Totally Out of Control Today!

55 years old - lots of stress in my life - especially today - have reacted by eating everything I shouldnt' - totally blown my day - exercised to offset but could only get in 15 minutes of walking which didn't make a dent in my day - over 700 Calories OVER my limit! An added bonus - I started my period today! Yep - nothing for 3 months - then last month - BINGO! - back on track like I'm 16 years old - and then this morning - SURPRISE! Driving me nuts. Thought by now this would all be behind me - sorry - just had to vent! Wondering if any other over 50's experience this type of roller coaster.....:frown: :grumble:


  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    I know how you feel, this is all fairly new to me and nothing is consistant, apart from being able to eat your way through a months worth of rations. My body just seems to be playing games. My encouragement to you is just to persist, we all know when we are gonna have a crap day or so, keep on logging your food, try to do a bit more excerice but most definitely keep on going. I have literally just finnished a period which lasted 10 days - aghhh!!! but was at least 3 lbs down at the end of it. I now just wonder what the next month is going to chuck at me........

    Hope you are feeling a bit better and there are not too many sob stories coming your way haha.....
  • pattynoonan
    sounds like my past 2 weeks. I do well for a while, exercise, eat great... then indulge for a while, skip the evening walk, get really lazy, eat out a few times. I lose a few pounds, then they go right back on again. Just joined not long ago and was really shocked when I realized I am eating double the protien I need. I've cut back for sure there. Never tracked calories before. Hoping for better.
  • FourLynne
    FourLynne Posts: 135 Member
    This is Day 2 for me on program, and my birthday. I turned 50 today! I have not done anything today on program, so feel the pain. I once read a quote that said something like I will change this moment. So, I can't un-do what's already happened, but I can start right now forward. Hang in there!
  • summergrl17
    summergrl17 Posts: 75 Member
    You look really good at 55 so congratulations - you're doing something right. I'm 55 too. It's a crazy time with the periods. I think I'm done with them now - it's been at least 2 years but for me it was so sporadic. Like I didn't have a period for a year and then all of a sudden, I started bleeding. At the time I was also experiencing incredible stress and kept having urinary tract infections so when I started bleeding, I thought it was related to the UTI and maybe something was wrong with my kidneys - I was also very bloated and my stomach was hard. Ended up in the ER where some young doctor told me they thought I had's been over 3 years now and no cancer. I haven't worried about it because when he told me that something in my gut said no, that's not what it is. Then about a year and a half after that incident, I had more bleeding. This time my doctor sent me to a gyno just to make sure everything was ok - especially after the cancer thing and it was. I wish it were an easier process but I sure love not having periods anymore. Sounds like yours may be coming to a stop soon...and then it will be a thing of the past :wink: