Welcome, welcome!



  • Fruch02
    Fruch02 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm going to try to get down 10lbs in a month. Let's do it.
  • mary127
    mary127 Posts: 90 Member
    Woke up this morning and decided to start 30DS then saw this group afterward....perfect timing! I did it last August faithfully and saw some results. Since then I have been mostly working on c25k, zumba & going to the gym but I really need to go through this again so here I am. Looking forward to all of OUR success stories :bigsmile:

    Have a good day everyone!
  • asdandme
    asdandme Posts: 72 Member
    Hello everyone:happy: Did day 2 today was not as bad as day 1...pushups are evil:angry: I will do a real pushup !!!!! OK so here goes measurements...chest-43
    rt thigh-23
    lft thigh-24
    upper arms-14

    Oh and I am 5'10 and 225lbs:blushing: hoping to get to 175lbs
  • MizCJ84
    MizCJ84 Posts: 335 Member
    I started last night, my second round. I had amazing results the first time around so hoping for another great round!
    I am also doing zumba two days a week and treadmill the other days. Good luck everyone!

    How much did you lose after the first round?
  • FrauHausMaus! I love your name! My name is Vy. Ok, so I have started yesterday, my abs are a little sore, I did not take any measurments, so I will do that today after work. I am also going to try and get some miles in for the month of Aug...40 miles is my goal, so some days I will be doing some running in conjunction with the 30DS. I am having a hard time do the last part of the legs and arm exercise, the one where you have to move to side and raise your hands up to eye level. Is anyone else having problems with that? Maybe I should lose the weights to get my form down first and then incorporate the weights? If feel like I move to the left side well but not the right side. Thoughts?

    Thanks, Vy!

    The weights I started with today were too heavy- 5lbs was a bit much for me, since my arms are weak and noodley. I ended up having to put them down and just do without, but I kept moving. I'm going to drop down to 3 lbs tomorrow (if I can find them) and if that proves to be too much, I've got some one pounders tucked away somewhere. I think as long as you keep moving, it's better than nothing, and it's certainly better than sitting on the couch eating cookies and feeling sorry for yourself. Not that any of us would ever, ever do that :blushing:
  • monasuli
    monasuli Posts: 99
    Hi everyone I did day 1 today too!

    Current Weight - 145
    Height - 5'5
    Thigh - 22
    Arm - 11.5
    Neck - 12
    Waist - 27.5
    Hips - 40
    Chest -34

    I hate my body I have a pear shaped body :(
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    This is just the push I need. I will either start tonight or tomorrow morning...I will aim for tonight. I have had some health issues, but I think I am ready to start something again. Hopeing I can and with the support of a group!!! All I have been doing is walking with a friend for an hour 4 to 5 days a week for the last 9 months. This is a big drop from what I was doing --- so I am excited to start up again.

    Have a happy healthy day!!!
  • Dot2Dots
    Dot2Dots Posts: 137 Member
    Hello Everyone ! My name is Dot & I will be starting the Shred on either Thursday or Friday as I am borrowing the dvd from a friend !! Feel free to friend me, just tell me you are in the Shred group :wink: We all need to root each other on !!

    My question is ...do you do it every day for 30 Days straight or do you go at your own pace ?
  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member
    Although i tried 30DS many many times! i always end up getting bored!!!!
    But i think it would be fun to do it as a challenge!!! I'm in!!!!! :drinker:

    Starting weight : 74 kgs

    chest at arm hole = 38.25
    under chest = 35
    hips = 42.5
    waist = 36.25
    at belly button = 43.5
    thighs = L=25.5, R=25
    calves = L=15, R=14
    arms = L=13.5, R=14
  • Kris0109
    Kris0109 Posts: 177 Member
    Hi all!

    Second time attempting 30DS -- the first time was VERY early in my process, and then I lost the DVD (shows you how often I clean under my entertainment center ... )

    Starting today.

    I'm 5'10, vacation weight makes current weight unreadable at this point. I've had lousy luck losing pounds on a circuit program anyway, but inches ... they fly!

    THE PLAN (for me anyway) ...
    30DS 5x week. Hopefully regularly in the morning, excepting today because, well, I was lazy. (M-Th, Sa or Su)
    60 minutes of Zumba twice a week (class W-Sa)
    20-30 minutes of Zumba the other 3 days (DVD and/or dancing my face off to previously learned choreo)

    This is probably pushing it, but I've got my 10-year reunion in October. I'm already smaller than I ever was in HS, but I'd REALLY REALLY like to wear a single digit dress to this shindig.
  • My question is ...do you do it every day for 30 Days straight or do you go at your own pace ?

    I'm pretty sure you're supposed to do it every day, but if I get 5 out of 7, I'll consider that a win. Since 30DS isn't the only workout I'm doing, I don't think it would kill me to take a day or two off every week.
  • Just joined MFT today, need to do something, not really happy with my weight gain over the last while. Have used 30DS in the past, not for 30 days straight but do like the workout.

    My plan is to do it 4 days a week followed by 40 minutes of cardio - treadmill/eliptical/ or both. The other three days will try for 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill.

    Just need to get motivated to work out....
  • Wubba1108
    Wubba1108 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, everyone!
    It's my first time on myfitnesspal and on this group! Losing weight has been an uphill battle for me ever since I gave birth to my daughter in April 2009. A grade three MCL tear in my right knee compounded the problem a year and a half ago. I finally feel like my knee is strong enough to get back into a regular exercise program so I'm happy to join this group! I plan to start 30DS tomorrow and will post my measurements then. I'll be supplementing my workouts with running. Scheduled to run my first 5K race in years next month!
  • ELeiser
    ELeiser Posts: 15 Member
    I've had the video for a year and have never finished it. In fact, I've never gotten beyond day 3! So hopefully this motivates me to keep it up. I will be starting this afternoon. I was at the gym this morning and did 30 mins on a treadmill and some ab and weight work too. I would really like to start lifting and I've reserved a few books at the library just for that purpose. I don't have measurements, but I'll have my hubby help me get them when he gets home, but here's what I know.

    Age: 35
    Weight (as of last night): 216.4
    Height: 5'5"

    I would really like to tone up and lose the jiggle! It doesn't help that my husband is 6'4" and maybe 185 soaking wet. I hate being a foot shorter and 30 pounds heavier!

    When you go to add 30DS to your workouts, what do you put in? When I did it before I used circuit training just because I couldn't come up with anything better and I don't have a heart rate monitor.

  • pbear1
    pbear1 Posts: 42
    Hi all, started today - even though I couldnt find my weights (used two ribena bottles instead!).

    Current Weight - 152 (69kg)
    Height - 5'6
    Thigh - 22.5
    Arm - 11
    Waist - 38.5
    Hips - 41
    Chest - Forgot to do this

    Am going to log my food intake and try to stick to a relatively low level (around 1500) and am aiming to do this every day for the next 30 days. Then if I see a difference hopefully it will motivate me to keep going. Only 29 days to go! Good luck everyone!
  • worm1957
    worm1957 Posts: 7 Member
    I bought the DVD, never opened it. I'll work on it tonight and start the program. Looking forward to having a Group to work with. I'll post stats tomorrow.
  • skai0518
    skai0518 Posts: 10 Member

    I am Krystal, I will start the30DS on tonight. I am super excited about joining the group and look forward to giving and receiving motivation. I have atrted this DVD several times, but this time I will finish with our support. Happy Shredding:-)

    SW 184
    GW 140
    Bust 41"
    Waist 38"
    Hips 47"
    Thighs 27"
  • rebchi
    rebchi Posts: 1
    Alright, so...where do I start? I need a little guidance from my fellow 30DS pals. I have the program at home, should I just jump right into this routine? Also, I'm new to the whole forum/blog thingamajig! Please be kind, I'm a quick study?
  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    Hi everyone I started today and plan on doing the 6 week schedule taking the weekends off. I also do c25k on M, W, F.
    Age: 31
    Height 5'2"
    Arm: 13.25"
    Bust: 41" with sports bra
    Waist at naval: 37"
    Belly: 42"
    Hips: 45"
    Thigh: 25.5"
    Calf: 15.5"

    Feel free to add me. I need all the encouragement I can get!! :-)
  • awerewka
    awerewka Posts: 151 Member
    Ok measurements are in...

    Ugh, I hate this.....

    Age: 31
    Hight: 5'8"
    Weight: 223
    Arm: 14"
    Bust: 43"
    Waist: 36"
    Belly: 46"
    Hips: 47"
    Thigh: 28.5"
    Neck: 14"