Cooking from scratch

sussexbythesea Posts: 1,336 Member
Just wondering how many UK people do this- I rarely used any ready meals (the odd Pizza express pizza) and I always cook extra to freeze. Have on been on here 2 weeks but so far not found many people who do, though there is a group called Foodies Unite which appears to be US based I am planning to upload my recipes to share (have already started)and wonder whether any of you have as I am not sure where to look on the site as it is a bit overwhelming!!


  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    I cook all our meals from scratch, BBC Good Food is a favourite site for me so most of the food in my diary is from there. Feel free to add me as a friend is you want :) Judging by your username I don't live very far from you, I'm in West Sussex.
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,336 Member
    thanks very much I will maybe we can share recipes?
  • Every evening meal from scratch - feel free to add me anyone who cooks,
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Most of my evening meals are for scratch until the veggies get a bit bendy before I do my fortnightly shop!
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I generally cook from scratch. Feel free to add me if you want. I don't have recipes as such though - I just sort of make it up as I go along! :-) and I often cook extra too, but not to freeze - I just eat put it in the fridge and eat it for the next couple of days. I'm happy to have the same meal all week, and then a different one the following week.
  • faya195
    faya195 Posts: 17 Member
    Since losing weight, I make a real effort to cook from scratch and scrap most of those artificial flavourings, colours, etc - and have control over what I actually eat. There's still the odd lapse but I'm generally quite good when it comes to cooking from scratch (note: I'm not saying I'm great at cooking -> I'm not :)). I usually cook a double portion in the evening to have as dinner freshly made and lunch in the office the next day.
  • helenld1
    helenld1 Posts: 233 Member
    I'm not of the opinion that all ready meals etc are bad as some of them (M&S range in particular) are pretty okay salt/sugar/fat/chemical wise and have their place in certain situations.

    In saying that, I make 99.9% of my meals from scratch, the exceptions tend to be "pizza express" pizzas which my hubbie likes as I can't get them as crispy in my oven when I home make them.

    I love baking and cooking (the bakings the thing that makes me put weight on!).
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    What is the definition of 'cooking from scratch'/ Where is the line drawn?
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I cook all evening meals from scratch. My OH frequently microwaves lunches (yuk!).
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,336 Member
    Thanks everyone - I define 'cooking from scratch as using raw ingredients proteins, veggie and carbs for instance not using oven chips,pizza bases,pies or frozen roasties chilled mash etc. I do use meat products like sausages though. As has been suggested I don't always follow recipes I also 'make things up' .
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    I cook everything from scratch. Weekends and holidays we bake bread too (I'm on JUDDD and weekends are normal eating).

    The only bought in things are certain pastes that are used when time is a bit tight, Patak's pastes, not sauces, usually as they are tasty and far less kcals than the sauces.

    I'm happy to share recipes as I find the American non food foodthings quite scary - I mean what is yocheese and fluff? And the shiritake / miracle noodles seems to be a recipe for a certain type of discomfort and disaster.

    I have quite a few normal meals that have been decaloried and would love to find more.

    And I bake like a demon, again for my Up Days or, if I can't eat them I take cakes into the office.

    OH got the Haory Biker's low fat cookery book this week and we were a bit dismayed, we already do much of the calorie lowering suggestions they have. But they had some nice ideas and with a bt of twiddling I can get a lot of them down a bit further so I can eat them on my Down Days (beow 300kcals per portion). So I might give some of them an outing over rhe next few weeks.

    Sorry, I blathered on a bit :)
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I guess I cook everything from scratch then, except for sauces.

    Funny but I microwave stuff for lunch too, the chicken for my salad or the extra stir fry I made.
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,336 Member
    Please can you tell me what JUDDD is? Yikes those American things sound VERY weird I totally agree.
    Shame about the Hairy Bikers book but then you have been on here more than a year and are well used to adjusting! I have been dong that too (dry fried mince for years for example) Thats one of the reasons why my weight gain has been a bit surprising but lets hope that will change now.

    I don't often do chinese things but I do use some of their sauces- black bean for instance is so hard to get smooth and cans of blackbeans seriously salty- only tried it once. I tend to use half what they say and it helps!
  • JaneUK
    JaneUK Posts: 102
    I cook most things from scratch, following your basic principles, surreyhills. I bake my own pizzas when I'm at home in France, but when we're home in the UK I buy pizza express ones as my kitchen there is tiny. I try not to use processed meats but when I buy sausages, for example, I go for the Taste the Difference 97% pork ones. I also make my own stock from chicken carcasses etc and am proud to say I have never, in my whole life, bought Bisto gravy granules!

    Anyway, yes, let's all share recipes!
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Please can you tell me what JUDDD is? Yikes those American things sound VERY weird I totally agree.

    JUDDD is Johnson Up Day Down Day Diet

    You restrict your calories quite a lot on alternate days, eating much more on the in-between days. It's one of the recently popular "fasting" diets. On some you only eat in a "window" of time each day, on others you fast (eat nothing) or eat very little (typically 400-600 calories) on some days.

    I agree about the Americans' non-food foods! Some people's diaries are full of unrecognisable (to us, anyway) stuff. Scary!
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    I could have swron I included a sentence about the Hairy Biker's book that said

    '...but it would be great for someone who hasn't spent years working out how to reduce the fat content of all meals'. I do like the book (I like their love of food and share much of it). and don't consider the money spent on it a waste as I shall modify the recipes a little further to suit my eating pattern.

    JUDDD is very American.... but the Horizon porgramme Eat, Fast, Live Longer had that nice Michale Mosely try out a version of Intermittent Fasting and look at all the science behind the health benefits, and weight loss

    I have 2 proper Down Days a week, Mon and Weds, I eat 350 - 500kcals depending, Friday I restrict until tea t ime, OH works away so I keep Friday evening to Sunday evening as normal eating. Tuesday and Thursday I eat about 15-1800kcals, but don't necessarily count them.

    All meals are cooked from scratch, my resricted days are just smaller portions bulked out with veg, so it is no great hardship or big effort!
  • PurpleCoyote
    PurpleCoyote Posts: 24 Member
    Yep me too, i cook from scratch eveery night, i bake every couple of weeks and make enough for leftovers for work. I tend to live on the BBC good food website :)
  • squankmuffin
    squankmuffin Posts: 130 Member
    I go to lots of Asian supermarkets and markets for bulk basics. I think freezing leftovers is a good habit to get into as it can make for tasty lunches, and discourages you from eating too large a portion for the sake of it.

    I'd be interested to see people's recipes. Especially any veggie ones. Or easily modified ones.

    Thanks everyone!
  • bextweeds
    bextweeds Posts: 4 Member
    I cook everything from scratch and anything extra I freeze. I get most recipes online and have recently got a slow cooker which I love. I like to make curries and can easily make creamy curries using fat free natural yogurt, just as tasty but much healthier. I like the good food website but I use many more. Love cooking and realised that cooking from scratch is definitely better, you know exactly what you are eating and I have got used to weighing and scanning all ingredients, actually find it really interesting. I have realised that my daily allowance is usually pretty spot on 9minus bad weekend days!) I would love to see some recipes for more inspiration.
  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member
    Our dinners are mostly from scratch. We too find lots of recipes on the BBC good food website and cook books
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,336 Member
    yes the slow cooker is a godsend- nothing like a chicken carcass simmering for hours for stick- then soup!
  • AGGUK73
    AGGUK73 Posts: 91 Member
    I NEVER cook from scratch......however my hubby does most days :wink:
    How lucky am I :laugh:
  • sodaisy
    sodaisy Posts: 69 Member
    I always cook from scratch, the only ready meal I buy is Sainsbury be good to yourself meal, I freeze them and when I forgot or no time to make lunch, I will fish them out, so I have them maybe once or twice a month. Most of my food is stir fried (being Chinese) and I also use Anna Richardson and Hairy Dieters cook book.
  • I cook 6 nights out of 7, I say I cook everything from scratch but I do chuck oven chips in a couple of times a week to bulk out the OH's meals if i'm just having salad.
  • clairegreen1974
    clairegreen1974 Posts: 121 Member
    I cook a lot of meals from scratch - I do sometimes rely on frozen chips, but i also make what a lot of people refer to as slimming world chips. since being off work, i do a lot more cooking now and freeze any leftovers :)
  • pboroaddick
    pboroaddick Posts: 29 Member
    Most of the time I cook from scratch. I have entered half a dozen recipes which sit in my recipe box. There does not seem anyway to view users recipes on the site. Would be good if we could all learn from others recipes. I'm ok for anyone to add as a friend.
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,336 Member
    yes that really annoying about being unable to share reciipes - my OH has started this programme too and it would be so helpful he just has to upload the quick cals i tell him !
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm just starting to try and cook from scratch. Not the best cook, but I do like to try. I would be grateful for any tips, recipes, etc! Please feel free to add me as a friend anyone.
  • ruthio77
    ruthio77 Posts: 52 Member
    I cook most of our meals from scratch and am always trawling the internet for new ideas!

    I also always make extra as my hubby works away in the week and i wave him off on a monday morning with premade curries, casseroles, lasagnes etc etc. There is nearly always something random in there too that may not be easily identifiable!

    I often make a big batch of Tarka Daal on a Monday and take that to work for lunches each day, or for a quick meal in the evening if i can't be bothered!

    I am loving the Hairy Dieters program at the mo, tried the Skinny Beef Lasagne last week, and will be giving the sweet and sour a go tomorrow!

    Feel free to add me

  • ketchup38
    ketchup38 Posts: 112 Member
    I do a lot of home cooking, starting from scratch. I'm a great fan of cooking in bulk and freezing for ease and to save time..
    Loving the hairy dieters show! I think I might get the book, thinking of trying that casoullet next