Good news...bad news...good news....

1213shell Posts: 37 Member
Good news ia that I made it to W8D1round about July 12th. Bad news is I had surgery on July 18th and at about 4wks post -op, I'm still limted in my physical activity (back to work 1/2 days and lifting no more than 15#) which means I'm almost back to square one for C25K :p Good news is that my follow up showed great healing progress and 2 days ago, I worked my way up back to walking 2.5 miles (albiet pretty slowly) and my arms are less mushy even with the lighter weights. Core has gotten pretty squishy again but I hope to reboot C25K in the next few weeks to combat all squishyness. Oh, and while surgery (internal redesign and removal of benign foreign bodies) was not the way I had planned it, I managed to lose about 20#. 15 more to go!!


  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Just keep thinking positive. You're doing better and you're ready to get back on track! Did W1D1 of the C25K and I did 1/4 of it and then walked home. After posting on this group I have found so many ways to try to push this. This will definitely be more than a 9 week program, but I start again Monday.

    It's sad to start from the beginning, but at least you're still moving forward!
  • 1213shell
    1213shell Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks and good job to you as well. Slow but steady persistence wins the race even if you have to reboot once in awhile. Had to drive to downtown Louisville (45 minutes away) for another MD appt and returned so exhausted, I missed my walk and workout. Now it 's time for bed.....