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  • VeggyGal
    VeggyGal Posts: 25 Member
    I'm the same way~ It seems like I eat more than most people and I am still skinnier than I would like. I wish my metabolism would slow down but I don't even want to attempt to mess with my Thyroid though I think I probably have a hyperthyroid. I used to enjoy eating anything and everything but lately its been more difficult eating any foods because of my somewhat new diet of a mostly vegan lifestyle. So I am having a hard time and could use knowing others in the same boat like me who want to be healthy and gain weight as much as possible in a healthy way.
  • VeggyGal
    VeggyGal Posts: 25 Member
    I wanted to add a few things....My name is Tiffani and I've never had weight problems til now. I suffer from depression and when I am depressed I tend not to want to eat nor have an appetite. I am in my 30's and I am focused on trying out new vegan recipes to stay excited about the foods I eat. My goals are mainly to gain weight and that's why I'm so glad to have found this group. It's a rarity to try to gain weight in a healthy way and most people think its some kind of blessing to be like us but they have no clue that our struggles are the same just opposite of most people. I'm grateful for this support group!
  • mamitacos
    mamitacos Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! So im a 20 years old female... im 100 pounds. All my life i was sad about my body... i tried so hard but everytime i forgot about foods...thats my problem...i dont like to force myself to eat! So yeah... i have to eat about 2120 cal a day...argh its tooo much. Sometimes i motivated and then after i dont want to! The last years i was depressed and heartbroken, thats why i was so so skinny... now that i can focus on gaigning weight im trying its just hard sometimes!
  • Teddy1306
    Teddy1306 Posts: 1
    Hello everyone. I'm 33 yrs male and notice I've been actually gaining a little weight. I'm 5'9 and been sitting at 130-135 lbs seems like forever. So after numerous tries of trying to bulk up and failing, my stomach has seem to been gaining weight while I wasnt paying attention. So now I'm back into heavy lifting and this time I'm putting more focus on what I eat. I'm gonna stay away from the protein shakes this go round and just eat every 3 hours. My goal is 1lb a week. I am glad I found myfitnesspal to help me reach my goal. I started my new diet and weight training last week and have already gain 2 lbs! and can see a muscular figure. I could use some motivation so add me as a friend and let's gain together. I'm eating 6 times a day and working out 5 days a week. Hopefully I can reach my goal of 175 lbs.
  • Kittanic
    Kittanic Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm here because my husband downloaded the app to help him thin out a little and bulk up, and told me the app basically works both ways! I was thrilled because I've been super thin my whole life, and I get soooo sick of people telling me "at least you aren't fat!" No, but I'm not healthy either. I get headaches easily, tire easily, and can't skip a single meal or I get dizzy and drop pounds faster than you can blink. In just the 15 days I've been counting calories it has helped me keep track and make sure I stay on target, meaning maintaining and hopefully gaining. It has also helped me to remember to eat breakfast, which is really hard when my hubby isn't here to cook it for me! I'm not much of a cold cereal eater, except as snacks later at night, so motivating myself to get up and eat in the mornings is an obstacle. I've had two children, and only managed to keep a total of 5 pounds from both pregnancies.
    My goal is to get a little closer to 130 lbs (I'm 5'4") so that I can stand to skip a meal OCCASIONALLY and so that it won't hurt me so much when I inevitably lose a few pounds. I'm also doing some workouts at home that I've only recently begun, like bellydancing and pilates, and I'm hoping to get to a curvier, healthier, happier me.
    It's such a pain trying to gain weight on my own, with no help from even the internet, since the whole world is looking to lose weight and everyone looks like they want to slap you if you mention you are TOO skinny, but it can be just as bad as being too large. I think everyone confuses "skinny" with "healthy".
  • Hi everyone!!

    My name is Ava. The reason why I want to gain weight is due to self esteem issues. As a young child my mother always told me I was too skinny. She would force me to drink all kinds of nasty shakes. Stuff food down my throat, even to the point I would throw up. Just typing this makes me cry.
    I never was taught about my body. I had stretch marks at the early age of 12. I always wanted to be in beauty pageants and model but was too embarrassed about my stretch marks. I go to the beach or pool and always wear a net of some sort to cover up the stretch marks.
    I know i am older now and feel I should have gotten over this but i haven't. and to make matters worse in the society I live in thick is in.

  • Abeer8
    Abeer8 Posts: 12
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Abeer. I am 5'10" and 115 lbs (started at 108 lb), so skinny as hell. I want to gain weight to reach and maybe surpass the ideal weight for my height. My aim is to add lean muscle for achieve a better appearance and a healthier lifestyle. I started about a month ago and I'm going to give it another 3 months or so before I expect any physically noticeable changes.

    Good luck to everyone with their goals! :)

  • ijiiii
    ijiiii Posts: 61
    Hi, I am ijiiii.

    I am 5'8" and 116 lbs according to the doc yesterday. At 29 years old, I've been a twig my whole life due to a cursed metabolism (maybe a crappy thyroid?). I can eat for 2 normal people and still not gain weight. I'll probably go to a gym and try some strength workouts soon.
  • EJ14
    EJ14 Posts: 2
    What's up everybody, My name is EJ, I'm 29 and about 135 lbs and really trying go get the habit of excercising and eating the right things to put on a little weight and be fit. My job has me sitting around just about all day, and I don't plan on being any more lazy than I currently am, so I really need make myself more active.
  • dsran87
    dsran87 Posts: 3 Member
    What's going on? My name is Deep and am looking to bulk up. I'm 24 and weigh 155lbs, looking to gain 20 lbs (of mostly muscle) over the next 3 years. I hit the gym 4-5 times a week and am trying to hit 3000 calories a day with a 40/35/20 carb/protein/fat macro split. I have an ectomorph body type and have been skinny most of my life. When I graduated high school I weighed 135 and then during college I sky rocketed to 200lbs of mostly fat. I lost the weight doing cardio and went on a calorie deficit diet. I fought issues with alcohol and substance abuse and got sober December 20, 2011 and have been committed to the gym since then. I feel great now that my body is free of toxins and will continue down my path of sobriety and hit the gym hard. Feel free to add me as a friend! :smile:
  • dsran87
    dsran87 Posts: 3 Member
  • SergeiKay
    SergeiKay Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I'm AK and i'm an alco...i mean a gainer.

    I'm 23, around 5'10", CW about 165 lbs, GW = 180 lbs. I eat anywhere from 3.6k to 4k calories a day, usually 35c/45p/20f. it's disgusting and i got so sick of eating food all the time that i started using weight gainers. Universal's Real Gains seems to work the best for me. I'm a strong believer that it's not only the amount of calories but the macros' ratio that matters to gain clean weight.

    I will be a fitness model eventually, so you'll probably see me on at some point or some fitness magazine covers... i tend to be ambitious.

    Feel free to friend me, if you want.
  • acemdd
    acemdd Posts: 12 Member
    hi im a mom of 2 children. i weigh 110 lbs i would like to weigh 125. i suffer with seasonal allergies witch makes me stuffy and my throat swells, its hard for me to want to eat in the summer when its hot as well. i would love some reicipe ideas that could help me gain. thanks and good luck to everyone.
  • Hey!! I'm Grace! I am currently trying to gain weight. I am around 5'6 and 95-100 pounds. I used to be 110 but I started eating healthier and stopped drinking soda. I guess I wasn't getting enough calories because the weight fell off of me. I am too thin and have had healthy problems because of it. People say I look gross and I cannot start my peril being so slim. I want to get to 105 pounds. My parents say they want me there soon!
  • manaism
    manaism Posts: 4
    Hi everyone! I'm so glad (relieved really) that there's a group like this!

    For the last two decades I've been dealing with a critical illness. For most of that time, the medications and symptoms caused weight gain. In the last two years, however, I've been losing weight -- I'm 5'4" and went from an unhealthy 150 lbs. to and unhealthy 100 lbs. for no apparent reason. I struggle with chronic migraines, joint pain, nausea, and loss of appetite -- not so conducive to getting the bare minimum 1200 calories I need to stop losing.

    Alas, it is what it is. What can you do but make your best effort and not get too down on yourself those days when your numbers come up a little short.

    I look forward to learning from all of you -- it's wonderful that MFP provides a space for us to share our experiences.
  • JordanLomb
    JordanLomb Posts: 20 Member
    Hi my name is Jordan Lombardo I'm a 21 new student at NIU, and I was recommended to this site by my doctor. Through a combination of a high metabolism, genetics, mental anguish, and I admit, some nervous OCD about nutrition I am currently underweight and trying to get back up to a healthy weight. My goal is to try to get up to a healthy weight again before I start classes.

    I tried tracking calories and what I eat before, but it turned out to be no fun, but my doctor wants me to log what I eat and the general caloric value of what I eat. The hardest part is eating foods that I know aren't good for me that I should be eating, but mainly I just want to enjoy eating them again and not having to worry all the time about what I eat and just eat normally like I used to again.

    Based on my age, gender and height I'm supposed to take in at least 2500 calories a day, which is hard because I love keeping active and have been a little too obsessed with nutrition for my own good lol. I plan on majoring in Political Science to help others, and I also enjoy cooking and baking and hope to work in a bakery or diner one day.I hope to find and give support through site as well to anyone who's willing to listen, thanks!
  • Hey,
    I'm 20 years old, and I need to gain about 20 kg. I don't know how much I weigh exactly, because I haven't been able to weigh myself in 9 months, but I have visibly gotten thinner and my period has stopped so I know it's not good. I think I might be under 50 kg now (I'm 1.78 long).

    I don't have an eating disorder, just weird metabolism. I have been too thin all my life and even when I was on 3000 kcal a day I did not gain weight.

    I once managed to gain a little and make it to 57 kg, and not even by eating as much, just reducing stress in my life. But since I became bedridden I have been losing a lot of weight so I'm here again... I need to eat at least 1500 kcal a day as a first goal (I get really sick from all the pain and meds, so that's quite an accomplishment).
  • Hi all.

    So glad there is a group for skinny skeletons like me. My profile is there for all to see, as is my blog and food diary.

    Briefly though, I am female, 5 foot 8 inches and weigh just 7 Stone 10 Pounds.

    I am hoping to put on a stone by Christmas.

    My New Year's Resolution will be to keep it.

    I will be weighing in each Tuesday morning.

    Good luck to all of you in your pursuit to put on weight.
  • Hi ijiiii

    How are you getting on? I have a metabolism problem like you. Difference I am female, 48 and have been a stick insect for decades!

    Hope you've gained some pounds

  • pbandshellie
    pbandshellie Posts: 16 Member
    Hey everyone :) I'm Shellie! I've been on MFP for 40 days now, I'm 5'5 and I started at a tiny 90lbs. I'm now up to 96lbs. and I want to get up to around 120lbs! I'm a vegetarian and because of my job I burn about 500 calories, and then after work I try to work out the rest of my body and burn more calories (eeeek!) I'm currently trying to up my calories to 3500-4000 a day (I know! I'm insane!) and it's really, really hard, but I'm learning so much about my body. And also learning how important it is to worship things like cheese and avocados!