
colawoman Posts: 43 Member
Hi fellow boomers! I live in North Port, Florida - born in 1951 and have over 100 pounds to lose - bummer!


  • mamawjoyce
    mamawjoyce Posts: 64 Member
    welcome to Boomers, I was born 1952 & too have alot to lose, Maybe all us can relate to the age thang!:frown:
  • slickannie
    slickannie Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for the welcome to Boomers. Born in 1951 and need to lose at least 60lbs. Any help would be great!
  • dianefisher47
    dianefisher47 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi Boomers, born 1947...hitting 65 in November but after loosing 30 pounds I got a bit of my life back now wanting to loose 30 more. I'm from Canada
  • CarolxJxThompson
    CarolxJxThompson Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Boomers, I'm Carol from Arlington, TX. I was born in 1955. I've lost 50 on Weight Watchers. I've reached a plateau and I'm having stuck losing the last 15 - 20 lbs. I'm switching to counting calories and increasing my exercise. (OK, I don't like to exercise) I'm hoping to learn from all ya'll and we can all lose weight together.

    Any ideas for us?
  • TimeWillTell2
    TimeWillTell2 Posts: 126 Member
    Hi Boomers - I was born in 1958 and have 65 pounds to shed. I am new to dieting - my weight has steadily increased over the last 5 years, so it's past time to deal with it. I can use all the motivation I can get and will promise to support others. Thanks for starting this group!:smile:
  • Hi , I just joined MFP and I'm an older baby boomer born in 1949. I have 45-55lbs to loose. My weight is affecting my health and I want to be an active grandma. Could use a little push especially in the exercise area. I'm not active at all. Any help is welcomed and I will do the same for you.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Hi everyone. I was born in 1951. I signed up on MFP in February 2012, but did not begin my wellness journey until March 12, 2012, so tomorrow is my 5 month anniversary logging here. I have officially lost 78# so far, but have more to go.
    I hope everyone likes this site as much as I do!
    Good Luck to all!
  • EbnyIvry
    EbnyIvry Posts: 736 Member
    Hi, I was born in '52. On Mother's Day, my husband lost his year-long battle to cancer. During his illness, I was focused on caring for him. I stopped working out when he got sick. Now, I'm doing what I know he would want and that is taking care of me. MFP is a great resource for staying on track (so far, at least).
  • Hi, Boomers! I was born in 1963 and I need to lose at least 30 pounds. I just watched HBO's The Weight of the Nation and I had an eye opener. Hope I can stay motivated!!!
  • jennmore52
    jennmore52 Posts: 13 Member
    I was born in 52, gonna hit 60 next month. I quit smoking 5 1/2 years ago and eating took the place of cigs. I'm determined to get back down to a weight where I feel good. Joined a gym and trying to learn to eat to live instead of living to eat.
  • vnut
    vnut Posts: 1
    I was born in 57 and am trying to lose 50 pounds. My weight came on from quitting smoking and bad eating habits. I am walking most everyday and changing my eating habits as much as I can to eat healthy. I still have a lot of slips on the food thing and weight doesnt seem to come off like it once used to.
  • slickannie
    slickannie Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Jenn, my name is Allene. I also quit smoking 5 yrs nd 1 month ago. The bad eating was one thing but then I became an insulin dependent diabetic. Insulin makes you gain weight no matter how hard you try not to. The end of june I was able to come off the insulin, so now I want to take advantage of it and lose at least 60 pounds. I am doing aerobics for 2 hours, 3 times a week along with trying to eat healthy. My biggest problem is cake and almost any candy. I would like a buddy to help me on this journey and hopefully I can help someone else. Oh and I was born in 1951, will be 61 in dec.
  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi All, I'm 56 and want to get to onderland. My young friends on mfp seem to be losing weight much faster than me. So I need some more mature friends who are struggling too. I'm trying intermittent fasting to lose weight.
  • marjrow
    marjrow Posts: 2
    Hi glad I found this forum! I was born in 1954 and I need to loose at least 50 lbs. What I need is mature friends so we can walk this journey together in loosing some weight......:wink:
  • Hi Baby Boomer, I'm also a Lifetime Ww but have been struggling so thought I'd try counting calories. Sounds like you're on the right track. Exercise seems to be key at our stage in life. I'll cheer you on. Good luck.
  • geogie54
    geogie54 Posts: 23
    Hi everyone. Born in 57 and I need to lose 30 lbs. Just joined yesterday but was a lifer with WW. Was having a hard time with the points plus system for some reason, saw MFP and thought I would give it a go. Glad to see people in the same age group having the same problem. And I'm going to have to get off my "duff" and get moving. I will be sure to come back to this forum and see how everyone is doing. Good luck to all!!!
  • Hi Boomers I was born in 1947 I was a total baby boomer a mom at 18 and had 5 beautiful children. I have to lose 100 lbs too so that's why ima here. I'm from Los Angeles California good to be here I love this site So let's do it!!
  • mamawjoyce
    mamawjoyce Posts: 64 Member
    WOW Diane u rock girl! Keep doing what u are doing & it will keep falling off, Hang Tuff!
  • mamawjoyce
    mamawjoyce Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome Carol, U know what & how to do it,50 lbs u rock! I think walk a bit further or faster if u can, I am no expert but, Hang in there.
  • mamawjoyce
    mamawjoyce Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome to Boomers, I can asure u we all support each other here, I haven't been joined but a week & lots have reached out to me. Hang tuff u can do this!