Who is in and why?



  • DirtyStacks
    DirtyStacks Posts: 179 Member
    I'm in. I'm just shy of 200 days into this and an active group is always welcomed. I was 308 lbs then and not proud at all to admit it, but I own up to it. I refused to exercise and ate with wild abandonment.

    I am grateful for all my MFP friends who are supportive and I enjoy seeing people so excited as they make progress. The synergy is inspiring. In the last six months I have accomplished unimaginable feats of physical exercise that I never thought possible for me to do; certainly not when I tipped the scale over 300. I find the more I push myself, the more I can do. I am no where as fit as I want to be, but I am fitter now at my current weight on the way down than I ever as on the way up. That was over 16 years ago.
  • Dyana82
    Dyana82 Posts: 12
    I'm in.... Been over weight for about 11 years now. I'm going to be 30 in September. I'm 243lbs, 25 days ago I was 253lbs. The highest I have ever been. My whole family is diabetic, I'm not (yet). Went to the Doctors to get on birth control pills.... she told me flat out " NO your fat and have high blood pressure". I could not believe she said that to me. I almost started to cry, but I realized in needed to hear that. Since that day I was going to change my life around and lose the weight and become health.
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    Well, I was always very thin like under 100 pounds in my early 20s and I really did eat what I like. Then my metabolism slowed and I stopped exercising and I put on 3 or 4 pounds a year. Add in few pregnancies and other events like a friend dying unexpectedly and in 15 years it crept up so I was borderline obese.

    It has taken over a year but I have completely changed my lifestyle and have passed my original goal and I now have about 6 pounds to meet my ultimate goal of 106. I never thought it would be possible for me to lose so much weight, but I have and so can everyone else!

    So I should only be losing in this thread for a short time, but I am a mfp of mark's and I am happy to support him and everyone along the way.
  • KravMark
    KravMark Posts: 308 Member

    Thanks for being here and your support!! We can learn a lot from your experience. This is going to be a fun 4 months to Christmas :) its good to know we have some people in this group who are on the other side of the weight loss process.

  • jlynn6810
    jlynn6810 Posts: 68 Member
    I am in! I am tired of every New Year;s having the same resolution ("to get healthy"; "to lose weight"; blah blah blah). I want to RING IN THE NEW YEAR a healthier me already. So my job is already done for next year and it can be all about maintenance :tongue: :tongue: :drinker: I have roughly 50 lbs to lose!!!!
  • Chefblondie
    I'm in - I quit smoking over 3 years ago & put on about 30+ lbs over that time. I have been trying to get it off & it's been really hard - not sure how much age is playing into it - 40+. In the last month I have finally got back to my workouts on a regular basics - no more vacations or work trips to derail me. Getting better control over my eating. I am taking my goals - what I call decades - one at a time. Right now I am in the 70's & want to get to the 60's then to the 50's - if I can finally get to the 40's I will be very happy. So 30 lbs by Christmas would be awesome so any pound lost is one step closer to my goal. Good luck everyone!!!
  • Mommypeanut
    I am in. I have anxiety even writing this post. I feel I have "failed" too many times, I havent lost more than 23 lbs in 5 years, (and I have put back 10 of those) I haven't been under 200 in 6 years. And I wasn't always fat, so I know the flipside. I know how much fun it is to be thin and cute!

    Anyhow, I need support, accountability and motivation. Hopefully I can get it here !
  • rjsimpson2002
    rjsimpson2002 Posts: 115 Member
    :tongue: I'm in! Why - I want to lose weight and keep it off and not pile it all back on at Christmas. It would be so nice to look good for christmas parties and of course, now I really really really want to be an elf :drinker:
  • KravMark
    KravMark Posts: 308 Member
    Sounds like a plan ;) we can always use more elfs lol
  • Effpcos
    Effpcos Posts: 350 Member
    I'm in! I'd love to lose 30lbs by christmas but would be happy with 15. (I have about 65lbs to lose overall.)

    My motivation for a Christmas-specific goal is last year I ended up tagged in a bunch of awful photos (awful because I'm not happy with my weight and my mother had taken them without me knowing- you know the sort- taking a mouthful, pulling a face, scratching my eye!), and I don't want that to happen again!
  • OnaTree
    OnaTree Posts: 4 Member
    I am so incredibly in!!!

    I've been about 30+ pounds overweight for the majority of my highschool, junior high, and college years, and (as I am now a Junior in college) I am so, SO ready to change my life and the way I see myself! I don't like being insecure around new people or feeling like an oaf when shopping. I can't wait to reach this goal by Christmas and look back and be proud of myself for doing something truly difficult. Love all of your honesty and camaraderie! Totally an inspiration! Let's do this folks!

  • Bittersweet82
    I am SO IN!!!! I have to do something about my weight before my doctor has the sit down with me about diabetes medication. I need to cut the crap and stop eating whatever I feel like. Time to grow up and have a little self discipline and show this body some respect.

    I eat primal; meaning lots of protein, fruits and veggies. Mostly live on organic and raw food. I have recently cut out gluten and I feel fantastic!!! That being said, time to get serious about weight loss

    Starting weight: 231lbs 8/24/12
    Goal weight: 199 Lbs 12/25/12

    32 lbs to go, baby!!!!!!
  • zumbatastic
    Hey all,
    I'm in because I want to be me again. I was a firefighter/EMT for 7 years and was in the best shape of my life and did a lot of running and was very active when my son was diagnosed with stage 4 liver and lung cancer. 12 rounds of chemo and 2 liver transplants he is here and my miracle, but I've let me go by the wayside.
    So, here I am and I want to be the best mom I can be for all three of my kids but I want to find me. The fun, energetic, sexy, happy Amber got lost...and I want to see her again!!
  • IrenieL
    IrenieL Posts: 42 Member
    I am in if you will have me !!!
    I have lost 14 lbs since joining MFP .. and I feel great . i was diagnosed hypothyroid about 2 months ago after putting on 50 lbs unexpectaedly . I treid everything to loose but it was a lost cause. I am on meds now and I feel better then I have in a long time . The weight is starting to come off and I am in this for the long haul . 30 lbs by Christmas sounds like somethng I can do ! I just want to be healthy again !
  • KravMark
    KravMark Posts: 308 Member
    Irene , of course well have you, Welcome !!
  • DietCuki
    DietCuki Posts: 44 Member
    I'm mucho IN for many reasons but I'll just name the one for Christmas (well, more like New Year's for me). I have, since I can remember been chunky, these past years I have been very careless with myself and gained even more weight. Way before joining MFP, I used to hit the gym 5 times a week, but it was only to work stress out, eating habits were horrible but I stopped the gym due to many things that I say sound like excuses now. Two weeks before joining this place I actually started drinking some shakes for breakfast and lunch and ate cereal for dinner not to lose weight, just because I wanted to start having 3 meals a day (not including yummy Puerto Rican food), I was 2 lbs away from being 300 lbs, after those 2 weeks I lost 7 lbs. I have a friend who mentioned this site and a week later...here I am.

    Christmas time is a huge thing in my family, everyone always dresses up, they all look amazing and I, every year end up being the photographer just because I do not want to any photos of me taken. It's been a few years since the entire family has been together for Christmas and this year we are finally all getting together and I want to be able to wear a dress and know that I don't look like a house, AND it's the first year that I'll finally have someone (my fiancee) with me included in the family's Christmas celebrations. My ultimate goal is for my wedding next year, but Christmas is my practice runway! So IN!
  • katiefly86
    I'm in!! I'm a mother of two and I'm sick and tired of my children asking me to ride bikes, play soccer, etc. and not have the energy to do so. I'm also sick of looking in the mirror and wondering who that fat girl is looking back at me. About six months about I hit my biggest at 192lbs and stayed there. I hit bottom a couple weeks ago, and I just wanted to die. I didn't want to be here anymore, but I have so many people that love me, and I love my children so much I'd never harm myself. I knew then something had to give. Someone recommended this site to me, and I joined the very same day and took off with it. I'd love to drop 30lbs by Christmas, and with your help I know I can!!! Thank you all!!
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Im in because you bullied me and was on my *kitten* to join

    Lmao jk dont hate me Mark !!
  • KravMark
    KravMark Posts: 308 Member
    Yeah!! Now I'm motivated ;) let's get this thing rolling , glad your here KL
  • emmaonamission
    I'm in! If I lose 30lbs i'll be at my goal weight, it would be an amazing Christmas present to myself :D