Im new

just wanted to say hi,my name is Sherry and I just turned 50 in July,and am wanting to lose at least 60 lbs,more if possible. I need to get motivated and talking to others in my shoes I hope will help!! am just depressed that Im 50,I want to at least feel good about myself if I have to be 50!! I did start walking 1 mile a day,every morning I get up,its the first thing I do and it feels good to do it!! now Im trying to get 100 ozs of water a day,but that I havent done yet,so this week I work on that!!!


  • mamawjoyce
    mamawjoyce Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome sherry to Boomers & Its a battle for sure,u are doing good walking each day, better than me! The age thing is another thing all together,i will be 60 sept so definately feeling the yrs. Just stay focused & strong,all of us are in the same boat & we can do it together,1 day at a time.
  • marjrow
    marjrow Posts: 2
    Hi Sherry...I am also new to the group and as well need support. I am 58 and I hear ya about the age thing, hard to believe I am close to 60 and needing to loose at least 50 lbs. Good for you with your walking, I need to start this as well. We are all in the same boat and we can do this journey one day at a time. Hope to hear back from you....

  • hi, well today I got up and did my mile walk before it rains,and I went to wal mart and got 2 cases of water,I am going to do this!!! I start my low carb diet today,not getting dangerous with it but an going to stick with protein,veggies and some fruit(no fruit at first) I did it before and did so good on it,just want to make it liveable so I can stick with it. so how are you doing with yours? I like to hear of all the different ways to lose!!
  • madivp
    madivp Posts: 112 Member
    mamawjoyce: I will be 60 in September too. I didn't realize that i wasn't going to feel OLD at 60. :laugh:
    sherry009: the diet I am following is a whole food diet with no meat. The reason I choose that is because of my health. I have been on it for two weeks, and have lost 10 pounds. Needless to say my diet before was pretty bad. I had two doctors tell me I needed to quit eating meat because of my cholesterol being so high.:frown:
  • mamawjoyce
    mamawjoyce Posts: 64 Member
    Hey y'all, i went to walmart,of course walked all over it bout 3 times, later i am gonna try to walk down our road as far as i can cause this is my first day walking. That & watching my calculated calories & fruits,veggies, Lean meats,. No food after 5pm,regardless of my belly growling. NO NO Bad Belly!!!!:angry:
  • TimeWillTell2
    TimeWillTell2 Posts: 126 Member
    Welcome Sherry! I have about the same amount of weight to lose. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • topshopperwantabe
    topshopperwantabe Posts: 112 Member
    I am new to this group, I have been on MFP since Jan 2012. I love to read all the success posts on the community board but being in my 60's, losing it is just harder. I will never have a 6 pack (except in my fridge) I want to see what us baby boomers have as success stories. I am currently 21 pounds from my one year goal.
  • gekcsk
    gekcsk Posts: 52 Member
    Welcome sherry. I am new also and will be 62 this month. I have lost 113 pounds recently but have put close to 20 back on. Now I have to get back on track and take that back off. :cry: I am hoping that this wil help me. We can all do this but it sure is nice to talk to others that are working at it also.
  • dianefisher47
    dianefisher47 Posts: 234 Member
    Welcome Sherry I am new to the group also, I will 65 in November and its very important to get in better shape, I have 30 more pounds to lose I have already lost 30 so lets get going and shed those pounds off... lets do this all together ok:flowerforyou: