Were the first few days the hardest for you?

First thing's first. I'm not doing Medifast. The cost and the very low amount of calories, it just wasn't something I could do. I did, however, take the principles of it and from looking at the food, devised something similar. Around 1800 calories (low for me), high protein, and keeping net carbs under 100 (i.e. high fiber). I have Quest protein bars, some protein smoothies, and some other high protein smaller meals (around 200 calories), and I do two "Lean and Green" meals, though my meat and healthy fat portion size is a bit higher., and one snack (one serving of fruit, under 100 calories, I allow myself).

This is my first day, and I'm feeling kind of spacey right now. =/ It was hard to put 2-3 hours between meals. I just had my last meal of the day (bowl of turkey chili; was supposed to be 1 1/2 cups, but I had 2). I followed Medifast with cutting exercise intensity down. I did my weightlifting this morning (about 60% the usual weight) and then just did a short walk. I wouldn't think that would make me that much more hungry. Are the first days usually the hardest?

My diary is open if you care to take a look.


  • marjolycookie
    marjolycookie Posts: 90 Member
    Yep, most people will agree the first few days are rough. I think most of us weren't used to eating so many times a day (6 times per day for Medifast) and the portions are way smaller than normal. I shocked my body something fierce falling from 3000+ daily calories consumed in one meal per day to 800 spread across 6 meals. :P

    Give yourself 3-5 days and see how you are feeling. It takes about that long for your body to enter ketosis, which is how you get in fat burning mode. And if you get really hungry, SNACK! There's no point in starving yourself. Even silly things like celery help curb the munchies.