Couldn't make it through W1D1 C23K.



  • I was the same on my very first attempt. My legs cramped and I was panting like a dog after two cycles of running.

    The second time I stretched really well, which I can't stress enough how much it helped all my load bearing joints!! I also lengthened my stride into a more natural pattern and I completed all but the last few steps.

    I also find that if I take a breath in through my nose it helps to slow my respiration a little quicker than the big heaving gasps that I want to take.

    I hope you keep trying and that you see the improvement. Don't loose heart in the program because i've seen it work for so many people.

    Good luck
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    To everyone dealing with shin splints, check out this exercise:

    To the OP- I'm really glad that you are giving C25K another try. Just go at your own pace. Also, good for you for running outside at the beginning! I started on a treadmill for the first 5 weeks and was really freaked about transitioning to running outside. I love it now but I wish I had started running outside from the beginning.
  • pensafl14
    pensafl14 Posts: 13 Member
    I just started yesterday, and I too struggled and couldn't finish. I did a little less than half yesterday, so today I went back out and did a little more than half. My plan is just to keep repeating w1d1 until I can move on to d2. I figure it will take me two weeks just to finish the first week, but hey at least I'm doing it right? Keep trying and don't give up!
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    I am struggling, but moving. Guess it doesn't matter how fast as long as we move. My dog, poor thing, had to be dragged the last 1/2. Guess I may have to leave him behind. Keep putting one foot in front of the other !!!
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    No way could I do this on treadmill. I walk on it daily, but can't get over 4.2mph, so not running pace. Any faster and I would fly off the back !
  • wheelinqueen
    wheelinqueen Posts: 60 Member
    It sounds like you're suffering from breathing issues. Like everyone has suggested, slow your pace...but also mind how you take your breath.
    In through the nose out through the worked for me when I was in boot camp and we ran ALL the time.
  • PurpleCoyote
    PurpleCoyote Posts: 24 Member
    Good for you for starting! I started C25K about 18 months ago and got to WK7 I think - then bust my knee and only just came back to it this week, so I'm at WK1 D1 again. Keep the pace slow, and at the pace for you. Get some comfy shoes! Put some bouncy music on, and just remember that you're on the journey now, it doesn't matter how long it takes!
    The hardest part (for me) is getting my trainers on and out the door. But damn I feel better for being a runner again!
  • I've run off an on since high school. Even though I used to run cross country and have ran some very difficult 10Ks on hilly courses, I still feel awful the first time I run after a long break. We're talking massive cramping and feeling like I'm going vomiting after an easy mile. But I'm always fine the second time.

    And hills are a ***** for a beginning runner. You should run them once a week to build endurance, but find a flat course until you're stronger.

    I've been lazy and not working out for the past three years and started with the C25K to get back in shape. I'm on week W5D1 and am running faster than I did in high school when I was a lean 109 pounds. It gets easier and you'll get stronger.