Spaghetti squash

impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
I bought a spaghetti squash last night. And an acorn squash. And now I don't know what to do with them. I kind of don't want to use spaghetti sauce, because I have a feeling it's not really going to taste like spaghetti, so I'd rather try a different sauce or something so it's not like "Oh, yeah, this is an ok substitute for the real thing." Spaghetti is my husband's favorite thing, so I have a feeling he won't like it if I just try to pretend it's regular old spaghetti. Would it be good with pesto? Or is there another way you like to prepare it? And I have no idea what to do with the acorn squash. Anybody have any favorites they'd like to share?


  • Alisi1234
    Alisi1234 Posts: 131 Member
    I have spaghetti squash all the time. Sometimes I just throw pepper on it, an organic seasoning with no salt,mix it with veggies, and make it into pizza. I bake the squash, use a fork to take out the squash so you get the nice strings, spread it out on a dish, put pizza sauce, veggies, meat, and top with cheese, and basil. I throw it in the oven until cheese is melted and enjoy!
  • bongbunny
    bongbunny Posts: 37 Member
    I don't know about acorn (never had it), but I like to cook my spaghetti squash on the grill. It's super easy, tastes great and (added bonus) it can be cooked at the same time as other foods. Cut the squash in half (lengthwise), scoop out the seeds, rub a little olive oil on the flesh along with whatever fresh herbs/seasoning you'd like. Place it directly on the grill (skin side down), temp should be medium hot. Cook for 45 minutes.

    I don't add anything additional to mine, but I'd suggest maybe adding pesto (since you expressed interest in it - and I think it would taste pretty good) to one half of the squash and trying the other half plain (maybe with a little butter).
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    I've never done acorn but try to do spaghetti squash every once in a while when I think of it.

    As others have said, it's really easy to make. Also, I've made it with spaghetti sauce a few times and really love it - not even kidding, I prefer the taste to noodles. The one thing is it doesn't soak up sauce very well, so I generally try to make my sauces a little thicker.

    Another thing to watch is that you don't overcook it - i have a tendency of doing that and it turns into more of a mush than stringy. Even the mush tastes pretty good though, but you'd generally want it to be a little stringy.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Thanks for the tips, guys! The reason I mentioned the pesto is because I have a basil plant growing outside, so that's an easy thing for me to make. I kind of like the pizza idea.

    How long should I bake it to prevent overcooking?
  • Alisi1234
    Alisi1234 Posts: 131 Member
    Thanks for the tips, guys! The reason I mentioned the pesto is because I have a basil plant growing outside, so that's an easy thing for me to make. I kind of like the pizza idea.

    How long should I bake it to prevent overcooking?

    I check it every now and then with a fork. If you can pull the strings off nicely it's done.
  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    You can cook it in the microwave. Poke holes in it so it doesn't blow up from the pressure and cook it a few minutes at a time. I'm actually drooling at the idea of having it with pesto. OMG! Oh, as yes, to check doneness, when it's cooked, you should be able to put a fork through it!
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    If it's a big spaghetti squash & in the oven, I start checking it at the 30 minute mark. You want to be able to pierce the skin with a fork and if you flip it over, use the fork to test how easily it strings. If it seems mushy/watery, you've gone TOO FAR with cook, take that sucker out now!

    My favorite way to enjoy spaghetti squash is scrambled up with some garlic-onion sauteed beef and veggies (I usually just use a frozen stir fry veggie mix to save time) until the squash is all carmelized and yummy. Seasoned with sea salt and cracked black pepper. The bf refers to this as our new hamburger helper.

    If I don't have any garlic-onion sauteed beef pre-cooked (I usually saute 2 lbs on the weekend and use 1lb at a time with the squash through the week), then I just saute a few onions and a bit of rosemary in some coconut oil, mix it with my squash and then make a hash out of it. If I have leftover veggies, I chuck them in too (usually cubes of sweet potato).

    I have never had success with the microwave method without it turning into a mushy mess. :( That's why I stick with the oven and roast 1-2 over the weekend so I can use them later on in the week.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I don't have a microwave.

    I think we'll have it for dinner tomorrow. Thanks again for the tips, folks!
  • skwidlund
    skwidlund Posts: 117 Member
    I like to take acorn squash, cut it into wedges, and then roast with coconut oil, salt, peper, a little chili powder and some lime. It works with kabocha squash too. I've also roasted it, then mashed it with coconut oil or butter, coconut milk, cinnamon and chili powder. So good!
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I like to take acorn squash, cut it into wedges, and then roast with coconut oil, salt, peper, a little chili powder and some lime. It works with kabocha squash too. I've also roasted it, then mashed it with coconut oil or butter, coconut milk, cinnamon and chili powder. So good!

    That does sound good! I think I might try the mashed version.
  • mehaugen
    mehaugen Posts: 210 Member
    Strangely, acorn squash makes my stomach hurt a lot immediate after I eat it, although it causes no other digestive problems. No other squash does this either. I have no idea why this occurs.
  • livetothebeatYOLO
    I LOVE spaghetti squash!!! And it totally tastes like spaghetti! Aside from the "noodle" texture being exact, the squash is very mild and tastes like whatever you put with it. I'm working on a carbonara recipe with spaghetti squash!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I really liked the spaghetti squash with some cilantro pesto a couple months ago! When that ran out, I used butter & parmesan cheese on it.

    Never tried an acorn squash (yet!), so I can't help you there.
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    I cut an acorn squash in half, scoop it out, add oil to the center and rub it on the edges (coconut or butter) and dump cinnamon all over it. Bake at 350-375 until squishy. I make rings out of tinfoil to hold it upright in the oven.
  • 3lilkids
    3lilkids Posts: 90 Member
    Lol, I blew one up in the microwave a week or two ago. Poked holes, I thought, and pow!!! My family got a kick out of it. Cleaned up the mess and ate what didn't attach itself to the sides of the microwave. Think I'll stick to the oven from here on out. Grill does sound good too.

    I've made spaghetti with it, and my dh really liked it. It's a different taste, so don't expect it to taste like spaghetti, but very good. Also served with butter and seasonings.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    We just had it for dinner with homemade basil pesto. It was super nom. But now I have another question: what can I do with the seeds? Are they good roasted? My husband likes roasted pumpkin seeds, so would it be similar? Anything else I can do with them? I don't like roasted seeds. Blech. Can I chop 'em up in something? Or is that anti-paleo?
  • MrsAbles
    MrsAbles Posts: 117 Member
    I cut an acorn squash in half, scoop it out, add oil to the center and rub it on the edges (coconut or butter) and dump cinnamon all over it. Bake at 350-375 until squishy. I make rings out of tinfoil to hold it upright in the oven.

    I do this too. Tinfoil rings are genius, never thought of that. I just trim the bottom if needed so they sit up. I bake them in a pyrex dish with an inch of water so they steam. They take maybe 45 mins to cook? A little nutmeg or cloves is good too. They taste pumpkiny.
  • Meadows18
    Meadows18 Posts: 206 Member
    I really love spaghetti squash with marinara sauce. It is so filling and delish and extremely easy to cook. I just poke holes in it all over, microwave for 15 minutes on high, cut in half (not length wise so I get the longer strands), scoop out the seeds and flesh, then finally take a spoon and run along the inside of the squash against the skin and scoop it all out into a pasta bowl. Serve and you are set.