Welcome, welcome!

This is my first time starting a group, and my first time with 30DS. I got up and did day one this morning with a belly full of strong coffee (not my best idea), but I made it through and didn't throw up or anything! Here's my stats for day one:

Height: 5'2" (almost)
Weight: 157
Bust: 43"
Waist: 41"
Hips: 42"
Thigh: 23" (both are the same size)
Bicep:12.75" (L) 12.25 (R)

I am shaped like a baked potato with toothpick arms and legs. I am looking forward to having one of those "waist" things I keep hearing about. Right now, my waist is pretty much just "the middle of me" or "where my pants stop". I know 30 days isn't going to take off years of self-abuse, but it's a start. I look forward to this journey!

How was your first day? Mine was killer- I'm so glad I have a good compression bra!!


  • Seokie
    Seokie Posts: 197 Member
    Hi :)

    I just started yesterday - I'm most likely not going to do 30 days all in a row but I'd still really like to join the group :)

    Here are my starting stats:

    Current Weight - 245.5
    Height - 5'6
    Calves - 22.5
    Thigh - 31.5
    Arm - 17.25
    Neck - 15
    Waist - 39
    Hips - 51
    Chest -37.5
  • awerewka
    awerewka Posts: 151 Member
    I will take my measurements after work today before I start Day 2 of the shred!
  • Welcome Seokie and aml80!
  • vyanadevi
    vyanadevi Posts: 134 Member
    FrauHausMaus! I love your name! My name is Vy. Ok, so I have started yesterday, my abs are a little sore, I did not take any measurments, so I will do that today after work. I am also going to try and get some miles in for the month of Aug...40 miles is my goal, so some days I will be doing some running in conjunction with the 30DS. I am having a hard time do the last part of the legs and arm exercise, the one where you have to move to side and raise your hands up to eye level. Is anyone else having problems with that? Maybe I should lose the weights to get my form down first and then incorporate the weights? If feel like I move to the left side well but not the right side. Thoughts?
  • amyford25
    amyford25 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi Everyone:

    I'm actually starting over on 30 DS ... I did it for a few days before then quit. Now my husband started over with me yesterday, so I'm excited to be part of a group to motivate me to get through it. I'll have to measure myself after work today. I'll be honest, measuring myself is as much fun as getting on a scale, but I'm looking forward to seeing those inches melt away! :bigsmile:

    Vy, I tend to be weaker on my right side than my left so I know what you mean. Try instead to not go as low into the squat in the beginning rather than losing the weights.
  • vyanadevi
    vyanadevi Posts: 134 Member
    Ok will do. I will try tonight. I think you are right, I should keep the weights, I will let you know in the AM how it goes :-)
  • MizCJ84
    MizCJ84 Posts: 335 Member
    Hello fellow challengers! I'm starting the 30DS today, and I'd like to be in a great support group. I have been an MFP member for about 6 months and lost 32 pounds, but I took two months off recently and gained several pounds back. I still have a ways to go in my transformation, and I am in some desperate need of support and motivation. I will be doing my first workout tonight after work. I look forward to making some new friends here!
  • Fitby31
    Fitby31 Posts: 95 Member

    I'm in! Not starting until Saturday though as I'm getting over oral surgery & still have stitches in my mouth...eek!

    I'll post my weight / measurements then.
  • deeschange
    deeschange Posts: 186 Member
    I'm in. I need to pump up my work out and I think 30 day shred along with run/walks will work for me.

    I'll post my stats later and I'll take a starting phone as well....

  • Today is day number six for me.

    I actually added a Bender Ball workout in before my regular 30 day shred workout, and man, I am feeling it in my abs today.

    Day four was the hardest for me. In fact I was really disappointed at first because day four was harder than day three. But then I read on the forums here that this is common. So...last night was the first night I was really able to get through the whole workout without really stopping or pausing. So, that's nice.

    I too have trouble with the side lunge/shoulder raise. One thing that has really helped me is slowing my pace slightly. I go at about 2/3's of the girl's pace. I figure this is better for now, if I can make it through the whole thing, then going faster and only being able to make it halfway through.

    I have my measurements at home, so I'll post them later. Unfortunately I didn't take them until last night. I kind of wish I had taken them earlier, because my pants are already feeling looser.

    My weight I'm not entirely sure about, because my beast of a cat, somehow, I'm really not sure how, managed to shatter my glass scale. It was on the floor, I swear, I don't know what she did. Anyway, I'm thinking not constantly monitering my weight might be good. I know I'm likely to gain/not lose with the muscle, and I wouldn't want myself to get discouraged when I am working this hard.

    Anyway, the last time I checked my weight I was right around 182 pounds.

    Cheers all! And best of luck!
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 267 Member
    I started last night, my second round. I had amazing results the first time around so hoping for another great round!
    I am also doing zumba two days a week and treadmill the other days. Good luck everyone!
  • ouimouton
    ouimouton Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone! I've never completed the 30DS before and I hope to this time. I plan on starting this afternoon or evening (depends on how my kids are behaving, haha). Thanks for starting this group--may we all have wonderful success stories!
  • ckay220
    ckay220 Posts: 271 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm a bit ahead of you all seeing as though I'm on day 8, however, I haven't done 8 days in a row yet because I've been pretty busy on the wekeends. But I'm here to support anyone! So far, I've lost 5 pounds , 2 inches in my waist and 1 in my hips, so there are results! Can't wait till day 30!
  • ebrady8492
    ebrady8492 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello Everyone! I have the video and have never completed it, but this will encourage me to do so. Also, I have the help of you! After work I will report my begining stats and how my first workout goes! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Fitby31
    Fitby31 Posts: 95 Member
    Hello Everyone! I have the video and have never completed it, but this will encourage me to do so. Also, I have the help of you! After work I will report my begining stats and how my first workout goes! Keep up the good work everyone!

    Same here. I can't tell you how many times I've started this. I don't think I've ever gotten past day 5. Not this time! We can do it!!
  • Hello ladies!
    I re-started it on friday and I had to take two days off, instead of one, because of a few things I had to do. Anyway, it was day 3 for me and the first time I did it I stoped at day 3 of level 02. ):
    My measurements will come later.

    Good luck to all of us!
  • ouimouton
    ouimouton Posts: 34 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm a bit ahead of you all seeing as though I'm on day 8, however, I haven't done 8 days in a row yet because I've been pretty busy on the wekeends. But I'm here to support anyone! So far, I've lost 5 pounds , 2 inches in my waist and 1 in my hips, so there are results! Can't wait till day 30!

    Wow, that is fabulous! Good job!
  • brookident
    brookident Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everybody, I'm Brooke. I started the 30DS on 1st Aug but after interrupting it for a romantic week in Paris (I know, a tough life, right?) I have fallen off the wagon. All those pain au chocolats and red wine didn't help either! So in all, I did 5 days, went to Paris and haven't touched it since coming home on Saturday. Doh! So, here I am for a fresh start.

    The stats:
    Age: 36
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 228 lbs
    Bust: 45"
    Waist: 41"
    Hips: 52"
    Thigh: 30"
    Bicep: 15"

    I will likely do the shred 2 days, another cardio like cycling or hiking if the weather is nice, something indoors like TurboJam or the gym if the weather's crap and then take a rest day. Repeat. What's your plan?
  • ebrady8492
    ebrady8492 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello Everyone! I have the video and have never completed it, but this will encourage me to do so. Also, I have the help of you! After work I will report my begining stats and how my first workout goes! Keep up the good work everyone!

    Same here. I can't tell you how many times I've started this. I don't think I've ever gotten past day 5. Not this time! We can do it!!

    Yes, we can all do it!! I am excited to see everyone's results by September 14th. Thank you for starting this group! I just may do a daily report to keep myself motivated!
  • PaulaAW
    PaulaAW Posts: 27 Member
    Hi all you shredders!
    I stared last Monday, but forgot to measure... Silly me! Day 7 done for today, while I was doing my jumping jack my capris fell done so I know something is happening :) I'm not going to be able to do it every day due to work commitments and having a few days off with hubby over the weekend but I will try and get it in when I can. Good luck everyone!