August Weigh-Ins


I can't emphasize this enough: Please don't be discouraged if you don't lose weight! I encourage everyone to check in, and post your results (be it loss, maintain, or gain), and then re-focus for next weigh-in!

PLEASE KEEP POSTS TO WEIGH-INS ONLY. All other posts will be removed. Thank you!


Please record all August data into the **Weigh-In Spreadsheet** as this will transfer over into the September spreadsheet, which will hopefully be up this coming Sunday. Thanks :-)


  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    My Goal weight : 135

    I am 5' 7,5"

    current weigh tloss 3 lbs
  • athomew7
    athomew7 Posts: 12 Member
    25NYS Challenge Goal Weight: 169
    Current loss: 2 lbs.
    Pounds remaining: 23

    Doing good and look forward to another 2 lb loss this week.
  • MNJohn0
    MNJohn0 Posts: 144 Member
    25NYS start weight: 190
    Current weight: 188
    Pounds lost: 2

    25NYS start weight: 190
    25NYS target weight: 165
    Pounds remaining: 23
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    25NYS goal weight: 175

    Current weight: 202.8

    Pounds lost today:

    Pounds lost total:

    Pounds remaining:27.8

    Your thoughts: I've been back on MFP consistently for a few weeks and am down 12 pounds already. Now for the real endurance...making it stick this time.
  • ZivileZu
    ZivileZu Posts: 56 Member
    25NYS goal weight: 115

    Current weight: 139

    Pounds lost today:

    Pounds lost total:

    Pounds remaining: 24

    Your thoughts: I know it's not Sunday yet, but I wanted to record my starting weight for the day that I started the challenge.
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    25NYS goal weight:

    Current weight: 200

    Pounds lost today: 0

    Pounds lost total: 42

    Pounds remaining: 52 - 72

    Your thoughts: I havent' been able to refocus with my food or exercise so I need all the push I can get. ;o)
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    25NYS goal weight: 185

    Current weight: 212

    Pounds lost today: +2

    Pounds lost total: 0

    Pounds remaining: 26

    Your thoughts: TOM came to visit I think I should weigh 210, I might not loss the all 25 pound by Jan. 1, 2013 but I can do my workouts and plan my meals and enjoy being healthier.
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I used to be very over weight.

    It is important to keep a food record and BE HONEST)

    You must keep to around 1200-1500 calories per day depending on your activity level/goals.

    Your exercise routine: I started off with longer less intensive work outs. This combined with a strict diet generated weight loss.

    Over time my stamina and flexibility returned. I was then able to switch to more intensive work outs. Weight training was a MUST at this point. I am now doing HITS.

    Listen to your body:

    A plateau means a change may be needed.

    Don't get discouraged!!

    Weight loss takes time and dedication.

    You can and will achieve your goals.
  • ehilgenberg10
    ehilgenberg10 Posts: 87 Member
    25NYS goal weight: 140
    Current weight: 172
    Pounds lost today:
    Pounds lost total: 3
    Pounds remaining: 32
    Your thoughts:
    I realize 32 by December is quite a bit and I also realize it might not happen, but if I am on my way by December, I'll be happy. I'm making a push right now and it's been working so, I just hope I can keep it up for the rest of the summer and into the holidays. I think consistency will be key. To keep things going down I have to keep up working out and eat better daily :).
  • Rabyn
    Rabyn Posts: 5
    25NYS goal weight: 199 :-)

    Current weight: 233

    Pounds lost total: 9.8

    Your thoughts: I just signed up for this challenge today, so I don't have a change yet. HOWEVER!, next month, I will!!! I'm doing more than the 25# goal, but it's fully appropriate for my size. If anyone else is looking to lose around 30ish pounds by NYD, let me know!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • MNJohn0
    MNJohn0 Posts: 144 Member
    25NYS start weight: 190
    Current weight: 188
    Pounds lost: 2

    25NYS start weight: 190
    25NYS target weight: 165
    Pounds remaining: 23
  • ridge1980
    ridge1980 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm a few days late on this, but I want to get in my starting weight and such! :)

    25NYS goal weight: 140
    Start weight: 180 (last Sunday)
    Current weight: 177.9
    Pounds lost total: 2.1
    Pounds remaining: 37.9
  • Amschle
    Amschle Posts: 5 Member
    Beginning Weight: 232 (10 days ago)
    Current Weight: 227
    Goal Weight: Don't really have a number in mind right now, just want to feel better and get healthier!
  • thisgirllifts
    25NYS goal weight: 140

    Current weight: 164.2

    Pounds lost total: 3.6

    Pounds remaining: 24.2

    Your thoughts: I just started losing last week so I'm very happy so far!
  • awesome_paws
    awesome_paws Posts: 17 Member
    25NYS goal weight: 172
    Current weight: 197
    Pounds lost today: 0
    Pounds lost total: 0
    Pounds remaining: 25
    Your thoughts: ready to do it!!
  • SRitzy
    SRitzy Posts: 79 Member
    25NYS goal weight: 150 lbs

    Current weight: 180.4 lbs

    Pounds lost today: 2.8 lbs

    Pounds lost total: 19.6 lbs

    Pounds remaining: 30.4

    Your thoughts: Doing pound at a time!
  • Cathyes24
    Cathyes24 Posts: 71 Member
    25NYS Goal Weight: 175lbs

    Starting Weight: 203lbs

    Current Weight: 199.1lbs

    Pounds Lost: 3.9lbs

    Pounds Remaining: 24.1lbs

    Slow n Steady wins the Race :-)
  • Energyflows
    25NYS goal weight: 137 lbs (62kg)
    Current weight: 145.2 lbs (65.9kg)
    Pounds lost today: 1.7 lbs (0.800kg)
    Pounds lost total: 18 lbs (8.2kg)
    Pounds remaining: 8.2lbs (3.8kg)

    Your thoughts: I'm pleased because I went running yesterday & I'm more focused (or want to be ;-)) on my 'cm' lost & not so much the scales :-) I'm also proud of the way I look at myself, I'm more gentle and caring.
    But I will try to lose slowly but steadily by eating clean, varied & be active !
  • GinaBeana1121
    GinaBeana1121 Posts: 49 Member
    25NYS Goal Weight: 110 lbs
    Current Weight: 133.8 lbs
    Pounds Lost Today: 0.4 lbs
    Pounds Lost Total: 0.4 lbs
    Pounds Remaining: 23.8 lbs
    Thoughts: I'm a little disappointed- on Tuesday I weighed myself and was down to 132.2. But I have to remember this is a slow journey, and the pounds won't all come off at once. I've had some NSV this week: my back fat is gone, I've lost 2.5" total since I last measured a month and a half ago, I am so close to having a flat tummy, I can actually see my muffin top getting smaller :), my workout DVDs are making me stronger.
  • ridge1980
    ridge1980 Posts: 46 Member
    25NYS goal weight: 140
    Start weight: 180
    Current weight: 177.4
    Pounds lost total: 2.6
    Pounds remaining: 37.4
This discussion has been closed.