, I think that is one serving, peach, I went gonzo on the celery and had 8 8 inch stalks trying to stay out of the other stuff, one serving of turnip greens, one serving of carrots.
    sorry, no exercise.
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    Friday :
    Just finished my workout.
    F/V: 1 serving each pepper/onion blend, lettuce, mandarin orange sections; 2 servings blueberries = 5

    I am really nervous about weighing in the morning (I always weigh on Saturdays - have for years) . I am still on the prednisone so I don't know if I will lose any or not, even though I have had a good week with food and exercise. We'll see.....
  • allnamesrtaken
    allnamesrtaken Posts: 49 Member
    Friday check in. Exercises done. Not very motivated today. Umm only one f/v today :( avacado. Sorry team. Tired today. Gn all and have a great Saturday!!
  • jmanzano68
    jmanzano68 Posts: 28 Member
    Friday check in: Exercises done and F/V total 6 servings= tomatoes (2), alfalfa sprouts (1), cucumber (2), Lettuce (1))
    Enjoy the weekend everyone & hopefully we'll have some good results on weigh ins on Sunday! :)
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Hello all!

    Quick check in -

    Exercises done, and I will post my F/V tomorrow

    Gotta hit the sack:yawn: - my son has his first frehman football scrimmage tomorrow, we have to be there at 8 am!!
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    :heart: Saturday-- Glutes and thigh workout :heart:
    3 sets of 8-12 on every exercise on EACH LEG ---- So 16-24 of each exercise if they are leg specific
    - Kneeling Leg Raise ---
    - Inner thigh leg lifts ---
    - Reverse Lunge with Rear Leg Raise -
    - Sumo Squat --- If you want an extra burn add a jump at the end of each squat
    - Side Lunge --

    ---- Make sure you stretch out at the end. Try some of these great Glute stretches (The last stretch is one of my fav stretches)
  • harrietsmama
    Friday's report

    f/v 4 -carrots, cucumber, mixed pepper/tomato/onion, peach
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    Saturday :
    Workout done but only did 2 sets of 12.
    F/V: 1 serving each of banana, jalapenos and steamed broccoli and 2 servings of watermellon.
    I weighed this morning and I was 162.6. I am very happy to have gotten rid of the water weight I put on last week.

    Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend.
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Saturday check in -

    Exercises done! I also did 1.5 miles of walking on the treadmill. I waited till 7 pm, but it was still SO hot here!

    F/V - parsley drink (1.5)peach (1), grapes (1), garden salad (1.5), avocado/tomatos (1) = 6

    @ Cheryl - how did it go with the donuts and cookies??

    :drinker: Remember, weigh in is tomorrow!:drinker:
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    :flowerforyou: GETTING TO KNOW YOU :flowerforyou:

    Hello everyone!

    If you have been on my teams before, you know what this is! If you haven't, I like to throw out some random questions for everyone to answer, so we can all get to know each other better. Some are serious questions, but most of the time they are just for fun!

    Here we go!!

    - What is your favorite salty snack?

    - What song do you love to dance to?

    - What was your most embarrassing hair style?

    - What is the furthest west you have traveled?

    - What is the funniest thing you have heard a child say?

    - What vegetable do you hate?

    - if you could live in any other country for 2 years where would you go?

    And some MFP related questions:

    - What do you like the MOST about the challenge so far? The LEAST?
    - What's your favorite exercise? Least favorite?
    - How are you doing on your goals so far?
    - What is/are your mini goal(s) for this week?

    Have a wonderful Sunday!!:flowerforyou:
  • jmanzano68
    jmanzano68 Posts: 28 Member
    Saturday check in: Exercise done. F/V: Romaine lettuce/Spinach (2), tomatoes (1), mushrooms (1), cucumbers (1), zucchini (1), apple (1)= 7 total
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member

    - What is your favorite salty snack? Lately, I love the Stax original flavor chips

    - What song do you love to dance to? I don't really hear words, so anything with a good beat :laugh:

    - What was your most embarrassing hair style? A crazy, frizzy perm in the 80s

    - What is the furthest west you have traveled? Hawaii

    - What is the funniest thing you have heard a child say? that would be my oldest twin, Mariis, talking about their birth...'so, Mom, when Sissy came out of your belly, an I fell out of your butt, or whatever...' :laugh:

    - What vegetable do you hate? I don't think I hate anything, but if I remember one, I'll let you know

    - if you could live in any other country for 2 years where would you go? I would love to live in Europe! I have family there, and I would love to get to know them better!

    And some MFP related questions:

    - What do you like the MOST about the challenge so far? The LEAST? The water challenge is always hard, and I really liked the F/V challenge. Both made me feel better though!
    - What's your favorite exercise? Least favorite? I like most arm exercises, but HATE Burpees!
    - How are you doing on your goals so far? I am doing okay, I have a loss and I'm feeling better, so I'm happy! :wink:
    - What is/are your mini goal(s) for this week? I would like to continue drinking lots of water, not 100 oz, but more than usual. And another 1/2 lb would be nice!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!!
  • harrietsmama
    I had 6 f/v yesterday and I weigh 185 today, 2 lbs lost!