

  • caelicarlton12345
    Hi! I'm Caeli. My current weight is 113 lbs so my 4% is about 4.5 lbs. my goal is to lose it by mid- end of September. Good luck to everyone and feel free to add me! :)
  • Kerri81
    Kerri81 Posts: 152 Member
    I am in! Always nice to have motivation to help you.
    4%= 7.24lbs by 9/18/2012
    Feel free to add me.
  • NavyBrat76
    NavyBrat76 Posts: 9 Member

    My name is Jaime and I am new to this wonderful website! Motivation is something that I love to give and receive. This challenge means losing 6lbs but I am going to shoot for 8 (2 lbs each week)!

    No doubt we can all do this with a lot of hard work, strong mind set and positive words from our peers!

    I wish everyone the best!!
  • Milkeway84
    I'm in... my goal is to lose 10.8lbs- gonna be a challenge- but i'm up for it. Need to get this weight OFF! :happy:
  • Ariana120689
    Ariana120689 Posts: 85 Member
    Hello... My target 4% weight is 7.16 pounds in 4 weeks but I am going to set it for 8 pounds by September 18. I am increasing my daily activity and making better eating choices. We got this MFP.
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    Hi @loveskinny - thanks for asking about joining the group :0)

    My 4% goal will be 7.4lb (3.4Kg) - I am training for the Great North Run which is in 3 1/2 weeks so will be increasing my cardio and run distance.

    SW: 185.9 (84.5Kg)
    GW: 178.5 (81.1Kg)

    Looking forward to the challenge :smile:
  • amberpt2
    amberpt2 Posts: 1 Member

    I am wanting to start the 4 week challenge and my goal is 8 pounds. I have started the couch potato to 5K and will be doing it 3x's per week and focusing on journaling my food every day
  • shm1289
    shm1289 Posts: 102 Member
    My goal is to lose 7 lbs by 9/18 by increasing my exercise. Anyone who needs motivation/support feel free to add me! We can do this!
  • divaslimdown
    I'm in ....... 4% for me is 9.46lb put i am going to push it to an even 10lb.This is my first challenge and i am kind of nervous! But this may be what I need to push myself harder!
  • lctk
    lctk Posts: 2
    I've put on a lot of weight recently and need to get it off, because I don't like seeing a stranger in the mirror. Also I need to job-hunt and extra weight is not an advantage.

    I'm exercising every non-workday, plus walking on weekdays, but my real strategy for reaching 4% in 4 weeks is to change my eating. I just started a strict low-sugar, low-carb diet last thursday. That was 16 Aug, so I've got until Thursday 13 Sept to meet the challenge.
    starting weight: 177.8
    goal weight: 170.6

    I can lose weight (with effort), but my long-term challenges are (1) to keep the weight off for more than 6 months, and (2) to get better at returning to controlled eating after I've gotten used to having sugar. As soon as I allow sugar, it keeps creeping higher every day and I don't notice it's becoming too much.

    What I've decided to do is 6-day-per-week with very strict diet and 1-day-per-week of free eating. The reason I want to do the 6-day/1-day routine is because it will give me practice, practice, practice at making the transition from free-eating to controlled-intake. That is my challenge and that's what I'm going to work on. If you think extreme swings are a bad idea, I understand your reasoning but I'd rather not hear negative feedback about my plan.

    P.S. I know some people who do the 6-day/1-day routine say that occasional abundance will trick the thyroid into thinking you're not starving. That would be nice it it's true, but I'm very highly skeptical. Biology is never simple.
  • mochalishious
    mochalishious Posts: 97 Member
    I'm all over it. My 4% is 8.9 .I'm a little nervous but I'm up for a challenge! Let's do it
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    6 lbs in 4 weeks… this WILL be challenge. whew… here goes!!!

    I just realized that 6 lbs is 2lbs under my goal weight. Well… can't hurt, can it? Just means more lean muscle!
  • ZuppieMB

    My 4% goal is 5.38lbs.

    Aim: gym 3-4 times a week (cardio and weights) and sticking to the food plan targets 6/7 days.
  • shaleasymphony
    shaleasymphony Posts: 172 Member
    Hello :)
    I'm Shalea (21)
    if my math is correct, my goal is 4.8 lbs (i want to lose 120 lbs) but i will ush for an even 5
    my startng weight is 248 (so embarassed:embarassed: ) was 250 when i started 2 weeks ago
    i plan on exercising at leat 30 mins a day and staying under my calorie intake
    my motivation is MFP!!!! so help me out you guys and i'll do the same!:bigsmile:
  • ibcsrl19
    ibcsrl19 Posts: 75 Member
    Starting weight 154 goal 135. In the next 4 weeks I need to lose 6.25 pounds.

    Plan of attack, more exercise, keep calories within recommended allowance.
  • EyeBite
    EyeBite Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in. My goal is to loose 8 lbs. I have fat that will. not. budge. So basically, I'm going to keep up with my workout schedule but add a little more cardio.

    S-Body pump and then fitting in a one mile run before work.
    M-repeat Sunday
    T-Body combat and cycling
    W-Body pump + Body combat
    TH-Body Attack + Cycling
    F-Body pump + long run

    I also cleaning up my diet. 2 veggies (good for starting out) and 3 fruits everyday day for the next 4 weeks. I'm eating every 5-6 hours and not a thing in between or 3 hours before bed.

    Let's get those ticker lbs. up!
  • vicyvix
    vicyvix Posts: 47 Member
    Shalea, I think it's 4% of your total weight rather than your goal loss so your 4% target would be 10lbs, hope this helps :)
  • Ariana120689
    Ariana120689 Posts: 85 Member
    Im choosing my weigh in day as Wednesday.

    W1W: 179.2 lbs

    GW for challenge: 171.2 lbs
  • rccmommy3
    Hello. Thank you for starting this group. My goal is 10 lbs. I am excited. I think I can do it. I have been walking everyday for at least 30-45 minutes. I also am doing zumba at least 3 times a week for about 30 minutes. I am also putting in some strength training as well. I am planning to try to stay under my caloric goal each day. Hopefully this works. Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other. My weigh in days are on Sunday mornings.
  • ehilgenberg10
    ehilgenberg10 Posts: 87 Member
    so my 4 week 4 % goal is 6.8 lbs. I think this is so totally possible and can't wait to try.