Rest week and eating at TDEE week?

BlondieBride Posts: 63 Member
So every 4-6 weeks you take a rest week and eat at TDEE. My question is, do you do both on the same week or different weeks? My rest and TDEE week are both going to be around the same time and I am unsure what to do.. I was thinking a rest week for week 5 and eat at TDEE for week 6? Thoughts?


  • kels136
    kels136 Posts: 55

    I new about the eating at TDEE week every 4-6 weeks but not the REST week. Is that a rest from just the working out but still eating at CUT?
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I have a rest week coming up from my strength training, and I will coincide that with a diet break and eat at TDEE at the same time. I think a lot of people do this:)
  • photojunkie28
    I have just finished with a rest/TDEE week'ISH thingy. I went more like 11 days or so (exercised 3ish of them but not too streneous) and pretty much took it easy. I'm now nervous to get back into the swing of things since my food choices went a little off the hinges with different events going on and family hardships, but I did them both at the same time either way and actually dropped a couple scale lbs. It may have just been some good ol' water retention i'm not sure. I'll find out if the scale goes back up those couple lbs when I get back to my intense exercise routine.

    I feel like rest/TDEE at the same time are a good idea personally and i'm fairly confident that my body is going to respond well to going back cut. Hope this helps some.
  • BlondieBride
    BlondieBride Posts: 63 Member
    So do you eat for sedentary TDEE since it is a rest week?
  • photojunkie28
    Whatever your TDEE is without your extra exercise. I am not sedentary personally. I have an active job where I am running around on my feet for 8-12 hours at a time 5 days a week plus I still walk my dogs and things like that. Basically if you burn it, eat it. I think as long as you come up pretty close to your TDEE your fine. It's not exact.
  • alcon79
    alcon79 Posts: 193 Member
    I just finished up a diet break week. I didn't take a full rest week from exercise, but i did dial it down a little bit. Didn't do as hard as workouts or as many. Back on the horse tomorrow :)