Waikato girls

I am new to this group and my fitness pal. I was wondering how many Waikato girls are here. Would any be interested in starting some group exercise sessions?


  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member
    Hi Chelseamousy, clearly I'm not a girl, but I'm in the Waikato. Did you ever get to do Ironman again?

  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    Hi, there,

    I'm from Hamilton :) I have quite a hectic schedule at the moment (got roped into rowing for work's team at the great race and I teach 3 Zumba classes a week), but I'd absolutely be keen to meet other MFP'ers. What sort of group exercise did you have in mind?
  • emmaskye15
    emmaskye15 Posts: 60 Member
    Where abouts do you teach zumba ... I could be keen :) Im in the waikato too
  • Chelseamousy
    Chelseamousy Posts: 5 Member
    Anything really, group bike rides, runs, swims and even be keen on a bit of zumba I am unco though.

    Glen I did finish Ironman in 2009 but haven't done one since, I would love too though. I am doing part time study and work at the moment so its getting hard to fit in long training hours. Did you know about my 2008 attempt???
  • Chelseamousy
    Chelseamousy Posts: 5 Member
    What I would really love would be a boot camp base outside and just meet up once or twice a week. Auckland runs a few and there are heaps in ozzie. Hamilton only seems to have them as a part of a gym
  • kiwispots
    kiwispots Posts: 5 Member
    I attempted Zumba a couple of times but couldn't quite get the feet to go were the head said never mind the head to keep up with the instructor.lol. I mainly walk now with the dogs. could be keen to have a go at something, I am over Hillcrest,
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    The only thing I'm really horrible at is cycling - absolutely poor skills there :)

    At one stage (when the weather was nicer), I'd do a riverside walk (the one from Bridge street down to the gardens) and stop to do strength/bootcamp style exercises along the way. Kind of like do-it-yourself bootcamp.

    emmaskye15 - I teach at Christine Simmons Dance twice a week (it's opposite the Waikato stadium).
    [I'd be willing to give you guys a free class at another time, though, if you're interested.]
  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member
    Just reading the thread about Boot camps in Hamilton. Stacey is running some morning Boot Camps in central Hamilton, I think they are casual $5. I am on her mailing list for when the next series starts:


    Probably worth a looksie?

    I'm also happy to swim / bike / run / coffee with anyone that wants some company / motivation / caffein - self employed, so flexible in my day / times.
  • fitandfunblonde
    fitandfunblonde Posts: 20 Member
    Im from hamilton too, and would be keen to meet up sometimes. I usually do most my work in the gym, but am training for a 10km run in 6 weeks so gonna start running around the lake 2 times a couple of times a week.
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    Has anyone done the Waikato Half Marathon by Lake Karapiro?
    I am interested in doing the 10k run this year and wanted to know about the terrain.
  • emmaskye15
    emmaskye15 Posts: 60 Member
    The only thing I'm really horrible at is cycling - absolutely poor skills there :)

    At one stage (when the weather was nicer), I'd do a riverside walk (the one from Bridge street down to the gardens) and stop to do strength/bootcamp style exercises along the way. Kind of like do-it-yourself bootcamp.

    emmaskye15 - I teach at Christine Simmons Dance twice a week (it's opposite the Waikato stadium).
    [I'd be willing to give you guys a free class at another time, though, if you're interested.]

    Sorry about the late reply computer has been down! Yeah I would be super keen to get a group of us together if anyone else would like to do some zumba ????
  • Lilsis305
    Lilsis305 Posts: 1 Member
    i've been doing a boot camp in Te Kowhai, just north of Hamilton, this term, it's been so good getting up & moving in the morning I've booked to do it again next term. Here's the link if you're interested https://www.facebook.com/healthyhabitsPT?ref=ts
  • Hi, I run BootCamps in Hamilton I think one of my clients has actually left a message on here too. Im a personal Trainer and I travel to you for the BootCamps all you need is a group of 8-10 My names Sandra give me a bell if your interested 021584466 :happy:
  • Hi, I did the 10km at Karipio last year and the whole thing is on lovely footpaths and very flat except for one little rise at the start. :-)
  • Hi there,

    Just started using the site :) I'm pretty shy and im about to move to the waikato
  • Hi all,

    I just moved to the Waikato area a few months ago and I am keen to meet some other active people.

    Summer is just around the corner!

    My name is Claudia, originally from Germany, 30 years old, living with my kiwi partner, our birman cat and Labrador..

  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    Does anyone know of any nice Italian restaurants in Hamilton? I'm down there this weekend and would be nice to eat some pasta on Saturday night!