
If you wanna introduce yourself, do!

I'll start....

I'm Poppy, I'm 25, I live in London and I run

I weigh 180 pounds (12 stone 12) and I'm 5ft7. I want to get down to more like 10 and a half stone. I like being curvy and all tits and *kitten*, but without the tummy ad fugly thighs to go with it.

I am trying to swap my daily need for fancy restaurants and burritos with an obsession with Fitness First and pineapple.

I am mortified that I have gained so much weight and whilst I have plenty of excuses (drugs! illness! operations! boys! gin!) the fact of the matter is SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE. And I will be heartbroken if this doesn't work.

Gag x


  • I'm Jud, I'm 38 and I live in London.

    I weigh 175 pounds (12 stone 12) and I'm 5'1". I would like to get below 11 stone, as a first goal, but my issue is more about getting fitter. Like Poppy, I'm happy with curves, but I'd like to sort out tum and thighs.

    I have 2 young kids, and work part time for someone else, and nearly full time for myself, so struggle to get time/energy/motivation to exercise.

    BUT - I have promised myself that I am going to be fit, forty and fabulous. So I have 2 years to get on with it!!!
  • cambridgegirl309
    cambridgegirl309 Posts: 26 Member
    I don't know how to write these things without sounding like a total *kitten* but I'll give it a go...

    I'm Samantha, 21, Manchester/Oxford base. Currently about 157lbs and 5ft 7 - would be happy around 146 and ecstatic with 140. would like stomach and thighs to crawl down a hole and die.

    Was diagnosed with lupus in January and combination of sitting finals/revolting steroids + amitriptyline causing **** metabolism = not enjoying the summer heat one bit. I used to show jump competitively when I was young/thin and would like to get back into it when I start my Masters. So not looking rank in skin tight clothing would be a winner.

    Would like to blame 'Boy' who finds girls who eat sexy, and comfortably consumes 5 peoples worth of Chinese whilst staying ripped. But that would not be taking responsibility, which I am doing RIGHT NOW.

    Also looking for low impact exercises that burn more than 250 kcal/hr. (Pilates: what a joke!)

    S xx
  • Kate2004
    Kate2004 Posts: 1 Member

    I'm Kate and 29, married and have a beautiful little girl.

    I am 10 stone 3 and need to be 9 stone ideally....

    I too love a curvy figure and would hate to be a skinny minny but hate my wobbly thighs and stomach. I have done this before and got down to 7 stone 13 - probably a bit too thin for me but I am only 5 ft 1 so can't afford to be too heavy. I had my beautiful daughter in 2010 and put about 5 stone back on again in the pregnancy!!! (she was a 10lb baby though) Got down to 9 stone last year but have a bad back and exercise is a bit tricky for me at the moment....

    I know this works so really excited to be joining you all!

  • Hi, I'm Leo.

    Dad of one, desk jockey, & high mileage commuter. Want to get back to running and lose some 15 kgs. - (85kgs. down to 70 kgs.) the weight I was when I left the Navy in 2003.

    Inspired by injured Marine Mark Ormrod ( a triple amputee who trekked across America) I'm going to attempt my first Marathon next year.

    Long term I want to have more energy to run, bike and sail with my son.

    Here we go....
  • laureldlyons
    laureldlyons Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, I'm Laurel,

    I weigh 161pounds and am 5' 8". I know I'm not a massive lard-*kitten* but I'm very gradually getting bigger and I want to get it under control. Plus I'd really like to stop breaking the belt loops on my skinny jeans when I try to pull them over my thighs.

    I'd like to get down to 140pounds ideally, but I'm frickin' love food and am inherently lazy so hopefully doing this publicly will keep me going. I'm very stubborn and competitive!

    I'll try not to let the side down!

  • adoniaw
    adoniaw Posts: 4

    I'm Adonia - 27 and working in London.
    My diet/gym madness about 10 weeks ago once I reached the depths of despair with my reflection...the weight had been creeping slowly on for 3/4 years (university, drinking, travelling and then an office job....recipe for disaster) and it was time to start realising I couldn't eat cake, sit still all day and be size 10. Boo.

    It's been going pretty well I think! Started at 10st 10lb (150lbs...HATED it) and I'm now 9st 13lb (139lb) .... *very* proud but I'm going to need a HELL OF A LOT of motivation the next few weeks through Reading Festival, holibobs to Barcelona and numerous birthdays if I want to keep this up and get to my goal weight of under please help :)

    Agree with Poppy that Fitness First are BRILLIANT - I go to the one on Tottenham Court Road and would highly recommend it if you're in the area and looking somewhere to join. Everyone is friendly, the classes are fun (Spin classes on a Thursday with Kris have been known to involve 45 mins of nothing but Whitney Housten dance megamixes...amazing!) it's clean and modern and, yes, there are numerous hotties!

    Good luck everyone, looking forward to the group getting into full swing!

    Adonia x
  • Hi

    I'm Seonaid, 26 from Glasgow. I'm not overweight but I would like to lose a few pounds. I've just been offered a new job which means I'll go from a very active job out walking most of the day to a desk one so need to get into good exercise habits now before I start putting on the pounds! I could have a better diet!

  • Hi

    I'm Sarah, 23, 178 pounds, 5 foot 7. A combination of moving to London, writing a food blog, and being madly in love with a boy means I have rapidly gained loads of weight. Now I want it off. I am planning on working out 5 times a week, a mix of spin, dance and boxing, and also trying to work out how to make delicious but healthy food...

    I'd just like to feel better about myself and look better in the clothes I have in my wardrobe. Not to much to ask, right?!

    Let's do this!

  • Hello all,

    I am Kelly, 5ft 10 and I am too mortified after today's weigh in to reveal my weight! I have slowly gained 1 1/2st over the last 2 years after a pretty awful break up. My period of mourning is now over and I need to find myself again. I have around 2 stone to lose but would be happy with getting back to my pre-breakup weight.

    I am also happy with curves just less of them please!

    I feel I need to do this for myself to get my confidence back again. I have just been struggling with motivationand have become lazy. Lack of support from friends who insist 'you look great' have a biscuit/cake/etc ... I know they mean well but it doesn't help me at all.

    It's time ... Lets DO IT!

  • Hiya,

    I'm Sophie, from Surrey. 5'5 and *about* 10stone 5lbs (haven't weighed myself since Thurs AM). At the beginning of the year I was 12stone, I dieted down to 9stone 12 but have fallen off the wagon.

    Ideally I would like to weigh 9stone 7lbs so I have a stone to lose (roughly). Can you all please kick my bum if I don't lose 1lbs or so a week? I sometimes need the tough love approach.

    Sophie x
  • AbFab14
    AbFab14 Posts: 1 Member

    I'm Abi, 23 I'm 5ft 2. The joys of a relationship meant I'd put on a fair amount and was 147lbs (10st 7) - a break up, the realisation I'd got pretty chunky and could do with losing weight (and as two fingers up at my ex), I am now 132lbs (9st 6), but for my height could do with loosing a bit more, ideally want to be 9st but have plateaued somewhat. Working in an office which seems to have a constant supply of cake and treats doesn't help either and I need some motivation again!
  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    'Kay, here goes. I'm Jennifer, 34, in western Newfoundland. And yes, that makes me Canadian. I'm currently about 231 pounds, 5'10", and have lost a total of 16.2 pounds here on this site since April this year, grand total of 56.2 pounds altogether since September 2010. Losing weight is not easy for me as I have epilepsy, so getting outside to do it is, well, out of the question. I can never do it alone because my seizure pattern is totally AWOL so someone always has to watch me. But I have gotten myself down to a size XL in clothes, which I couldn't be happier in right now. If I exercise at night, I never eat afterwards, just drink, so I don't have to worry about the extra calories. I do everything I can to get exercise in each day, even if it's only 5 - 10 minutes of calisthenics to burn off a few extra from something I ate during the day. And it's working!!! My first goal weight is 200 pounds, but to get lower would be great. I just want to see what I'll look like at this weight since it's been so long since I've been that weight. I've never been thin as an adult and I would like to be that way, but I'll have to go at 25 pound increments where I don't remember what I looked like at such and such a weight. Who knows? At 175 I might look great!!! :bigsmile: Of course, I might have to wait till 150 to find that out too. LOL :laugh: Any case, wish me luck, and sorry if I babbled too much!!! :blushing:
  • Hi. I'm Leslie, 42, in southern Ontario. I am 5'6" and weigh 234lbs.

    Seven years after slugging my guts out at a gym and losing 40lbs, I have put all of it back on and then some so obviously a little annoyed at myself but hey, I did the deed. No excuses. The food, drink, and fun living came back to reside on my *kitten*. I think the turning point for me was looking at a picture of me in a restaurant and while not the most flattering angle, I couldn't help but be horrified by the size of me in comparison to everyone else.

    So back at it again. I have returned to the gym and personal training in the hopes that I can somehow lose 10lbs a month. I can use all the humour you have to support me.

  • Was diagnosed with lupus in January and combination of sitting finals/revolting steroids + amitriptyline causing **** metabolism = not enjoying the summer heat one bit. I used to show jump competitively when I was young/thin and would like to get back into it when I start my Masters. So not looking rank in skin tight clothing would be a winner.

    AMITRIPTYLINE IS SUCH A MASSIVE *kitten*. You have my sympathies Samantha x

  • It's been going pretty well I think! Started at 10st 10lb (150lbs...HATED it) and I'm now 9st 13lb (139lb) .... *very* proud but I'm going to need a HELL OF A LOT of motivation the next few weeks through Reading Festival, holibobs to Barcelona and numerous birthdays if I want to keep this up and get to my goal weight of under please help :)

    ADONIA YOU LEGEND! That's amazing. I lost three stone once a VERY long time ago and I know what you mean about the difficulties of keeping up the weight loss as you get closer to goal. Ah festivals, I just gained two pounds in a weekend without even drinking but the brownies at V were kinda amazing. Welcome :) x

    Agree with Poppy that Fitness First are BRILLIANT - I go to the one on Tottenham Court Road and would highly recommend it if you're in the area and looking somewhere to join. Everyone is friendly, the classes are fun (Spin classes on a Thursday with Kris have been known to involve 45 mins of nothing but Whitney Housten dance megamixes...amazing!) it's clean and modern and, yes, there are numerous hotties!

    Good luck everyone, looking forward to the group getting into full swing!

    Adonia x
  • I'm so excited to see so many people here. AND A GLOBAL REACH too.

    This is going to be effing awesome.

    Omg we could go to classes together? Erm. Might not work geographically.

    Anyway, welcome and let's do this nonsense xxx
  • Hi

    My name is Jenna and I live in Elgin. I am 5"6 and weigh 162lbs (11st 5lbs). I have been gradually gaining weight and am determined to put a stop to it and lose some weight especially in the tummy and thighs. I don't know how it happened (might be the pizzas, crisps, chocolate etc. Ahem)

    I have started walking to work a lot more and thanks to Runkeeper, I know I walked 4 miles last week without even trying. The app is definitely motivating me and I am going to start going for a walk at least 1 night a week above this.
  • lorzy48
    lorzy48 Posts: 1
    Hi all!

    My name's Laura and I live in Leeds. I'm about 5'10" and approx 203lbs. When I last went to the doctor about the pill, she said if I put on much more weight it won't be safe for me to be on it! That really hit home, and I'm trying to lead a healthier lifestyle and not just count calories to lose weight and inches. I've lost weight before but was really unhappy just counting calories all the time. Now I've started C25K and I'm hoping to start horse riding again. I'm determined to lose weight without making myself unhappy.

    I need to exercise more, eat smaller portions and eat less processed food.

    I don't use my fitness pal that much, but love reading the forums for advice, so looking forward to being part of this group!
  • laureldlyons
    laureldlyons Posts: 6 Member
    Another post, I think I'm already too in to this. But, realised my food diary was auto set to private, I've changed it to share with friends, so if anyone else wants to make theirs open to friends (/be my friend) so I can steal food/meal ideas that would be lovely! Thanks x
  • Hi all

    My name is Clare, I'm *cough* 38 and mum of 2. I weigh 11st and at 5'8" isn't too bad, but last year I lost almost 3 st with slimming world and 7lb has gone back on.

    This group came just at the right time and I've targeted myself to lose 14 lbs in 9 weeks.

    In reality I need to get off my *kitten* into gear as losing weight no longer means looking better (saggy mummy tummy anyone??)

    I work full time in Manchester, and live near Warrington, so don't have loads of time but do own a bike, and hopefully going to start using it soon!!

    Good luck x