Looking for low carb friends


I am starting Atkins tomorrow and looking for some friends :-)



  • Peg5678
    Peg5678 Posts: 15
    I just started lo carb on Tuesday. Its my first time and I've already had a cheat day, darn it. But back on the wagon again...
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Hello, I've been on MFP for most of the year.

    The first 3 months were the standard "Low fat, watch those calories, have plenty of healthy whole grains" kind of thing. Cue much frustration, hunger and little progress.

    Then I started reading up about the science and I've gone low carb (50g a day) and getting great results.

    Do you know what? I am starting to hate the term "Low Carb" as it implies deprivation, it should be "Adequate Carb" ...

    But I digress, as I usually do here :)
  • lindakp1983
    I just started Phase 1 of South Beach. So no carbs at the moment. Its getting easier. I'm on day 4 I think. Its was really hard the first couple of days and I even cried when my boyfriend asked me which fast food place I wanted to go to. lol. I can't eat any of that.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member

    Do you know what? I am starting to hate the term "Low Carb" as it implies deprivation, it should be "Adequate Carb" ...

    .... its rather fascinating how others outside of our group often think we are killing ourselves eating the several pounds of bacon per day, the blocks of cheese and the 3lb'er steaks... Assumptions definitely make themselves look like an.........****quickly reminds herself of the MFP rule anal-retentive individual... HA!
