For Post-Surgery People: How Many Months/Years are you Out?



  • Chelsrf
    Chelsrf Posts: 194 Member
    I had my gastric sleeve surgery Jan 2012 so I'm almost 7 months out (next week will be 7). As you can see by my ticker I'm down 133 lbs.
  • maylene1853
    i am almost 3 years out. i went from 253 to 126. i didnt look good that thin so i tried to gain some back. it took a minute but i got up to 137 and loved that weight. now however more has creeped back since i started eating candy and stuff to gain weight. i started bad habits. i got as high as 153 and i was like hell no!! so i joined mfp and im currently at 145. aiming for a goal of 135. however im kinda stalled? i know it must be my late night snacking and drinking with my meals. its so hard for me not to. i never shouldve allowed myself to start that. i just feel so thirsty while i eat! i also hadnt been eating any protein shakes at all so ive gone back to it and i do notice a big difference in how i feel. i also am trying hard to eat no rice or pasta or bread (i will eat toast sometimes tho) this is a hard one for me. i am pretty much purposely giving myself pain to eat foods im not supposed to. surgery definately didnt fix my head, lol.
  • danne32339
    danne32339 Posts: 155 Member
    I had gastric sleeve surgery two months ago. I've lost 20 pounds so far, but seem to be stuck right now. I have not lost anything in almost 3 weeks. I have no idea what the problem is. Any suggestions?
  • mercina22
    mercina22 Posts: 446 Member
    I am 7 months post op.(sleeve) To date i have lost 80 lbs post op and 10 lbs pre.. It was the best decision i have ever made. I started out at 265 at 5'3" and as of this morning i was 175.. Keeping my eye on the prize.. I would like to get to 120 but if i dont its ok. The point of all this is to get healthier .. Feel better .. Live life to the fullest... Its a journey that will take time. I have the rest of my life to get there..:drinker:
  • christine5174
    Hi everyone :). I am 7 months out, I had my RNY surgery on January 11, 2012. It has changed my life!! I am very happy with the results so far, I started at 294 lbs, size 24 and right now I'm 205lbs, size 16. I am frustrated right now because the scale WILL NOT move!!!!! I have switched around my workouts and my eating habits but nothing is changing the number on the scale???? I've also noticed that my energy level has decreased. If anyone is having (or has had) the same problem, please let me know what you did and how you did it to get the number on the scale to move again!! My personal weight goal is 170 and I was SO hoping to be there by now.
  • pljohnson001
    pljohnson001 Posts: 50 Member
    I know others have posted this notion before, but if I watch calories, and don't get enough protein or water, the scale just stalls in the same spot.
  • VaingloriousVictoria
    VaingloriousVictoria Posts: 137 Member
    I am 8 weeks out, and I'm down 46 pounds with the sleeve. :) Best decision ever. If anyone wants a friend or MFP support, add me as a friend. :)
  • Scribetoo
    Scribetoo Posts: 181 Member
    i know it must be my late night snacking and drinking with my meals. its so hard for me not to. i never shouldve allowed myself to start that. i just feel so thirsty while i eat! i also hadnt been eating any protein shakes at all so ive gone back to it and i do notice a big difference in how i feel. i also am trying hard to eat no rice or pasta or bread (i will eat toast sometimes tho) this is a hard one for me. i am pretty much purposely giving myself pain to eat foods im not supposed to. surgery definately didnt fix my head, lol.

    I'm no saint when it comes to eating habits.. that's for sure.. I catch myself doing the same things but I have found some success it reducing my urge to drink while I eat by "power loading" water about a half hour before I eat. I'll drink as much water as I can hold as quickly as I can about a half hour before.. then stop. A half hour later, I'll eat and I find I'm not thirsty.. I do struggle a little bit with the half hour AFTER.. but I notice when I don't drink when I eat, I get full MUCH faster and leave a lot more on my plate. ...Which is probably why they tell us "don't drink and eat at the same time.. " LOL.. you think I'd have learned by now! :)

    The wonderful thing about this journey is every day we get a new chance to succeed! Keep trying! You'll find what works for you!
