Hot for Neighbor.

MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
OK, so the house next door, which was vacant for months, has finally been rented out and I have a new neighbor. I noticed the moving trucks two weeks ago and a few days later, I saw a pretty gal outside the house. Naturally, I spot her and walk over to introduce myself. Long story short, she just moved to south Florida from Virginia, divorced, mid 40's, 2 kids, and really, really cute (perfect, right?!). We talked for a good half and hour and I kept it casual and talked about the area, job, and very general stuff. I felt that we were somewhat flirty back and forth (more so, me flirting with her).

Question, should I just man up and ask her to go out for dinner next time I see her, which will probably be this weekend at some point. My only fear is that if she isn't into me and says no, she might feel really uncomfortable in her brand new home. I would hate to make her feel uncomfortable as she's new to the neighborhood and area in general.

I guess this is along the same lines as "should i date a coworker". I know I will see her at least once a week, so I'm risking a lot of awkwardness here.

What would you do?


  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    How awesomely convenient! I would give it a few days let her get settled in shes probably got alot on her plate riht now. but i would def come up with a plan to bump into her again say ur looking for a piece of mail and wondered if she got it excuse....then politely ask her out. if she says no then gracefully bow down and let her know if she needs anything she can always call u. then try your hardest not to loiter around and lay low because if she picks up any vibe of "this guy is gonna creep me" then yes ull have made her uncomfortable....but if shes an intelligent woman shell get over it.

    good luck man!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Here is what I would do. I would keep talking to her and see if you have a good vibe with her. Then sometime soonish if she's out in her yard, start making a fire and walk over or catch her in her backyard and say, "wanna hop the fence and have a beer?" If she does, then I would give you the go ahead vibe, but if she says, "oh, that's nice but I'm just going to keep doing my yardwork," then you have your answer.

    If you want a short answer: wait a while, see what the vibe is, then ask out. But don't ask her out this week, you know?
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    You have introduced elements here that need explanation,why will you be seeing her once a week as a rule and what would make it awkward?

    Aside from that I would suggest getting to know her interests more and maybe looking to do something in conjunction with those.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Keep going with her. See if she flirts back. If you get some good buying signals with her, go for it.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    How about saying you know of a great restaurant that you haven't tried, would she like to check it out with you? Or use the guise of "I know some great restaurants here, let me show you around to my favorite."
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member

    Question, should I just man up and ask her to go out for dinner next time I see her, which will probably be this weekend at some point. My only fear is that if she isn't into me and says no, she might feel really uncomfortable in her brand new home. I would hate to make her feel uncomfortable as she's new to the neighborhood and area in general.

    What would you do?

    i will just give a real life example.
    last year i moved into a new apartment. there were 2 guys in the building. both of them liked me.

    one i met briefly and the second time i saw him he asked me out....AWKWARD

    the second, i kept bumping into, he helped me move some things in. we talked here and there, flirted too and we ended up hanging out a couple times but nothing came of it. but we're still cool.

    dont be the first guy who asks her out the next time u see her....wait to interact with her some more and let her get more comfortable with u.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member

    If you want a short answer: wait a while, see what the vibe is, then ask out. But don't ask her out this week, you know?

    ^^ THIS!
  • LAWoman79
    LAWoman79 Posts: 348 Member

    If you want a short answer: wait a while, see what the vibe is, then ask out. But don't ask her out this week, you know?

    ^^ THIS!

  • julesboots
    julesboots Posts: 311 Member
    Here is what I would do. I would keep talking to her and see if you have a good vibe with her. Then sometime soonish if she's out in her yard, start making a fire and walk over or catch her in her backyard and say, "wanna hop the fence and have a beer?" If she does, then I would give you the go ahead vibe, but if she says, "oh, that's nice but I'm just going to keep doing my yardwork," then you have your answer.

    If you want a short answer: wait a while, see what the vibe is, then ask out. But don't ask her out this week, you know?

    Agree with this, wait at least a week, and until you've had a few causal interactions. However, if you do try to get her to come over for a drink or something, and she declines, don't necessarily assume failure-depending on how old her kids are and how comfortable she feels leaving them for a little bit.

    Also: am jealous. I want a hot neighbor! I'm on the most diverse block on the planet- babies to 80 yr olds, an M.D. next door and a housing authority house across the street, but there are no single straight males. Except a teenager who sits on the grass all the time and plays terrible acoustic guitar.
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    I think you should take her pic and post it here. And ask her where she's from in Virginia.

    Good luck.

  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I agree with everyone to wait, casually bump into eachother and take clues from there.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'd wait, have a few more run-ins with her then ask her to dinner. If she's got kids and she just moved and more than likely started a new job, she's probably so busy.

    I know how it's like. I'm the one dating the co-worker...but it's wonderful (especially since it's in secret and no one knows!).
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Thanks for all the good advice. I think the best approach is to wait until I bump into her a few more times before I make my move. Since she's always outside, I'm sure I'll see her this weekend. I guess it all depends how the conversation goes, if she's talkative and seems interested, I just might go for it right there. The feeling just has to be right.

    It would certainly be convenient though!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Thanks for all the good advice. I think the best approach is to wait until I bump into her a few more times before I make my move. Since she's always outside, I'm sure I'll see her this weekend. I guess it all depends how the conversation goes, if she's talkative and seems interested, I just might go for it right there. The feeling just has to be right.

    It would certainly be convenient though!

    good luck!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I guess I'm the only one that thinks you should go for it next time. Why wait? What if someone else picks her up first? Lol..

    Just ask something casual, like hey when you get some free time, let me show you around town, or something like that.

    I'm impatient though.
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I guess I'm the only one that thinks you should go for it next time. Why wait? What if someone else picks her up first? Lol..


    For some reason, I always think girls are only going to be single for a short time before they meet someone. This has certainly went through my head this past week. What if she meets some other guy this week? Girls like this tend not to stay single for long..
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I guess I'm the only one that thinks you should go for it next time. Why wait? What if someone else picks her up first? Lol..


    For some reason, I always think girls are only going to be single for a short time before they meet someone. This has certainly went through my head this past week. What if she meets some other guy this week? Girls like this tend not to stay single for long..

    There tends to be 2 types of girls, those that jump from one relationship to the next or the ones that go a long time between relationships. When I say wait I don't mean wait a month but more like a week - week and a half, let her get settled in to the new house. Also it is about a month in to a new move that people that moved to new places are itching to go out.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    Here's a thought...I don't know if you are handy with tools and things, but as a single mom in my 40s with two kids, I am not. Maybe the next time you can engineer a run in and have a chat, ask her how the move in is going and maybe see if there is an opportunity to offer to help her with anything...hanging pictures, know, manly tool stuff. I know I'd be grateful and impressed.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I guess I'm the only one that thinks you should go for it next time. Why wait? What if someone else picks her up first? Lol..

    Just ask something casual, like hey when you get some free time, let me show you around town, or something like that.

    I'm impatient though.

    Nope, I agree and think he should go for it next time.
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    I guess I'm the only one that thinks you should go for it next time. Why wait? What if someone else picks her up first? Lol..


    For some reason, I always think girls are only going to be single for a short time before they meet someone. This has certainly went through my head this past week. What if she meets some other guy this week? Girls like this tend not to stay single for long..

    I say befriend her and see where her head is at. Asking her if she'd wanna come over for a beer or something hanging out on the porch/patio would be cool.