Goals for the next 4 weeks

KateL1969 Posts: 98 Member
OK team - lets set our goals for the next 4 weeks. As they say, we need to set goals because if we are aiming for nowhere, that;'s just where we will go.

Forethought: The ability of our minds to create the future
Affirmation: A goal written out in a short description that when written correctly triggers an image in your mind of your goal already accomplished. An affirmation is a tool to deliberately create your memory for the future by projecting that future into the present through forethought.

Steps for writing affirmations:
It needs to be personal - use the word I
It needs to be positive - describe what you want, not what you don't want
It needs to be in the present tense as though it is already happening
It needs to indicate achievement - include I do or I have rather than can, will or should
Do not compare yourself to others
Use action words - quickly, easily
Use emotion words - how do you feel when you picture your goal?
Accuracy - be specific e.g how much exercise a day, how much will you weigh?
Realistic - what can you realistically achieve in 4 weeks? Close your eyes and visualise experientially the image of your goal.

My affirmation:
It is 17th September, I have consistently eaten 1200 net calories , have been exercising for at least 30 minutes every day including weights at least twice a week and can easily run 5k. I have lost 4 lbs minimum, an inch from my waist/hips and am feeling slimmer, healthier and a great sense of achievement.



  • svesemenja
    svesemenja Posts: 67 Member
    I am eating more vegetables, for each meal, and so much more fruits. I am having few types of fruit every day. My tummy is smaller, which makes my so happy (I never ever had small tummy), and my arms are slimmer (finally the muscles are showing) and of course my thighs are not touching each other anymore.. The last ones makes me so proud, because that was the trigger for this journey of weight lost. My waist/hips are smaller, thank you 30D for that.And body revolution is kicking by butt.. I till go to gym and do elliptical every day and weight lifting every second day. I added more weights on dumbbells and barbell.

    I am super excited for showing off my progress in fancy dress for my thesis defense, and super duper happy and confident in wearing bikini.My mum is coming in middle of Sept and we will go to some islands and beaches.

  • SLBry6024
    SLBry6024 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello all, I'm Sarah,

    M goal the next four weeks are simple. I had Blood clots and my doctor just gave me the okay to start light excerise. So my goal is to walk 1 mile/20min everyday.
    At the end of the four weeks my goal is lose 4-6 lbs.

  • dwyadygwyad
    dwyadygwyad Posts: 46 Member
    I faltered at the end of the last group (30 day challenge) so I am very pleased on my first day back to have a new group started by someone (Kate) who has a great understanding of the psychology of weight loss.

    My focus will be to avoid all or nothing thinking, to focus on accountability but also positivity and small goals. I'll be looking for a balance between being accountable and beating myself up; a balance between positive thinking and fairy tale thinking. Could use some help on the language that is for both.

    Will report back tonight with an affirmation.

  • JennyDuffy
    JennyDuffy Posts: 45 Member
    Love this!

    My affirmation: I have lost another 4lbs at least! I was able to stay on track while on holiday. My arms have become slimmer and are starting to show more definition. My stomach is flatter. I am able to run further without walking in between. I am much happy in myself and feel much more confident!

    Thanks to everyone in this group for motivating me to reach these goals and boost my self esteem!

    Jenny :smile:
  • shj41
    shj41 Posts: 17 Member
    I agree, this is brilliant, just what I'm looking for.

    My affirmation: I have made a start! I have lost 4lb. I have consistently eaten within my target calories each day, I have walked or hula hooped or danced everyday for 10 minutes. I view my goal now as achievable, given patience and determination. I have celebrated my anniversary and enjoyed my holiday and kept on track. Now have something else to celebrate. I have made a start.

    Thanks for the motivation.

  • IJJoyce
    IJJoyce Posts: 5
    This ia a great idea
    My goals are small. I want to list everything I eat in my food diary even when I over eat.
    I want to get exercisse 5 days a week for 30 minutes each day.
    I want to lose 4 to 5 pounds by the end of 4 weeks.
  • Fit_2013
    Fit_2013 Posts: 326 Member
    My affirmation.

    In 4 weeks I am 188 lbs.
    In 4 weeks I am walking between 15- 20 miles per week.
  • haasgirl
    haasgirl Posts: 55
    In the next 4 weeks I have set 3 goals:
    1. Stay within my allowable calories even on the weekend and log everything
    2. Exercise a minimum of 4 days a week for 30 minutes
    3. Lose 4 lbs

  • :heart: :heart: What a great group! so glad to have like minded people sharing goals that are healthy and realistic.

    My Goal this month:
    -continue with strength tranning and be able to run 35 mins at a quick paste straight without walking.
    -If i get off track foodwise or excercisewise one day, make sure the next day I work extra hard to eat right and push myself harder
    - no late night eating!!
    - dont be discouraged by the slow process
    - be under 140, ~a 5 lb loss

  • brminor
    brminor Posts: 46 Member
    My affirmation: I have lost 5lbs. I have logged my activity daily, and I have worked out at least 4 times each week. I will contiune to maintain my calorie goal to help me lose weight.
  • michelleyounger
    michelleyounger Posts: 4 Member
    I want to help myself by seeing your ladies great inspirations. I struggle with a lot of things alcoholism, food addition, and to no surprise a very low self worth, which effects my marriage.
    I want to list everything I eat in my food diary ESPECIALLY WHEN I OVEREAT
    I want to get exercisse 5 days a week for 30 minutes each day, on top of my work schdule
    I want to lose 4 to 5 pounds by the end of 4 weeks.
  • ashdred
    ashdred Posts: 95 Member
    Affirmation: It's September 17th and I have remained consistent. I have logged all that I've consumed in my food diary -- even on the weekends and/or if I've gone over. I've held myself accountable and made better choices and even tried meatless options. I've used my time wisely and have continued my 20-25 min walks on break at work; My newborn and the gym's distance are no longer my excuses. This has all made me feel fantastic, because now I have to take in those size 26 shorts I bought almost two months ago. I even face myself in the mirror and tell myself how pretty I am because my husband tells me all the time, but now I know for sure. Did I mention, I'm 4lbs lighter. *twinkle toes*
  • dcipolone
    dcipolone Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Everyone and Congratulations on your achievements!
    My goals for the next four weeks are:
    I want to stay motivated.
    I want to continue tracking exercise and food using MFP.
    I want to continue learning from others by their experiences and education concerning diet and exercise.
    I want to tone, lose weight, and stay healthy doing it!
  • Rebeccawks
    Rebeccawks Posts: 61 Member
    It is September 17th and I am finally able to proudly say that I am not in the 190s. (I realize that it took me a few months to mentally and physically beat this plateau and I am stronger and more confident because of it!) I am able to wear those dress pants that I accidently bought a size too small. :) I am walking as much as possible during work and everyday, no matter what my exercise partner is doing, I AM going to the gym. There is no longer any room for excuses in my life. I am running 2 miles a day and my body fat is decreasing. I'm finally seeing progress in an area that has all but stalled for MONTHS.

    I'm so excited for this group! Writing down goals in the present definitely is motivating. :) Can't wait for this journey.

    It's only 4 weeks guys! We've got this!

  • babs24
    babs24 Posts: 13 Member
    Sept 17th

    I feel amazing! I've gotten past my road blocks and have figured out a routine for me that works. I feel great in my body and free to do what I want. I'm calm and confident with how I take care of myself.

    Most nights, I'm in bed by 9:30pm and meditate 15 minutes or so. I wake up at 6am and run or do P90X or yoga until 7am, and bike to work. If I'm really tired in the morning, I listen to my body and just do a few stretches before riding my bike or catching the bus to work.

    After work, I do weights, yoga, or walk/run outside if it's nice. I do exactly what I want, not what I think I should do. I make my friends and family part of my activities, going for walks or yoga together, doing a workout on tv, or talking on the phone while we work out if we don't have time to meet up. I make dinner or have leftovers from the night before. I do something I enjoy, read, paint, crochet, decorate the house...anything to wind down. I prep my food and workout bag for the next day.

    I have been making almost all of my meals - baking protein breakfast muffins, eating salads at lunch or dinner. I feel creative and expressive in the kitchen. Things are clean, fresh, and organized. I make meals that are delicious and make me feel good, trying different recipes. My skin is glowing and I've been sleeping better.

    I weigh 135 - 138. My stomach is flatter and arms & thighs are slimmer. Yes!!
  • I_AM_JadaJ
    I_AM_JadaJ Posts: 5 Member
    My goal for the next four weeks...

    When I weigh in at the end of this four week journey. I wish to have lost at least 5 lbs. That's a weight loss goal of at least 1.25lbs per week. I hope to feel as confident naked as I do when I am fully dress. I am happy with my overall appearence however. The folds of fat on my back are like are dark cloud over my head.

    On a more short term view. I want to exericse at least 3x a week. I haven't done that since I've started this journey and I hope to say this is something that I have accomplished by the end of this week.
  • df1982
    df1982 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi everyone! I really need motivation right now so I'm excited to be here.

    Affirmation: It's September 17th and I'm following a consistent routine of getting to the gym or doing something outside at least 5 days a week. I'm also walking or biking to work at least two days a week - more if I don't feel like I can get to the gym or out for a run or a swim that day. I'm happy with how I look, but more importantly, I feel great - energized and motivated to keep going. I fit into my closet of clothes. I'm cooking more and eating out less. I'm drinking lots of water and tea in addition to the coffee I love. I'm limiting alcohol to 3 drinks a week. I'm rewarding myself for each 3 lbs lost with manicures, massages, movies out.

    Good luck to everyone,

  • dvelocity
    dvelocity Posts: 309 Member
    Today is September 17th and I am almost out of the 230's just a smidge to go. I have done C25K 3 times a week for the last four weeks and I feel so good about the improvement I am making in my ability to run. I have stayed within my calories not every day, but they do even out over the week. I am proud of myself for logging all of my food and beverages. I am happy about the results and I am excited and ready to do more.
  • nikihampton
    nikihampton Posts: 62 Member
    My goals:

    Beat my time at the Women's Half Marathon
    Log everything
    Continue my strength routine (Bootcamp or independently)
    Run 5-6 times a week (after recovery from half)
    Finally lose some inches
    Lose 8 lbs.
  • sexy_RN88
    sexy_RN88 Posts: 58 Member
    September 17th:

    I am so proud of myself! In the last four weeks, I've lost six pounds, 1 inch from each thigh, 2 inches from my waist and 3 inches from my hips! I have been getting a minimum of 45 minutes of exercise every day, whether it is walking while watching Buffy or getting up at the crack of dawn to go for a swim. I have been doing strength training five times per week as well via videos on the YouTube channel "Be Fit". I have been staying within my calorie limits easily, and while the majority of my diet has been healthy and fresh, I have made allowances for the occasional slice of pizza. I have been getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night and have flossed my teeth every night before bed. I will be treating myself to a spa mani/pedi tomorrow as a reward for meeting all my goals!

    Great idea, Kate! Love the affirmation! :)