Ketosis after Day 2!

kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
I decided to try a ketone strip just to check things out and I am already into ketosis! It's measuring between small and moderate. I just started back to LC on Monday and wasn't thinking it would happen this quick but I am very happy with the results :)


  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    yes! that is amazing, go you!
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    SWEET! Today is my day 2. Makes me want to check in the am. Doubt I could be so lucky though! Hahahah
  • rustythezippergirl
    took me about 9 days cuz i was having a hard time cutting down on the veggies. i am used to thinking of them as "free food."
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    My little stick was pink this am..... :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • pfeiferfit
    pfeiferfit Posts: 138 Member
    I love keto sticks. When I stick to it I can hit ketosis fast. My breath lets me know too. :(
  • itsmarcel
    itsmarcel Posts: 52 Member
    Woohoo! That's great. How's it going for you now? Still in ketosis?

    I've never gotten keto sticks mainly because I'm too lazy to do so. I have noticed my weight and bf% going down so I must be doing something right. :laugh:
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    @ itsmarcel

    Yes, I am still in ketosis! Today the stick was a little darker than normal but I account that to drinking a little less water than normal. I usually drink THREE 32 oz bottles of crystal light a day but I am trying to ween myself off that and more water but I cannot seem to get more than ONE 32 oz bottle down and the rest is diet coke lol - ugh water is just so nasty to me so I will most likely go back to the crystal light.

    And tomorrow I do my official weigh in so we will see!!! But I know I am losing because my husband tells me he can feel less of me when he hugs me, lol Not an offcial measurement but a purely enjoyable one :blushing: