


  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Congrats Sundance!

    Today's arn challenge is complete. My stepkids are in town this weekend so I'm not too sure how I will get my exercises done tomorrow... if I do. I don't exercise in front of them. I'm not too sure how I will fit my body by. Vi shakes in.... we'll see what happens. No worries about eating F&V's though.

    Today's F&V:
    * 1 whole banana
    * 4 whole cucumbers
    * watermelon
    * Potatoes (2 portions?)
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    Hi everyone, and thanks :). I have seen a few pic and he is so cute.

    I got my workout in today and did 3 rotations. I ate 2 x tomatoes, 2x cucumbers, 2x salad and black beans.
  • unhinge
    unhinge Posts: 318 Member
    Hello team,
    Workout is done.
    Cucumber 1/2 + 1/2 bell pepper
    Mixed Greens
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I am so sorry everyone but I have really not done any of the challenges this week and only had a handful of veggies. With everything going on with my baby I have struggled to find time to workout.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member

    I'm sorry to hear about your baby not feeling good... I hope he gets better soon.
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    Hey all, I'm sorry you are going through all this stress Belinda, You do what you need to and don't worry about this stuff, little Bentley is waaay more important right now!!!! Just try to take care of yourself, with all the stress you are under ...it will help.:heart:

    Got yesterday's workout in and ate watermelon, veggie soup, lettace, banana, grapes (X 2), corn & potato. It seems so much easier to get plenty of fruits and veggies with the garden being so full. :smile:
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    I hope Bentley is doing better. And you are able to get what ever u you need to do to help him, we understand. You never have to say sorry for putting ur family first.

    Pam I know what you mean about the guarden :). It is wonderful to walk outside and pick tomatoes and cucumbers. I think next year I'll plant more, maybe cantaloupes or watermelon.

    I got in my workout and did not do great on veggies but I had 2 servings of tomatoes a banana and strawberrys.
  • unhinge
    unhinge Posts: 318 Member
    Yes Belinda, you need never apologize for putting family first and I do hope little Bentley feels better soon.... it's hard on MOM!

    Sorry team I did not get the workout done yesterday.... well I did get a workout! I was outside painting my house all day and just didn't have it in me to do the workout after that. :sad:

    I did eat loads of F&V:
    Fresh salad greens X 2
    Spinach X 2

    I am also down 1.2 lb this morning!
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    I didn't get my workout in either, I was working outside all day too....really.... till 1:00 AM!!!! I'm adding quite a bit to that flagstone patio, it is going to be pretty, but I did get in weight lifting, squats, and all kinds of odd stretching :laugh:
    yesterday I had: a banana, 2 tomatoes, green beans, a potato & a peach.

    Today's weight: 149.7 down a bit ...yea!!!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Hey, team!

    Saturday, I didn't get the exercise workout in.

    But, I did get F&V in:
    * Watermelon
    * 4 cups of cucumber/tomatoes
    * celery

    Today's weigh in: 186.9
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    Hello team, looks like a lot of us did not get in sat's workout in, but it sounds like everyone was very productive :).
    I'm excited to say I'm 151.2 today, I am very close to being back in the 140's. My goal for the end of next week. Night all
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I weighed in at 153.8 so that puts me down a pound! I was lower at some point last week but am happy to be under 154 still after eating out so much this weekend
    I was 152 yesterday so down 1.8 pounds this past week and 2.8 since we started
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Hey, everyone.

    I stayed under the sodium level today, but didn't get the challenge done. Will try harder tomorrow.
  • unhinge
    unhinge Posts: 318 Member
    Keep painting, keep painting.... just keep on painting!

    I did get the workout done today - twice! :bigsmile:

    I am over on my personal sodium goal of 1500mg but under 2500mg
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    Wow Kris ! doing that Tabata routine twice, and all that painting...you are a machine! Painting seems to take forever ...doesn't it? a couple of months ago I painted all the doors and shutters and I thought I would never get done! Are you having to climb up very high? I got the workout done but went over on sodium, I had a snack attack:frown: Sodium isn't something I usually pay much attention too, since my blood pressure is low.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Today's exercise challenge is done! I made sure to complete it before I did anything else and got too tired.

    I will check in later for my sodium level. Take care everyone!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Sorry team, I'm over my sodium intake by 77g only... I knew I shouldn't have had that rice (with soya sauce) but it was quite good!
  • unhinge
    unhinge Posts: 318 Member
    Good evening team,

    Workout is done and sodium is under. Have a feeling I'm going to feel this one in the morning!

    Yippee! I got the main section of the house painting done this morning, now comes the trim UGH!!!

    No, Pammie, I'm not too high yet, on the ladder that is. :laugh: The trim part is up higher but I am really in no BIG hurry now that the main color is on. I'll just do a bit here and there as I can.
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member

    No, Pammie, I'm not too high yet, on the ladder that is. :laugh: The trim part is up higher but I am really in no BIG hurry now that the main color is on. I'll just do a bit here and there as I can.
    Well in that case....Don't get too high .....when you're up high :laugh::laugh::laugh:

    I got my workout in yesterday, but I ate nothing but junk all day, so I'm sure my sodium was over.
  • unhinge
    unhinge Posts: 318 Member
    Howdy Gang!

    I was HOT HOT HOT here today!
    I didn't have time for a workout this morning when it was cool but I SO needed on this afternoon. I went to "The Loft" (that's what we call the second story in our shop where my workout equipment is) and did my workout. I intended to do more but decided I needed to quit. Just too hot!
    Days like today makes me wish I had a nice cool gym to go to. :grumble:

    Sodium is under :))