The Olympians



  • judy225
    judy225 Posts: 29 Member
    HI Team
    I see lots of good work has been going on, way to go!!! Mine, not so great, but a little progress. Down 3 pounds 210, probably due more to depressed about my son going to his Dad's so didn't eat a lot, but here's the summary

    Tues exercise done, 1 cup carrots, banana, 2 cups fruit medley (was bogo at Publix this week)
    Wed - exercise not done - 2 bananas, 1 cup carrots, 1 cup fruit medley, 1 cup salad
    Thurs - exercise not done, banana, cup fruit medley, 1 cup steamed broccoli
    Fri - exercise not done, banana, 1 cup carrots
    Sat - exercise not done, 2 bananas, 2 cups fruit medley, 1 cup green beans

    Been rough week for me (sincerely apologize), but determined to turn this around this week. Promise to check in daily, track daily, and do daily/weekly challenge. Everyone else with me?

    Please don't forget to post/email me your weight today.

    I'll post next weeks info when I see it. And thanks for posting last few days.

    I wanted to ask couple more get to know you questions, if care to share....
    1-what's your favorite and least favorite fruit/veggie
    2-If we were each to pick a small goal for this week, what would it be?
    3-do you have a favorite healthy recipe that you would like to share
    4-what was your best vacation?

    Have a great week!!!
  • judy225
    judy225 Posts: 29 Member
    Week Challenge:
    Sodium.... Stay under your sodium for this week. Your team can earn 1 point for each day you are under. That means each person can earn 6 points and every team can earn an extra 30 points in this team challenge.

    Monday - 8/13 - legs
    Tabata video (4 min workout) do twice if you are advanced
  • emmoen1
    emmoen1 Posts: 86 Member
    Yeah so not a great week for me either but I am sure it was due to my eating. It was not the healthiest week but that is just it I dont want to cut out the food I enjoy to eat. So I will still have to work on this. But I gained 2lbs. Weight 150.
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    Hey everyone! I think I did ok this past week. It was hard for me to get all the fruit and veggies. Had to go and buy a bunch monday last week so I would have enough to even make it through the week. I am down to 187.4! I lost about 2 pounds this past week. The sodium challenge is going to be tough. But I know it will be great because I know I have retained water when I have checked my weight before.

    Here are the get to know you questions
    1-what's your favorite and least favorite fruit/veggie - My favorite veggies is green beans, which we didn't have any this week, and I love grapes, My least favorite veggies is brocolli, I am just starting eat them and its taking some work to adjust. Least favorite fruit would be apples just because eating them hurts my teeth. I love them but they make my mouth hurt.
    2-If we were each to pick a small goal for this week, what would it be? My small goal for this week would to be to get out of bed and do a workout before work. I got up this morning
    3-do you have a favorite healthy recipe that you would like to share- I really dont have any recipes because I dont cook a whole lot. My husband is the better cook.
    4-what was your best vacation? To date my best vacation was this past May to Vegas with my husband. But I bet that will be topped in October when I go on a cruise with my family for my sisters destination wedding!
  • emmoen1
    emmoen1 Posts: 86 Member
    8/13 I was below in sodium but unable to do the leg exercise

    1-what's your favorite and least favorite fruit/veggie ... fresh garden tomato, I could live off them.. dislike asparagus

    2-If we were each to pick a small goal for this week, what would it be? To lose the weight I gained... which I think I will because this morning I was at 150... now 148... so I feel like I was just bloated because I did not drink enough water over the weekend

    3-do you have a favorite healthy recipe that you would like to share... i use to but lost it... kinda upsets me because it was protein banana bread that was amazing :frown:

    4-what was your best vacation? Really have not been on a vacation for a while... so not really sure on this one...

    Hope everyone is doing well....
  • merry_abandon
    merry_abandon Posts: 140 Member
    8/13- Sodium: Under; Exercise: Complete

    1-what's your favorite and least favorite fruit/veggie
    My favorite fruit would have to be strawberries and my favorite vegetable is the red bell pepper, but I don't like bananas unless they're in bread and I can't stand even the smell of cauliflower

    2-If we were each to pick a small goal for this week, what would it be?
    To stay on track with eating and exercising! I skipped a couple days of 30DS because I left my DVD at the condo this weekend, which completely devastated me. But hooray for YouTube!

    3-do you have a favorite healthy recipe that you would like to share
    Not a healthy one, but if you ever need to gain weight, my family's loaded with pastry recipes!

    4-what was your best vacation?
    It would be between visiting my grandma by myself when I was 16 (she lives in Missouri, so I got to fly up there by myself for the first time) and quite frankly she is the most awesome person ever. The other time was when my parents and I stayed in a cabin in NC... the misty Appalachians are so calming and peaceful compared to the bright, sticky Florida flatness!

    We can do this! New week, new excitement, new opportunities for success!
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Hi Ladies!! My sincerest apologies for not checking in...I was trying to wait until I wasnt mobile, but I am still mobile..its so much easier on a PC...not the best week...I gained 1.2lbs...I was under sodium on Sunday..Monday I was over by 89 :( I beleive for 8/11 my fruit/veggie count was 6...i know everyone did GREAT work! Keep it up!
  • judy225
    judy225 Posts: 29 Member
    Tuesday - 8/14 - hardCORE
    You can break these up into reasonable sets for yourself. Please keep them as one workout though.

    Start with this video:

    55 crunches/sit ups
    30 right oblique crunches
    30 left oblique crunches
    40 bicycle crunches
    40 bridge

    This is a bridge...
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    Good Morning!
    8/13 Over on sodium, YIKES! I didn't realize how much sodium was in the things I was eating. So going to really have to watch what I eat this week. I was really suprised how much sodium my yogurt had. It was hard to pack my lunch for work today trying to find things that had less sodium. I did get the work out in yesterday, It was hard, jumping squats were good but the lunges forward and backward were killing me. I must have looked funny because I did it in my backyard while my son played. I better take advantage of the nice days before winter hits and its -30 degrees and I dread even having to open the door.

    Hope everyone is doing good!
  • judy225
    judy225 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey gals.....
    checking in for Monday - got exercise and under in sodium. Sodium is something I don't especially pay attention to, so just worked out. Be interesting to see how this week goes.

    1-what's your favorite and least favorite fruit/veggie - fav zucchini, least fav - lots there - greens, brussels sprouts, asparagus
    2-If we were each to pick a small goal for this week, what would it be? check in daily, log daily
    3-do you have a favorite healthy recipe that you would like to share
    Super easy - Chicken Salsa in crock pot. Put frozen boneless chicken breast in crock pot, pout jar of salsa over it, cook on low for 8 hours. mix/shred, eat by itself, over brown rice or in tortilla
    I have also been enjoying some new recipes from - lots zucchini recipes since in season- yummy
    Erin, protein banana bread sounds awesome, let us know if find it.
    4-what was your best vacation?
    Hmm, this is hard, going on vacation anywhere is good. :-) I guess St Thomas, US Virgin Islands, or our California trip.

    Have an awesome day. Let's all try to check in daily
  • emmoen1
    emmoen1 Posts: 86 Member
    Banana Bread Recipe

    1 cup applesauce
    8-ounce package low-fat cream cheese, softened
    1/2 cup sugar + 1/2 cup sugar substitute _
    (you can double the amount of sugar and not use substitute if preferred)
    4-ounce carton egg replacement (or 4 egg whites)
    2 large bananas mashed (very ripe is best)
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1 1/4 cups 100% whole wheat flour
    1 cup vanilla protein powder
    1 1/2 teaspoons each baking powder and baking soda
    2 teaspoons ground cinnamon or nutmeg
    1/4 cup crushed walnuts (optional) (I don't like so I didn't use them)

    Mix the applesauce, and cream cheese together in a blender. Gradually add the sugar and sugar
    substitute, and continue beating until light and fluffy. Add eggs and bananas and vanilla. Transfer to a
    bowl. Add flour, protein powder, baking powder, baking soda, and cinnamon or nutmeg, then mix until
    batter is just moist. Sprinkle walnuts on top (if using). Pour batter into loaf pans. Bake at 350° F. (175°
    C.) for 45 minutes, or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.

    For 1-inch slice aboout

    Nutrition Facts
    Calories 226.2
    Total Fat 5.3 g
    Saturated Fat 3.1 g
    Polyunsaturated Fat 0.2 g
    Monounsaturated Fat 1.1 g
    Cholesterol 51.2 mg
    Sodium 343.2 mg
    Potassium 140.2 mg
    Total Carbohydrate 31.1 g
    Dietary Fiber 2.5 g
    Sugars 16.7 g
    Protein 17.4 g

    Vitamin A 3.2 %
    Vitamin B-12 28.7 %
    Vitamin B-6 70.2 %
    Vitamin C 3.9 %
    Vitamin D 0.0 %
    Vitamin E 0.4 %
    Calcium 20.5 %
    Copper 1.8 %
    Folate 2.1 %
    Iron 2.8 %
    Magnesium 21.0 %
    Manganese 2.9 %
    Niacin 1.0 %
    Pantothenic Acid 56.8 %
    Phosphorus 14.2 %
    Riboflavin 70.4 %
    Selenium 1.7 %
    Thiamin 63.8 %
    Zinc 24.7 %
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Oh.oh..I loooooove questions! Here are my answers!.

    1-what's your favorite and least favorite fruit/veggie
    I love any favorite veggie has to be broccoli...I love that stuff....My least favorite has to be cooked celery...I love raw celery. But cooked celery is gross!

    2-If we were each to pick a small goal for this week, what would it be?
    I don't know about everyone, but I would like to lose the weight I gained last week

    3-do you have a favorite healthy recipe that you would like to share
    of course! My newest favorite healthy recipe is Buffalo Chicken Hot Wing Dip......its so great! (its in the middle of the page)....stuff goes PERFECT with raw veggies!

    4-what was your best vacation?
    hmmmmm you know, I'm not sure I've ever been on an actual vacation....but if I did..taking my babies to Disneyworld with no budget would be the best
  • emmoen1
    emmoen1 Posts: 86 Member
    8/14: Under in Sodium... and completed the exercise!

    Today was a good day even though I am hungry :indifferent: I could probably take in a few more calories for the day but I just don't want/ feel the need to. We are about to move so our house is very limited in food.
  • merry_abandon
    merry_abandon Posts: 140 Member
    8/14- Sodium: Under; Exercise: Completed

    I ate back my exercise calories today, which is not something I normally do, but at least I'm still on track! I'm stressing out a bit right now because I'm going to a brewery with my cousin and his friends tomorrow, but I don't drink. I'm staying with my aunt and uncle during this research trip and haven't really had a chance to hang out with my cousin, so I hope that it doesn't become awkward at all (I'm quite socially clumsy). Do any of you have anything special (and hopefully not potentially awkward) planned this week?
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Morning Lovely Ladies!! Happy Wednesday!

    8/14 results: Exercise DONE!! Under Sodium? HECK YES!!!

    What are the exercises for today? Are these posted somewhere else for the week? Someone help me out here!
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    8/14 Under on sodium and exercise done. It was a good day. Hope everyone is having a great day, I am having a crazy day at work that shouldn't have been crazy.
  • merry_abandon
    merry_abandon Posts: 140 Member
    Hey Jen! The workout today is 30 minutes of any kind of exercise, minus cleaning and cooking. The challenges are posted on the main August challenge page, pinned at the top (I think the thread is called Weekly Challenges). Good luck!
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    Hey ladies! I am under my sodium for today. I also decided to give the 30 Day Shred a try, I found it on youtube and just did my first workout and I really like it. I have sweat rolling off me right now. I also did 15 minutes of the Biggest Loser Wii game. I might go for a walk once I get my kids ready for bed. I am excited because the 30 day shred is something my husband could do with me.
  • merry_abandon
    merry_abandon Posts: 140 Member
    8/15- Sodium: Under; Exercise: Complete

    I'm also doing 30DS, Amy! I love it! It really is a good program to do with someone else. I'm hoping I can get my roommates into doing it when I go back to school (as much for their benefit as for my own, since I could use some accountability).

    Have a lovely Thursday, ladies!
  • emmoen1
    emmoen1 Posts: 86 Member
    8/15: did my 30 min exercise but was not under in sodium... but thats okay because wednesday lunch is my only cheat meal. But I started 30DS but didnt do it at the beginning of this week but restart tomorrow.