Daily workout check in

Post here to let us know how your workout went / didn't go today. Let's keep eachother on track...


  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 794 Member
    Wed. (August 22) - Today, I did Ripped in 30 plus about 30 minutes of Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. I got a late start, so I was not able to complete the Banish Fat DVD. I may try again tomorrow.
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    Today was awful! I did 30DS, day 4, and I was so exhausted before I even started. But I did it! I gave it all I could and still did some cardio on the treadmill after. Hopefully you guys had a better day!

    Tomorrow will be better!
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 794 Member
    Wed. (August 22) - Today, I did Ripped in 30 plus about 30 minutes of Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. I got a late start, so I was not able to complete the Banish Fat DVD. I may try again tomorrow.

    I decided to add a 30-minute walk after work!
  • sarahmatters
    Hey Rubyautumn4- You should be SO PROUD of yourself for pushing through the barrier and doing it even though it was tough and you didn't want to AND doing some more. Superstar!

    Viva- I do sometimes struggle to fit BFBM in to my schedule. This is the problem with the longer ones. If I do BFBM it tends to be the only thing I do. You are really going for it on the exercise. You must feel great.

    Sadly I can't do Jillian for a few weeks as i've got a dodgy knee so I just swam a mile after work and cycled home to make up for it! Not the same though....I miss the BURN! :)

    Let's see what today brings!
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    Yesterday (Wed 8/22) I did Killer Buns & Thighs level 2 and Six week six pack level 1. I plan to do the same today.

    Sarah - I hope your knees get to feeling better.
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 794 Member
    Sarah - "Some exercise" is better than "no exercise". If swimming is all your knee will allow you to do, then rest your knee and SWIM! Hope your knee gets better.

    Thurs. (Aug. 23): This morning I completed Week 3 of Ripped in 30, did about 30 minutes of The Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout, and added in some jumping jacks, squats, and crunches to complete my 70-minute workout. I MAY walk after work if my daughter does not have too much homework.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement Sarah! I am so glad I did workout and am looking forward to a stronger workout tonight! Hope your knee heals up soon but in the meantime swimming is great excercise!
  • trublue1
    trublue1 Posts: 19 Member
    Actually, swimming is the best overall body workout. It takes a lot and it works more than you realize. I wish I was a good swimmer. I'm thinking of taking lessons in the spring.

    I am on Day 4 of 30DS. I ws tired and did not want to do it. However, I pushed through. I plan on doing my walk/run this evening. I have a date with my cousin on the riverfront. I'm trying not to sike myself out of it because its supposed to be real hot today. We can always hit the gym treadmill and elliptical. My long distance boyfriend is taking this healthier lifestyle journey with me so that helps as well.

    Have a great day!
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    Well, I made it threw my first work out on Monday-30DS, I have been biking and walking up alot of stair prior to this. This deffinaliy help. Like Sara said the hard part was just turning on the DVD.Don't know what I was worried about! On Monday I was very proud of myself for doing the exercise and finishing the whole 20min. I felt really good. The next day I was feeling pretty great . Not too sore or stiff. Then I wondered maybe I didn't do the exerecising right. I wasn't sore. Well, let me tell you as soon as I sat down around 7p.m I started getting stiff and hardley could walk down the stairs. Holy Moly! I couldn't do any exercising on Tues. but I've done it the rest of the week. Feeling pretty good. Still a little stiff. I have totally enjoyed this 30DS so far.

    Sara , hope the knee gets to feeling better. Like everyone else has said swimming is really good for it!

    Take care

  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    Made it through Killer Buns & Thighs level 2 today, but didn't get to six week six pack. Hope I can do both tomorrow.
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    Day five of 30DS done along with a short walk!
  • sarahmatters
    Thanks ladies. It's so typical that you set up a group about something and then you can't actually do it! Ha!

    Well done Anita! You are really going for it. So glad you found it fun once you started. Well done for getting back on it after only one days rest too. I think a little stiffness is fine but I know that I get so sore that sometimes I really just can't workout and it's clear my body needs the rest more than the burn.

    And well done Rhea for pushing through. It goes to show when you really want something and put your mind to it you can achieve anything. It makes you feel stronger and more able and like Jillian says " That transcends to every facet of your life" so true. Hope your workout goes well today. Like you said don't sike yourself out. If you let yourself believe you can do a good job and visualise that instead then you smooth the path to achieving the success.

    Awesome work Susan and Ruby! So much commitment in this group. It's very inspiring :) I'm going to head for another lunchtime mile in the pool to try and be worthy of your company ;) See y'all at check in tomorrow!

    What special weekend workouts have you got planned?
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    It's Friday! Hope everyone has a good weekend ahead! I am working from home today so started it with a session of 30DS! feels good to have my workout done already!
  • trublue1
    trublue1 Posts: 19 Member
    I woke up late. I did not get a chance to do my 30DS. I'm going to get it in later and may do elliptical on lunch. Have a great day!
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    Got up Friday and made it through KB&T level 2 and 6w6p level 1. Going to try to do both again today.
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    Day seven of 30DS done with some cardio.
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 794 Member
    Friday (August 24): I completed a cardio circuit and did a 3-mile walk.

    Saturday (August 25): Ripped in 30 (Week 4, Day 1), Zumba, and Cardio Circuit
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    Now trying to hula hoop...
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    Didn't get a JM workout in today, but I did do yard work and cleaned some.
  • vicyvix
    vicyvix Posts: 47 Member
    Just finished Day 2, Level 1 and I managed to burn some calories on my 5 hours shopping trip. Apparently, the restraint is catching. I only spent about £50 when I went shopping too :D More money towards my goal weight wardrobe! :D