08-10-2012 Fridays Mad Hatter Chatter

Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
Morning Mad Hatters!

and happy Friday!! (Working mon-fri the past couple of weeks I finally get the significance of TGIF!)

Hope everyone has a great weekend and gets some down time with family and friends, or a chance for a bubble bath and a good book, or whatever turns your fancy for a little ME time! and no fears this week about "oh oh its the weekend" food wise lol... they're just another day as far as working on our relationships with food; so we'll keep on doing what we're doing - aim for the best choices to put in our wonderful bodies, and try to make any "less than best" choices a conscious decision rather than our habitual choices, and it's a win win for all of us!

Catch ya on the flip side tonite ladies!!

and SMILE thru the day... it makes people wonder what you've been up to!! :bigsmile:


  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Morning all & a big thank you to Snooozie for the AM motivation. I will not be posting over the weekend, but will be logging my food. Super busy next couple of days. Tonight date night, then all day Saturday & Sunday I am volunteering at the Spartan race. My exercise will be 10 hours hustling at the back pack check. My son's scout troop did this last year & we had a great time & made a lot of money for the troop. To those not familiar the Spartan race is a 5k mixed with obsticles like jumping over fire, over walls, under barbed wire. It is for elite athletes & really fun to be involved in. There are 12,000 signed up for Saturday & I am not sure how many for Sunday . Well I am about to head out for my AM run before work. I will catch up & read all posts on Monday.
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Good Friday Hatters!!!
    As always thanks Snoozie for getting us started and I echo your wishes for everyone to have a happy weekend.
    *Bisland, the Spartan race does sound found to watch, but the people doing it sound crazy. I can understand why soldiers would need this kind of training, but I can not imagine anyone wanting to do it for fun.
    When I started Body Pump a couple of weeks ago, I knew I needed to get into the habit before it started being dark when I leave the house at 5:45am. It has already started getting darker, and it does not seem as difficult as I expected to get back in the habit of such early mornings. Even if I were my goal size I would still be the largest person in the class. I think a lot of women are intimidated to take group fitness classes, especially when it involves weights and a full wall mirror in the front and back of the class. If you are one of those people who is nervous about starting a class because all the other people look like they are just there for maintenance, get your courage up and go. The other people are too concerned about their own fitness to care about yours. And as far as weights go, we hatters are at the age where we need to worry about our bones and weight bearing strength exercises are just what the doctor ordered.
    Speaking of doctors, I got a letter from my internist of 15 years that he has left his practice and my appointment next week will be with a doctor I have never met. Some doctors have real problems in dealing with large women and I am very apprehensive. Have you ever had a doctor say "you JUST need to lose weight" And that is all the guidance or support that they give you? In my mind telling an obese person (which I clinically still am) that they "Just need to lose weight" is the same as a doctor telling someone you "Just need to get rid of that infection". Our fitness is ultimately our responsibility, but I think that doctors have failed to give people the guidance and support that is needed to change life long habits and to get fit and become a healthy size.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Morning all & a big thank you to Snooozie for the AM motivation. I will not be posting over the weekend, but will be logging my food. Super busy next couple of days. Tonight date night, then all day Saturday & Sunday I am volunteering at the Spartan race. My exercise will be 10 hours hustling at the back pack check. My son's scout troop did this last year & we had a great time & made a lot of money for the troop. To those not familiar the Spartan race is a 5k mixed with obsticles like jumping over fire, over walls, under barbed wire. It is for elite athletes & really fun to be involved in. There are 12,000 signed up for Saturday & I am not sure how many for Sunday . Well I am about to head out for my AM run before work. I will catch up & read all posts on Monday.

    My son made Eagle in scouts - his ECoH will be 13 October (thank goodness not a Friday - lol) smile team smile :glasses:
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    Hairspray- doctors are like any fee-for-service professional. If you don't like that one, get another one. You wouldn't put up with that crap from a plumber, right? [said the nurse!!] Hopefully, you'll like the new one.
    We were hit by two tornadoes in June. We had our roof repaired on a Wednesday from the first one and got hit again two days later. We just had our roof replaced on Wednesday. We had a bad storm last night and heard a huge crash. Fortunately, it was only a big branch. No damage. I'll take it! We're having the gutters put on tomorrow then we can start on the inside damage. We're getting there.
    I weighed in yesterday. I've gained 6 lbs. this summer. I'm disappointed but not surprised. I've never lost an ounce by mistake. I have to regain focus and start over. I'm off to the gym.
    Have a good day and a great weekend!
    Kobie - The Other Cheryl
    And congrats to the new Eagle Scout!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    thanks - will be glad when 14 Oct gets here - sleep where are you?

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Evening Hatters..

    Before the sun goes down just a quick post for some replies.. had a long day at the puter but only one more day tomorrow then days off.. woo hoo! Have follow up with the eyeball doc Tues and am hoping for the all clear, but being a good little follower of the rules for now so will not stay on long.. (yeah I know… right, Snoozie.. sure Snoozie..)

    Bis: date night!! Woot woot!! Have a great time (wink wink nudge nudge) and the race activities sound awesome.. 12,000?? Really? You’re gonna be burning a whole lot of calories running around the backpack central for sure; enjoy and let us know how it goes!

    HSH: my doc told me to get my walk in if possible before eating (i.e., before breakfast) but there’s no way on dayshift I can do that.. I’m already up at 4am and not a chance in the world I’d get up earlier to walk; so on those days I am okay with going after work or in the evening…but on my other shifts and days off I try to get it in first thing as well.. I absolutely agree with you on the classes.. I’ve tried a few but always been embarrassed because I can’t keep up (because I’m out of shape) and I’m not very co ordinated – so the zumbas and aerobics stuff is just beyond me, but my doc has told me I have to start strength training for exactly the reason you pointed out.. bone density and weight bearing strength. I got a resistance band and some beginner exercises b4 the eye surgery, and once I get the go ahead I’m going to start with it and hopefully move on to the gym downstairs at some point. And as for the doctor; I’m not sure how it works in the States to be honest; but I had the same problem and about 10 yrs ago I just walked into my local hospital and asked for a list of physicans in my city who had privileges at the hospital, AND were taking new patients. They gave me the list.. I went thru it and picked a couple of names; went for a visit to each and stopped when I found my one – she’s a female who is the same age as me, which means she understands a LOT about being a woman. She’s not overweight, and she is pretty blunt and straightforward, BUT she was the one who said to me after 50.. its 100 times harder to lose weight, so be prepared. What you used to be able to shed with watching what you ate for a few weeks just won’t happen now; so know it can be done, but it’s going to be a lot harder. She suggested several books and websites (a few of which I had found on my own..but I’m gonna mention MFP to her for her other patients next time I’m in).. So while she tells me what I need to do to improve my health and isn’t warm and fuzzy as such, she absolutely understands – she told me last time she used to take yoga classes 3x a week but just couldn’t find the time anymore so had to drop it to once a week… I guess for me its just nice to know that while she is adamant I change my lifestyle to avoid the type2 diabetes, lower my cholesterol and live longer – she also understands the reality of being a woman and having responsibilities and obligations other than taking care of yourself. She doesn’t allow it to be used as an excuse, but .. anyway, I don’t know what your options are in the U.S., but I would definitely find someone you are completely comfortable with…because as we age we want someone as well who knows our medical history (although I told her she better not retire on me lol). And I absolutely agree about some of them simply saying “lose weight”.. they are the same ones who treat their elderly patients as annoyances and just keep prescribing more pills.. my senior friend I look after was starting to forget things and getting a little confused.. we were at HER doc one day and I asked him to run some blood tests.. he was really not liking the idea and suggested a script.. I said I’d really like to have the blood tests done.. turned out she had a big B12 deficiency, which can cause mental fuzzys.. she’s been going for a B12 shot once a month now for about a year and the bit of confusion and fuzzy mental state is completely gone.. (there are times she’s more with it than I am LOL). SO if it’s possible at all for you to “scope out” a couple, I would absolutely suggest taking them on a test run first..

    CBM: I feel a little stupid asking this, but I’ve seen a few posts from parents on this site (outside of the Hatters) about their children making eagle scout, and the ECOH? I’m sorry.. but I have no idea what that is… except I gather its pretty exciting news so I’m thrilled for you.. but if you don’t mind, could you maybe message me with a little info on it??

    LOL @ Kobie.. I shudda read your post first.. HSH..??? UMM.. replace my ramblings with what Kobie said about the docs lol. She was much more succinct and yes.. I agree with her completely! Kobie my heart just about stopped when I read you heard a crash last nite because I remember when you told us about the tornados and the repairs..and all I could think of was OH NO.. so glad to hear it was only a branch! As for the 6lbs, all that matters is that you now know what you’re looking to lose, so good on ya for hopping on and knowing for sure.. it’ll be gone in no time my dear, and huge IPOU on getting back to the gym asap!!

    Hope all the hatters who are vacationing are enjoying their down time, and that those who have to work aren’t exhausted to the bone!! Will be popping in over the weekend to see who’s hanging out!
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    thanks - will be glad when 14 Oct gets here - sleep where are you?


    back from my evening & a quick moment to check in. Huge congrats Carol !, I know from experince the effort you put in along with your son on the road to eagle. My son Joe's ECHO (Eagle Court of Honor) for snoozie Was June 2. The ECHO is the formal ceramony where the scout is officially pinned & Mom & Dad get a pin as well. The scout gets lots of letters and awards from senators, congress men & even the president. My son Joe is now an Assistant Scout Master for the troop.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    OH WOW!! Thanks for the info Bis... so doubly thrilled for cbm now!

    Hope all the hatters are having a good weekend. I'm heading into work around noon (or whenever I feel so inclined) to finish off the last of the stuff I didnt get finished, then I'm free for a week.. yay!

    It's funny about the logging of food tho.. even in the couple of weeks I've been doing it since I joined MFP, I am starting to be able to gauge how many calories are in whatever I'm planning to eat.. or I will try to figure it out sometimes before I eat it..but because I'm learning more I've come to realize that I can eat WAY more good food (specially lots of fruit and veg) and sometimes even have calories left over... but whenever I have a day heavy on processed foods (which is usually a work day) then it seems as though I don't get anywhere near as much to eat, and suddenly by mid afternoon I've got maybe 100 calories left for the day! And those seem to be the days where I end up messing up because I'm still hungry! Sometimes when I'm eating well I think I must have messed up my logging cause I still have loads of room left for calories, but after looking through a month of my diary, I figured out that its the processed stuff days that give me little value (and little amounts of food) for my calories.. just sharing my thoughts out loud lol... (and I discovered too.. that the diaries keep the last recorded AMOUNT ... so for a couple of days I had carried over doubles of stuff (like one morning i had 2 large Tims coffees.. and didn't realize it had carried over the 2 to a couple of days.. at 90 calories each...lol I lost out on an extra munch on those days LOLOL.

    Have a great day Hatters!!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    To both of the 2012 Eagle Scout Moms, congratulations to your sons and to your entire families. I know it is a family effort!

    Kobie and Snoozie, you are both correct it is my responsibility to find a new doctor who is competent, empathetic and supportive. I feel like the Banks children in Mary Poppins, like they had a list for the perfect Nanny, I have a list for the perfect internist. I just dread the process of selection. I am also open to a Nurse Practioner.

    NSV, I put on a pair of walking shorts that I bought in the spring when they were too small. When I put them on, I could take them on and off without unzipping them. I am wearing them with a long top, so you don't notice they are loose around the waste. What a wonderful problem, to be wearing a long top, not to hide a stretchy waist, but too big pants!

    Has anyone tried the scan feature for the food diary? I used it with my Ipad yesterday and it was easy getting info from food packages. Although as Snoozie mentioned the best food is not processed with extra ingredients so it is easy to add. It was my first time using my Ipad for a scanner, so I was going around scanning all kinds of stuff!

    My 21yr old youngest daughter and I are going to get pedicures when she is finished work. I wish I could do that every week!
    Happy weekend, Hatters
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    thanks Bis for helping out - and congrats - my son will probably be an Assistant Scout Master and we'll see from there....

    The ECoH for my son will bel held in October - formal ceremony followed by a reception at the church where he did the project - working that piece of the puzzle now - probably inviting the church, family, and scouts.... Ugh - all for $15 per plate... will probably do a buffet -

    Brian's project was painting the Sunday School classrooms at the church we attend / and the scouts just happen to meet there - 7 rooms with 9 doors (added the nursery doors to the project since the rooms had been done in the fall) over 3 weekends....

    Thank goodness for donations from MAB / Sherwin Willilams and Home Depot - we are definietely an orange family now - Lowes kept telling us they had to go to "corporate hq"....and members of the church and scout troop....
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ snoozie - so true about the logging in... amazing how that works huh? lol....:flowerforyou: :laugh: :drinker: :drinker:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @hairspray - good luck finding a good doc - know what you mean about having a list of what's good in a doc...

    and congrats on the NSV! love those!

    my pedicure is "big apple red"....OPI

    next color will be "jamaican me crazy" from essie... since going on vacation at the end of the month with hubby and son...
    and do like "jamaican me happy" wine coolers from seagrams.... :laugh:

    @merobi - think the color speaks for itself...:laugh:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    At the last minute my youngest and I decided to take our freshly pedicured toes to the cheap seats at the Orioles game. We had a great time, I drank LOTS of water and I brought peaches for part of my lunch. A very appropriate fruit, since the inside of the peach was Orange the Orioles color. We split an italian sausage sandwich for lunch, so overall it was a healthy experience and it was fun doing something one on one with Beth. (and the O's won!)
    And my toes are also Big Apple Red by Opi, we hatters think alike. Now I am headed to the park for a Naval Academy concert band outdoor concert-life is good. (but I do miss my hubby who is helping our son move into a new apt.)
    The concert will prevent me from obsessing over tomorrow morning's weigh-in. No matter how much I tell myself its just a number and the main thing is healthy choices. I still get nervous.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @hairspray.... :noway: :noway:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :glasses: :flowerforyou: :