struggling a bit - thoughts?

geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
hi all

I have been trying to increase my calories the past few weeks, and I have to confess feel great for it. I posted a while ago that I had the lightbulb moment that the reason my running was improving after 6 years may just have something to do with I'm feeding my body a bit better for the 1st time in years.

Since joining MFP I have lost inches as well as weight and I am feeling great. However the 1st 2 weeks of EM2WL I lose weight and last week I put on 1lb and this week its up 3lb. My logical head says I cannot have put on 4lb of fat in 2 weeks, been away from home and living on hotel & canteen food is never good! and flying always makes me retain water. I also did a hard core kettlebells session on Wednesday night and I understand that weights make you retain water?

I am trying very hard to ignore the scales, I really want to walk away from them from a while but I'm terriefied of piling weight on if I do.....

My totals from Scooby are:

TDEE 2249

15% cut 1911

BMR 1451

I have said moderate for my activity levels, which generally are (over a week) around 20 miles running, My running is Mon- Fri pre work run of around 2 miles /day with at least 2 long runs one mid week one at the weekend. I am trying to do 1 x kettlebells session and where possible I do some cycling too.

I struggle to hit the 1911 per day but try hard to keep my net above BMR.

Instead should I go with no activity on Scooby giving me

TDEE 1741

15% cut 480

BMR 1451

and eat back exercise cals?

One thing I know is I dont ever want to go back low calorie so I thank you for at least showing me this way is better.



  • Slimat30
    Slimat30 Posts: 142
    If its any help I run 20 miles a week and am eating 2000 cals a day. Not bothering with eating exercise cals.just having 2000 cals every day. I am losing really well. X
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    If its any help I run 20 miles a week and am eating 2000 cals a day. Not bothering with eating exercise cals.just having 2000 cals every day. I am losing really well. X

    how much do u burn off when u run?

    im going to start running but im worried i may burn too many calories that i go under my bmr
  • ChiJenn
    ChiJenn Posts: 100 Member
    Well I started upping my cals from 1400 to now I am at 2000 and I only added 100 cal per week so it's been 6 weeks, wow can't believe it's been that long. And I vowed I would not get on the scale at all. And I didn't until today. I thought my tummy was looking a little smooshy but I thought I am feeding my body good food I will be fine. And the results after 6 weeks I gained 1 pound. Now aparently my body needs the extra food. I was not eating back exercise calories either. And I have been kinda slacky lately with consistently exercising which is biking 3 days a week and heavy lifting the other 3 days. Hide the scale or have someone do it for you. You can do it. I would weigh every day and then be depressed all day, it's too emotional. Just say no!
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    I do think I need to ditch the scales & concentrate on happy & healthy. Its so hard to break out of that madness.

    But can I just to check am I better aiming for a set amount of calories per day without worrying about the exercise burn calories? I can burn in excess of 1000 per day, and for example, I'm doing a 60 mile bike ride next weekend which on estimation will be around 3000 cal burn?

    confused doesnt come into it, lol. Thanks for the advice so far.

    @deevatude - I burn approx 125c / mile, I use am HRM to get the accurate calories, it does mess with my net calories some days.
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • hoosmi
    hoosmi Posts: 18
    My thoughts? Hmmm.... I'm training for a full marathon now and have similar burns to you with your running/biking. Like you, I'm usually just trying to at least net my BMR. I'm sure that's too low when it ends up happening on a daily basis. It's hard though because I don't really feel like eating that much (don't get me wrong, I'll splurge, but the calories don't add up to the burns very often).

    You know that video link about how too much cardio isn't good with EM2WL? Yeah, I think we are living it. lol. I'm up about 5 pounds, but my running is stronger and faster (in shorter distances though- the extra 5 pounds may drag me down in my marathon!). I am not willing at this point to stop training, so I'm just going to press on and try to eat better. After my race, I'm thinking I may cut back on the cardio to just a basic level and add more lifting.

    Ok, no real advice, but sort of "I share your pain" answer. :wink:
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    My thoughts? Hmmm.... I'm training for a full marathon now and have similar burns to you with your running/biking. Like you, I'm usually just trying to at least net my BMR. I'm sure that's too low when it ends up happening on a daily basis. It's hard though because I don't really feel like eating that much (don't get me wrong, I'll splurge, but the calories don't add up to the burns very often).

    You know that video link about how too much cardio isn't good with EM2WL? Yeah, I think we are living it. lol. I'm up about 5 pounds, but my running is stronger and faster (in shorter distances though- the extra 5 pounds may drag me down in my marathon!). I am not willing at this point to stop training, so I'm just going to press on and try to eat better. After my race, I'm thinking I may cut back on the cardio to just a basic level and add more lifting.

    Ok, no real advice, but sort of "I share your pain" answer. :wink:

    glad to know I'm not alone! Its mental, and I wondered why I never had enough energy and how I couldnt lose an ounce! I am going to get more into lifting in the future, hoping to do kettlebells on a regular basis after I recovered from last weeks session, lol. But I cant ever see me giving up running/cycling, I just love the freedom and me time it gives me. Also its great exercise for the dogs and they also love it. I guess its trial and error until I find some higher calorie food to eat that doesnt add too much bulk, it certainly buts a new slant on 'dieting' doesnt it, hehehehe