Welcome everyone! Come and introduce yourself!



  • enliven_mal
    enliven_mal Posts: 28 Member
    Who's that girl???
    It's Jess!

    I love that show, and no one had humoured you with the song yet :)

    and hello everyone! It doesn't look like this group is that active any more - but I am Mallory. I just recently got married and spent 6 weeks 'celebrating.' I lost any progress I had worked toward before the wedding, and a tad disappointed. I am looking to just re-lose that weight I put back on! Here's to health!
    I hope I can help to support and be supported by all of my local 'friends.' :)
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm originally from Montreal QC, but moved in Gatineau about 6 years ago... or more. (Yes I am originally francophone)
    Sadly, Gatineau didn't help my weight... long story short, I moved in with a guy who ate only McDo, burgers, pizza and so on. Not even a fruit or veggie. He was agressive as well. But dont worry, he's history. But left me with about 50 pounds to lose & low self esteem....Anxiety pills did not help weight either.

    So now, my head is out of the water and I can breath again and search for my old self!

    I've already been on MFP for about 30 days and lost a lil less then 6 pounds. (Its so slow!)

    See y'all around!
  • Karhyn
    Karhyn Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Karhyn and I'm from Gatineau. I started at 308 pounds and am now at 179. I've lost 129 pounds in 15 months. I go to the gym every morning (goodlife on queen street) and take either a run or walk at lunch time. It would be nice to have partners for that ;)

    I am so happy to now be able to do sports as I tried before and simply couldn't. I was hurting my articulations when I went to the gym or simply walked. It's a new life and a new begining.

    I try my best to stay grounded and focussed and I have pictures or my old self everywhere I can so I can realize the acheivement.

    If you want, feel free to add me as friends and we could motivate one another...:)

    Looking forward to sharing with all of you :)

  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Hi my name is Eric and I'm an Alcoholi...Wait wrong place

    I'm 28 years old and I've lived in Ottawa my whole life...I really want to move to Vancouver, just got back from vacation and I miss it already! I've always been fat and in January I decided to make a change, I've lost some weight since then but I have gained a lot of cardio and confidence, all in all a good year so far. I like to travel, mountain bike and hike...This feels like an online dating profile!!

    I've reached the point where I am in shape(ish) but my friends haven't changed like I have so I spend most of my time at the gym or on solitary bike rides and hiking with my camera. My friends are all married and extremely boring, I don't really socialize anymore which isn't very productive for a single guy lol

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I'm on here everyday and I have a 220 day logged in streak going! Be warned I do offer information and support but I spend most of my time having fun with my awesome MFP brothers and sisters tearing up the forums chit chat section!
  • ewitselly
    ewitselly Posts: 6 Member
    Hey, im Elly. add me if you would like :)
  • Aedrah
    Aedrah Posts: 100 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm Melissa. A recent new-comer to Ottawa, having moved here with my fiance from the Niagara region for his work. I work from my home office full time, and while I mostly enjoy it, I don't get as much exercise and it's so easy to gain weight! Even easier when your kitchen is 10 steps away from your desk and you have a hectic schedule because you thought it would be a great idea to go back to school while planning your wedding! (pro-tip - not fun!). I'm very motivated to make this lifestyle change - initially, and for life. Enough of that, it's nice to meet you all!
  • moonrevenge
    moonrevenge Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm April, and amazingly modest Aries who likes puppies and long walks on the beach - wait, it's not supposed to be that type of introduction, is it?

    I've lived in Ottawa for two years, spent three years just an hour outside of it (in a home I picked because I thought I'd finally be allowed to fulfill my lifelong dream of having pet chickens. I belatedly realized that wasn't the case. Woe! Woe, I say!), and lived in various cities, provinces and states before that.

    I've only recently made sincere efforts to get my pre-baby body back, which makes me laugh because my baby was born several years ago! Oh, well. Better late than never, right?

    I can't think of anything else to write, and it's probably about time for me to eat lunch anyways.
  • CarolynBaggoo
    CarolynBaggoo Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone.

    I am Carolyn from Ottawa, Ontario. I just joined today. I'd like to loose 20 lbs. I had Cushing's for many years. As a result i gained about 110 lbs. I've lost 95 lbs since having the tumor removed, April, 2012. But now I'm starting to put some of that back on. I think this program is just what I need to get back on track.
  • enliven_mal
    enliven_mal Posts: 28 Member
    Let's see this group of locals grow! So great to see everyone on here and motivated to change their lives!
  • Alain_Gagnon
    Alain_Gagnon Posts: 8 Member
    Hello everyone, just join the NCR group. It's so nice to see so many MFP member's living area me. I live in Orleans but was raised in Gatineau. At the age of 19, I moved to Regina, then Timmins, then Vancouver and then back home. I really love it here but I must admit that I miss BC.

    I joined MFP on the recommendation of my sister and it has helped me lose 11 lbs. I just need to lose another 5 and I will be happy.

    Good luck everyone!

  • A big hello from Rockland. I'm Kim and was born and raised in the Ottawa region. I work in downtown Ottawa and live way out in the east end. I'm a Mom of two teens. My daughter is 17 and my son is 13.

    The 40s hit me with weight gain. I also suffer from hypothyroidism which makes you naturally gain weight, feel tired and cold all the time. The medication helps somewhat but not enough. I want to lose those stubborn 20lbs before my 45th birthday in late July 2013. I've lost 3lbs already.

    I'm a regular at the YMCA gym in our town. I love the drop in classes and I started cardio-kickboxing and will begin a new Y Fit program which is sort of like circuit training with a trainer. Circuit training is my favorite. I get bored easily and love to vary my workouts.

    Good luck everyone on your weightloss journey!

  • shutterbug21
    shutterbug21 Posts: 66 Member
    Hello! I've just moved to Ottawa after growing up in Toronto and I find it to be quite the change. For one thing it is way quieter here in Ottawa, but I am learning to love it.

    I've finally settled in a little more, my husband is studying his PhD at Carleton and I've just graduated so no more school for me! I might go back, but I am undecided. I am taking this time in my life to focus on my well-being so I've signed up in a gym and will be more diligent about myfitpal logging. I've always struggled with my weight, but I am determined to really push myself this time because I have no other time in my life when I will be fortunate enough to take all the time to do so.

    My sisters are in the nutritional sciences and one recommended to me that I need a year of serious training to re-set my body to a new weight. Basically after a while there is a size that you are and when you fluctuate you always end up around the same mark. I need to lose weight and maintain it long enough for my body to reset. I have a one-year long term plan, and I hope I have the drive to stick to it!!!

    In the mean while I am a professional photographer with my own business, I work with ambient light so it is all outdoors. I am super excited for the fall colors, they'll be so beautiful in my photos. I also have an Etsy shop online where I sell my prints. I've been working in photography for several years and I built up my client base in Toronto but since moving here it's been slow. I've only been here two months so I am realistic that it will take some time.

    Here's the links if you want to check them out: www.facebook.com/photosbyemmah www.etsy.com/shop/photosbyemmah

    Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Love your photos! Ottawa is a beautiful region for photography. The big thing in Ottawa is to advertise. You can also volunteer your services at fundraisers and that way you get business exposure all for a good cause. Welcome to Ottawa and good luck on your weightloss journey!

  • bellecoccotte
    bellecoccotte Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Nadine and I am originally from Verner, ON (little town between Sudbury and North Bay, ON). I moved to Ottawa 10 years ago and now live here with my husband (2 yrs married), my 3 cats and dog. I joine MPF to gain support and to lose those 10-12 lbs that I seem to lose and gain back.

    Please add me so we can motivate each other. Good luck in your journey!
  • Hey Gang,

    Wow...what a bunch of great stories and history. I felt like I needed to add a few things about myself after reading the thread.

    I was a hefty lad at 242 and was going to get married in the Dominican. The thought of all of the pictures and all, made me really want to shed some weight. I used to be a really active person in High School and University, but kinda slacked off...and the pictures didn't lie.

    I think I should be around 185-190 lbs...and I have been very close lately, until I hurt my ACL playing Ball Hockey. Knee is pretty much better and the weight is coming off again.

    MFP is a great site, and it keeps me honest about the food that I eat.

    Oh...on another note, live in Riverside South, and am born and raised in Ottawa. I work for the Government and still work part-time at a Home Hardware.

    Keep up the great work!!
  • shutterbug21
    shutterbug21 Posts: 66 Member
    Love your photos! Ottawa is a beautiful region for photography. The big thing in Ottawa is to advertise. You can also volunteer your services at fundraisers and that way you get business exposure all for a good cause. Welcome to Ottawa and good luck on your weightloss journey!


    Thanks so much Kim! I've already volunteered at a fundraiser and will definitely do more in the future, I'm surprisingly getting inquires for Montreal more than here! It's a pleasure to be here and can't wait to see more of this city :)
  • LuridDreamer
    LuridDreamer Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I was pleasantly surprised to find out that there's a group for people in the NCR! My name is Ashley, I'm 29 and was born and raised in Ottawa (well the Ottawa area). I used to live in the east end but recently moved to a more central location.

    As far as weight goes, I've always been a big girl, so I don't really know how it feels to be fit. I never learned how to eat 'properly', so now that I'm giving it a go, my fat cells are of course screaming at me to binge on some ice cream so they can stay nice and big lol. Today is my first day on a low carb diet, and while I'm finding it difficult to find low carb food lying around the house, what I have eaten today has kept me sated.

    Not much more to say, I'm afraid. If you'd like to know more about me, or add me as a friend, that's cool with me!
  • Welcome Ashley. :o)
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Hi Ashley!

    The best advice I can give you is to not remove anything from your diet that you like! That way you don't binge, just stay within your calorie goal and you will do great!
  • LuridDreamer
    LuridDreamer Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Ashley!

    The best advice I can give you is to not remove anything from your diet that you like! That way you don't binge, just stay within your calorie goal and you will do great!

    I definitely learned that pretty quickly! For now I allow myself 1/2 a cup of ice cream as a treat, though I have completely cut out regular soda. O.O never thought I'd see the day...