Do you ever intentionally go off ketosis?

kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
I am curious to know who faithfully stays on ketosis, week after week and who intentionally carbs up for a meal, a day? And your reasons for either one.....


  • robynlynn815
    robynlynn815 Posts: 26 Member
    I don't intentionally go out, but it has happened.. I don't like being out any more than going back in :(
    I like not having cravings, and being in control...the energy is a HUGE plus for staying in. I will probably always have trouble being in control when it comes to some foods (carbs) so if I can stay in ketosis and control those cravings, I will ....anything to keep my blood sugar normal (I'm diabetic, and NOT on medication) It's a good thing for me! :)
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    Only for a great sushi meal once in a blue moon
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    I've stayed in ketosis since I started atkins in June of this year. Until I reach my goal weight, I am allowing myself just two high carb days which will undoubtedly take me out of ketosis. One is my birthday, the other is Thanksgiving.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    I don't pay attention to whether I'm in ketosis or not, just simply keep my carbs to 20/day except for extremely high activity days.
  • kimmbird
    kimmbird Posts: 55
    I agree w Robin...I don't usually plan it, ,it just happens ;) howerver, I do know wht will through me out and what will stall it a little. When I stall it, usually in 8 hours it is back. Howerver when I totally get out of ketosis it seems to take a day and a half to get back into ketosis if I am reading the sticks right. So, to go completely out out of ketosis one day is more like a 2-3 day set back, so I usually don't. BUT, I give myself holidays and birthdays to celebrate and not celebrate every other day like I use too ;)
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    I asked because when I LC'd before, I allowed myself a cheat MEAL (not a day) like once every 2-3 weeks IF I really wanted it. I felt it was a way for me to stick with LC way of eating by allowing an occasional meal of a favorite food. Some are vigilant and can stay in ketosis for months and months and never want an off day. But in reality, I know there will be times I want mexican food with the chips and toritillas and not have to feel bad about it.

    Then the wedding, honeymoon, trip back to Texas to see family.... ahh totally off track but it was sort of planned because I was going to enjoy myself without having to count carbs everyday.

    Now I am 3 weeks in. I haven't had a cheat day, nor have I wanted to allow myself one. But I know there will be a time when it will come. But again, it's just a MEAL, not a whole day!!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i have lots of cheat days, mainly holidays
    or when i'm sick.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    I don't particularly care if I am or not, but 90%lc and a day or two every two weeks or so I break format.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    I carb up a day a week, normally around 200-300. If I do two days, between 150-200.
  • cartrat
    cartrat Posts: 120 Member
    i was doing well in ketosis with a cheat meal saturday nights only because i would make sunday a fasting day and not eat until dinner. that kept my weight loss pretty steady. however the last couple of weekends haven't been so good and... not that i've stalled completely, but... i'm always a couple of pounds over after the weekend is said and done. and then i'll lose like 3-4 pounds that week. so i'll like lose 4 lbs during the week, gain 2 back, lose 4, gain 2 lol my fiance calls it the lightening bolt strategy.

    however, i told myself i'll still try to be good and stay away from flour, starch and sugar on the weekends but no counting so that i could at least give myself a break. and keep up with my fast on sunday. but no more cheat meals! it's just pissing me off when i get on that scale and find that i've gone up 2 pounds again! XO

    i dunno, y'all, is that a bad strategy? haha
  • My husband and I do. We strict low carb for about 2 weeks then we take like a Friday or Saturday night and go out to dinner (usually sushi) and have a couple of drinks. I do diet coke and jack or something but my husband does beer. We might gain a pound or two of water, but by the time Monday rolls around we're back losing and usually we lose pretty good for a week or so. I think a decent 'cheat' dinner every now and then is a good thing for us. Not everyone thinks this is smart, but it works for us and our bodies. My husband could probably get away with my cheat days, especially since he can eat around 100-120 carbs a day and still lose weight, but he knows it'd mess me up.
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    I've been in ketosis for over 6 months and I have no desire to go off for any reason! I have no cravings, and no cheat days.
    Why would I want to go out of ketosis? I feel incredible!
  • itsmarcel
    itsmarcel Posts: 52 Member
    Only for a great sushi meal once in a blue moon


    My wife used to make sushi before we switched over to low carb. I've thought about doing a carb-up because I've read that it helps in muscle growth. I'll see what kind of gains I can make first while staying in ketosis. Wish me luck!

    "It seems that the body (once fat adapted) sees the intake of high carbs at the weekend as a stressful situation and releases growth hormone as a survival mechanism. Increased Growth hormone is your body’s way of mobilizing energy stores to deal with this stressful situation and so at this time you can get elevated insulin and growth hormone levels simultaneously – welcome to muscle building heaven!" -