Goals for the next 4 weeks



  • jcfromny
    jcfromny Posts: 16 Member
    I'm new to this site, just signed up today. My goal over the next four weeks is to really take control of my eating habits and exercise everyday! I'm recently engaged and have gained 10lbs... boy do I like him!!! But I really want to get back to the weight I was when we met. I need to have better eating habits; my downfall - Cheese! We have cheese and crackers every night! I need better snack choices... and to control my portions. I'm glad you're all here! Much success to us all!
  • Hi I am so glad I found this group.

    Affirmation: I have made the first step and decision to finally make a change for good. I am going to have more energy to play with my kids and exercise daily every morning with one day off. I am controlling my portions and adding raw foods to my diet. I am going to be 5lbs lighter after four weeks and keep on going until I reach my goal.
  • It is September 17th - For the last 4 weeks i have consistently remained at 1200 calories each day. I drank a minimum of 64oz of water each day. I continued and average of 4 days a week cardio (Zumba) and 4 days a week heavy lifting. I have more energy and am finally not afraid to step on the scale. I can look in the mirror and not feel so disappointed. I am proud of myself and feel i can continue on this journey and will not give up this time.
  • katymac12
    katymac12 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm so glad to find this group! I knew that I needed to refocus my efforts as I was sliding back into some bad habits. Sunday, 8/12/12, I committed to give full effort for 4 weeks. This group is perfect to provide some accountability for me! Here is my affirmation:

    It is 9/10/12, I have been eating at least 3 to 4 vegetable servings daily, while keeping my net calories below 1500 at least six days every week and including plenty of protein (70-100 gm daily). I am including strength building exercises and stretching at least twice weekly, and continuing cardiovascular work 3-6 days per week. Instead of grazing in the afternoon and evening, I am taking time for activities that I enjoy such as guitar playing and reading. I enjoy the way my clothes fit (loose). I have rewarded myself throughout the past four weeks for meeting my goals--a pedicure, a shopping trip (something new to wear), a new book to read. The effort I put into the past four weeks has been well worth it! I feel great!
  • anne018
    anne018 Posts: 33 Member
    Here are my goals for the next 4 weeks;

    excersise 3-4 times a week
    eat more veggies and fruit
    since i work at tim hortons and i get free donughts and timbits and cookies, i will not eat them
    i will feel more confident in myself
    i will start running again
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    My affirmation: I am half way through Insanity and excited for month two! I have lost around 8 pounds. I am not over eating under stress. I have energy and strength and I am finally getting closer to my goal!

  • AmyJKSaunders
    AmyJKSaunders Posts: 39 Member
    Hello, all! I am enjoying reading everyone's goals and posts. My affirmation for the next 4 weeks is as follows:

    1. I am a more positive person who puts herself first each day in order to find time to exercise and log everything in to MFP.
    2. I am exercising at least a half hour a day, five days a week.
    3. I am logging in everything I eat and closing out my food and exercise diary each day before midnight.
    4. I have lost at least 5 pounds.
    5. I have established new, positive habits that have given me more energy and greater weight loss.

    I have learned that when I take care of myself first, everything and everyone else benefit because of it. I feel great!!!
  • Balance79
    Balance79 Posts: 86 Member
    My affirmation for the following 4 weeks:

    I will lose 5 pounds by 9/11/12
    I will work out 5 days a week; at a minimum
    I will cut down on cards & sugar
  • Changemyfate
    Changemyfate Posts: 25 Member
    Affirmation: It is September 17th & I am proud to say that I have logged everything I have consumed & have mastered not eating 2 to 3 hours before bed. I have drank water vs. soda and focused on eating unprocessed foods. I have also maintained a workout schedule including 90 minutes of daily activity in conjunction with a new employment which has increased my daily activity. I have successfully lost the five pounds I gained on vacation will reward myself with a new HRM or similar item to better calculate my daily calorie burn.
  • GrammaBonnie
    GrammaBonnie Posts: 232 Member
    Here are my goals ... better late than never! I agonized over them, because I have so many! After reviewing them several times, and making some changes, I'm happy with my list. AND I feel it is going to be a challenge, BUT it is doable! (As long as there are no more injuries or major health issues!)

    It is 17th September, and I am very proud of myself!
    * I have consistently eaten a minimum of 1200 net calories ... but within my TDEE-20%
    * I have been drinking at least 8 cups of water every day.
    * I have remembered my vitamins every day.
    * I have walked an average of over 14,000 steps per day for August and this first half of September.
    * I haven't used the knee brace for weeks.
    * I have strengthened my leg enough that I don't need athletic tape on my knee any more.
    * I no longer need physical therapy, or, if I do, I can see when it will end.
    * I have addressed certain health concerns, and have things under control.
    * I have done something active each and every day, with no exceptions.
    * I completed the challenge to do 100 pushups … and I can now do 100 standard pushups in one set.
    * I started a challenge to do 200 squats or 200 crunches as soon as I finished my pushup challenge.
    * I have been doing at least 20 minutes of cardio three times a week
    * I have been doing strength training for at least 10 minutes two times per week.
    * I have finally attended my first Zumba class, and love it!
    * I have taken a serious look at C25K.
    * I have taken a serious look at 30DS.
    * I am finally under 150 pounds.
    * I am ready mentally and physically to return to work.
    * I feel stronger and more confident. I look and feel great! Yes!!!
  • going2befit4ever
    going2befit4ever Posts: 225 Member
    Kate - fantastic idea

    My affirmation: its September 17th I,ve had my birthday and today is a big day my baby boy turns 3 I have not gone overboard on the all the b-day cake(4 b-days and 1 anniversary since labour day) I have found the time to run every other day,finished 30ds and I'm almost finished shed and shred I still ride at least 2x a week and I am 182lbs I have put the kettlebells to good use that I got for my b-day and I'm having my hair done as my goal reward

    Cleaned the diet up so no processed foods and no white death in the house (sugar) and I'm eating a salad for lunch every day

  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    My affirmation:
    It is 17th September, I have consistently eaten 1350 net calories, have been exercising for at least 30 minutes 5 times per week and can easily run a 5k three times per week. I have meet each one of the daily strength training challenges and can hold plant for 1 minute twice. I have successfully made it through a weeks vacation and a wedding without overindulgence. I am extremely proud of this achievement as temptation is my most "evil" evil. I have lost 4 lbs minimum, an inch from my waist/hips and am feeling slimmer, stronger, healthier and a great sense of achievement. :heart: :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: :heart: