How do you exercise

Ladysummers Posts: 140 Member
Hi everyone I enjoy exercise at home because Living in a village miles from know where,I find it to expensive to join a slimming club or gym as they are two far away.
I do spinning,resistance band training,weights,yoga,aerobics all at home,with cheap equipment that gets the same results.
Would love to hear how you exercise.Kim:)x


  • Rinkermann
    Rinkermann Posts: 108 Member
    i don't use a gym any more because it's just expensive. Rather than a gym, it's better just to do aerobics in the house, go for a run and/or buy a set of weights (even a new set of weights costs less than 1 month of gym membership). anyway, as well as those things i like to:

    1. run up a nearby hill for half an hour.
    2. go out on my bicycle a few times a week.
    3. i like listening to the radio, so i download the shows to my mp3 player and listen to them when I go out for a walk.
  • theinsanityofme
    theinsanityofme Posts: 44 Member
    There aren't any gyms near me, we have a local swimming pool and I try to swim a few miles a week. I've just signed up for a sponsored swim which I hope will keep me motivated, 22 miles in 12 weeks. I'm looking fora cheap bike so I can start riding round the village rather then using the car all the time for shopping ordering people.i have a dog as well so I take her for walks ever day and try to do at least an hour with her. I've just started in MFP, hoping it goes well.
  • Ladysummers
    Ladysummers Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Rinkermann thanks for your post ,I agree with you it's expensive to go to the gym and where I live it's to far to go so I have an homemade gym which serves the same purpose:)
  • Ladysummers
    Ladysummers Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Hun thanks for your post and hope the. Sponsored swimm went well,I exercise daily quite rigerous sometimes but really enjoy it I don't go to the gym because it's to far an expensive.
    I improvise and exercise at home,Pilates,spinning,resistance work and weights,also I walk,jog.
    Hope you will find this group helpful,it's only in the beginning so look out weekly for different topics.Kim:)
  • Smurfette1987
    Smurfette1987 Posts: 110 Member
    I live 8 miles from town too, but I joined the gym there because of the range of weights etc that I can't get at home. But I cycle in and out to save money and exercise more. Besides that my main love is Taekwon-do. We are so blessed with hills though who needs gyms for cardio, walking the dog is like using a stair master :D