Guild Wars 2



  • unassembledandy
    no i doubt you can guest and WvWvW

    and urgh sucks getting right into college with a MMO like a little yoda on your back

    but GW2 does seem perfect for casual gaming, so what if your friends are all random levels, you can still group up at your level and ALL get a challenge AND level appropriate loot in whatever zone you are :D

    or PVP it up at auto max level and gear
  • Madmoosebaits
    So question for the beta people.... without violating your agreements..... is it worth it?
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    So question for the beta people.... without violating your agreements..... is it worth it?

    I play it for prettiness. Yes it is worth that.
    My bf plays for pvp and other group work. He says he is having withdrawals waiting for the next beta test.

    Release is soon!
  • Madmoosebaits
    So question for the beta people.... without violating your agreements..... is it worth it?

    I play it for prettiness. Yes it is worth that.
    My bf plays for pvp and other group work. He says he is having withdrawals waiting for the next beta test.

    Release is soon!
    Prettiness is good. Group work is good (I never got into pvp but who knows...).

    Looks like I will be buying it.
  • mishkat
    mishkat Posts: 99 Member
    July 20th is the next beta! :D
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member

    This is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 15.

    i lol'd
  • Iam918
    Iam918 Posts: 118 Member
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i'm trying to preorder from the site, and i tried my paypal account and TWO credit cards, and it keeps giving me an error. i know it isn't me. wtf. they won't take my moneys :(
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member

    oh hey, thanks!
  • Iam918
    Iam918 Posts: 118 Member

    oh hey, thanks!

    no worries, hope ya got one! They went very quickly.

    My brother, a friend at work and I all got one! :D
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member

    oh hey, thanks!

    no worries, hope ya got one! They went very quickly.

    My brother, a friend at work and I all got one! :D

    yea my friend and i both got one. super excited, already installed!.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Been playing in pretty much every Beta and we are migrating our alliance as one big guild into 2 so we can stay together, lol. Already have a lot of ground done so our guild can look after the members properly, lol. Played Guild Wars for 6 years and so looking forward to the new game, We will get to play Sylvari and Asuran Finally in the upcoming Beta.
  • TheDreadPirateRoberts
    TheDreadPirateRoberts Posts: 225 Member
    Got a beta key by updating my nvidea drivers and there was an advert for it. Had no idea any would still be about.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    sylvari look cool as heck

    I have been really bothered by the idea that there are no solid healer class. That is my favorite thing to do! I'll just have to adapt.
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    How is this different from the first Guild Wars? I didn't much care for it when it first came out.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Where do I begin with how it's different, probably should go to You tube, watch a few videos go to the GW2 website, investigate the races, and of course talk to some of the players but the videos will be a good starting point. I have played GW for 6 years, beta'd a bunch of other mmo's and GW2 is nothing like any of them, the map is about it for true resemblance, combat, healing, crafting, armor, etc, etc, etc. All different from one.
  • nlawing
    nlawing Posts: 36
    4 days till the Aug 25th head start. Can't wait!

    I will be on the Jade Quarry server. If you will be playing GW2, add meh!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i'll be playing too! i love the idea of a head start.

    i'll be on crystal desert.

    do they have a realid type thing? i think so but i can't remember?

    if so mine's cara.6132

    i'll check during the stress test tonight, even though i'll likely miss half of it.
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    I caved and bought a copy, screwed up and gave me $52 credit back on a cancelled $36 pre-order of Hitman Absolution, so I used $48 of it to pick up Guild Wars 2.

    I'm not super excited about it like a lot of people, but I am interested. My 12 year old has been playing the original Guild Wars since he was 5, and I bought him the $150 Collector's Edition. He's super stoked to get it next week.