Welcome to the 25NYS Challenge!



  • Barbara
    Age: 32
    Height: 5'0"
    Weight Goal: 125
    GAME PLAN: Working out with personal trainer 2x/wk, cardio for 1-hour 4x/wk (burn 500+ calories), Counting Calories. Not to exceed 1200. Drink lots of water.
  • Thank you for starting this group! I hope we can all motivate one another to do our best and reach our goals!

    Name: Georgia
    Gender: female
    Age: 35
    Height: 5'4''
    25NYS goal weight: 155
    What's your game plan: Reduce calorie intake by cutting sweets and junk food; using MFP to track calories daily. Increase physical activity:n Boot Camp 3 x per week for 50 minutes; yoga DVD 2x per week for 30 minutes.
  • Glad to see more of y'all!

    All of you are already great motivators for me :] I love keeping track of everyone's workouts! I need to setup a more vigorous one myself.
  • md529
    md529 Posts: 4
    Name: Missy
    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Height: 5'5"
    25NYS: 125
    Game Plan: I want to cut carbs and eat healthier ALL week (including weekends!), increase cardio, and begin/learn strength training
  • Name: Steph
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20
    Height: 5'3"
    25NYS goal weight: 130 lbs
    What's your game plan: cardio, healthy eating
  • Name: Rosanna
    Gender: Female
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'3"
    25NYS goal weight: 150 lbs
    What's your game plan: Hit the gym and calorie counting!
  • Welcome, ladies :]

    It's great to see our member number grow! Hope to see you all weigh-in this Sunday!
  • ridge1980
    ridge1980 Posts: 46 Member
    I love this group!!!!
  • Name:misty
    25NYS goal weight:179.5
    What's your game plan:at home workout dvd's, walking, daily food journal is going to a must for me, basically anything and everything i can do to stay motivated and stress free.
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    25NYS goal weight:175
    What's your game plan:
    run/elliptical etc shooting for 5x weekly, keep food journal on mfp daily, aim for 20% cal from carbs limiting refined sugars, white flour and potatos

    I've recently "started over" again on MFP and would love some motivational friends. Looking forward to cheering you all on in your successes through the new year!
  • Cathyes24
    Cathyes24 Posts: 71 Member
    Name: Cathy

    Gender: Female

    Age: 33

    Height: 5'7

    25NYS Goal Weight: 175lbs :-)

    What's Your Game Plan: using MFP Daily & Some sort of Excercise 5 Days a Week!!
  • awesome_paws
    awesome_paws Posts: 17 Member
    Name: Amie

    Gender: Female

    Age: 30

    Height: 5'7

    25NYS Goal Weight: 170 lbs

    What's Your Game Plan: logging daily on MFP, focus on portion control and eating unprocessed foods as much as possible, excercise AT LEAST 30 mins 5x/week
  • Rabyn
    Rabyn Posts: 5
    Hi everyone! I'm Rabyn. I'm really excited about this challenge, as I feel I could use a boost! My goal is a bit higher than 25#s, but it's still a realistic goal for me.

    I'm a 5'4" 28yo female.

    25NYS goal weight: 199 (under 200!!!)

    What's your game plan: C25K, any of Joel Harper's One Minute Fit Tips whenever I get a chance throughout the day, drinking lots of water, having a free meal maybe once a week, eating out no more than once a week, recruiting buddies with similar goals on here :-)
  • Name: Julie
    Thanks for the group LOVE the idea!!!

    Gender: Female

    Age: 31

    Height: 5'4

    25NYS Goal Weight: 185

    What's Your Game Plan: logging daily on MFP, portion control, portion control, portion control… :tongue: , C25K (exercise a MINIMUM of 30 min. 5x/week)

    Feel free to add me I am always looking for any extra motivation... :smile:
  • Welcome aboard! Be sure to check back in :]
  • sassieatl
    sassieatl Posts: 120 Member
    Name: Crystal

    Gender: Female

    Age: 33

    Height: 5'7

    25NYS goal weight: 240

    What's your game plan: I just had a baby and have to start all over again. My game plan is to start my workout regime again: Zumba, eating right, and praying...lol. Glad to have ran across this group/challenge. So excited. Good Luck everyone.
  • Hello!!

    Name: Natasha

    Gender: female :)

    Age: 23

    Height: 5' 1"

    25NYS goal weight: 140

    What's your game plan: well I already run/walk half marathons and have my next one coming this October so I not only want to be slimmer and running more of it but I also want to use my running to help get rid of 27 pounds that are not supposed to be on my body anymore. I'm young and I want to feel young! :)
  • SRitzy
    SRitzy Posts: 79 Member
    Name: Sandy

    Gender: Female

    Age: 50

    Height: 5'4"

    25NYS goal weight: 150

    What's your game plan: Doing it ...one pound at a time! When you look at the whole picture it is overwhelming. Think small, and you will come up with big results! I need to count my calories, exercise, and drink more water.
  • RaeEG
    RaeEG Posts: 11
    HI!! Just found this and would love to join the challenge!

    Name: Rachel

    Gender: Female

    Age: 31

    Height: 5' 4''

    25NYS goal weight: 145

    What's your game plan: diet and exercise...and hopefully lots of motivation and support from others!!
  • Welcome! Welcome!

    Be sure to check-in on Sundays for weigh-ins :]