Your Favorite Weight Loss Tip



  • Have you all seen the new treadmill nursing stations? You have to walk to computer chart...I hope my hospital gets them!

    Our floor is so huge that I would die if I had to walk and chart. Some days all I do is run anyways.
  • shaversd
    shaversd Posts: 4 Member
    Try to walk as much as possible for exercise. I work at a dialysis clinic and am responsible for 12 pts so instead of preparing all the meds and doing them all at one time I prepare one at a time and walk back and forth from the med station to each pt, plus as a nurse there are always opportunities to move at work every day. Being on my feet at work is my only form of exercise right now unfortunately.

    We can't have drinks on the floor so I am drinking less these days, need to find some way to remedy that.
  • It's great reading everyone's tips here! I have a Thirty-One lunch bag, which I pack my lunch in before my 12 hour shift. I place all items in, scanning them or inputting calories on MFP as I do so. I usually take my main meal, a veggie, and lots of low cal snacks to get me through the night. That way, I don't eat the donuts and "bad stuff" that is known to congregate at work, and I don't eat more than the calories that I am allowed for the day. I also make it a point to drink my water by filling a patient water pitcher insert with water (adding flavoring, as I can't stand plain water) and making sure I drink all of it, as I am really bad at getting my water in otherwise. LOL on the treadmill charting! I agree with those that say it may kill them....some nights I run like crazy, and can't imagine having to walk while I chart as well! Sometimes that is the only time I sit the whole night :-)
  • rodeothedog
    rodeothedog Posts: 45 Member
    I'm gonna have to try green tea. I have started to bring my own meals. We get breakfast free on Mondays and are cook makes lunch on Sundays. If I crave a chicken finger, instead of having 5 I put 2 on a salad, its filling. I am big on portion control, I have always been a over eater. I continue to make sure I eat what I want. TOday I had pizza. i think I crave something new everyday. I started to exercise more. Added vitamins, ex vitamin b complex. Only weigh once a week.
  • I work 12 hour nights. I too have given up diet sodas and mainly drink water. A couple cups of coffee before I go in to work though. I hear too many bad things about Aspartame. Also Diet Cokes and Diet Mt Dews are dehydrating. Anyway, I avoid most of the food in the cafeteria. Maybe a light soup, yogurt,fruit or hummus. Being a Magnet hospital you would think they would be more concerned of the foods they serve. I rarely eat fried foods any longer. I make sure I have healthy snacks and protein shakes,fruit readily available. I get more hungry the sleepier I get. I bring boiled eggs and have Natural peanut butter on hand too. My locker is stocked up. It does help me. Used to I would go to McDonalds or Hardees after I got off work and then go to bed on about 700 calories worth of crap. I also try to eat small meals every few hours. I have totally changed my way of thinking and eating in the last 3 months and am feeling much better. Glad I foud this group.
  • appletonirvinea
    appletonirvinea Posts: 100 Member
    Easy & simple plan plan plan, I found being organised the key!
  • Jensan03
    Jensan03 Posts: 13 Member
    Okay so my tip would be on my down time I run up and down eight or nine flights of stairs once or twice and I'll do that multiple times on my 12-hour shifts so that weight brings my heart rate up just a little bit and I'm getting those extra Footsteps.... also I completely meal prep most of my food for the whole week so I'm not tempted by potlucks or by going to the cafeteria and I always bring extra just in case feeling a little extra hungry that day. Lastly what's cause most of my weight loss is the removal of sugar and carbs I mainly eat a diet that high in fat and protein. And my body has definitely slim down and I feel really good.