Day One

I tried to do "day one" early this Spring and failed miserably. I was so tired and hurt by the time the 20 minutes was up, I didn't try again.
Since then, I've really upped my general activity, and I've lost a few pounds.
I decided to give it another try, and I have to say, that Day 1 was a BREEZE! I was so amazed at completing the first work out and feel great!
Excited for Day Two!


  • PurpleCoyote
    PurpleCoyote Posts: 24 Member
    Well done! My day 2 is on Friday, I'm looking forward to it - and this time, the second time round, I managed it well and felt like I had a little more distance in me.
    Onwards to graduation eh! :)
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    This is the problem with any program for me. I think I HAVE to do exactly as it says, then when I fail I quit.

    Been 2 years since I tried the program. I did accomplish a one mile run in 12 minutes which was amazing for me. At the same time, I didn't stretch afterwrds and could not go to work the next day. Had no idea why 'I" was so different from others.

    Then I hired a trainer who explained it all. Whew, I am normal! :laugh: well I wouldnt' go that far :wink:

    I signed up for this group a long time ago, when I was very ill knowing if I kept seeing it, it may spur me on to try again. Smarter this time.

    Seeing this thread has triggered a need to go for it!


  • NatashaRuz
    NatashaRuz Posts: 223
    Very cool guys!
    We can do this!! I have no doubt!!

    I actually repeated D1 yesterday afternoon (had done it the morning). The PM was a LOT harder because it was so hot and humid...but..I did it.
    Taking today off and will hit it again tomorrow.
  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    I have never been a runner. I have always HATED running. I have always said the onyl reason I would run was if zombies were chasing me. Suddenly, hubby & I want to take up running. Why, you ask? We are both HUGE Disney fanatics and want to do a runDisney event. It is one of the few Disney things we have yet to do. C25K was recommended on the runDisney facebook page. We have to mesh up our schedules to begin training. I go to the gym four days a week and he bikes to work about half the week. We are both already reasonably fit.

    Soon I will post about my Day 1 success.
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    I just completed w1d2 today! It was a struggle but I did it! Looking forward to completing day 3 and moving onto week 2!
  • lightheartedangel
    lightheartedangel Posts: 20 Member
    I did day one today for the first time. I could only do the jog/walk for about the first five and a half minutes before I just couldn't jog anymore. I did however walk the rest of it, and only stopped for a 2 minute break to catch my breath. I'll try it again in a few days.
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    Well done to you all, it does get easier honest, I'm struggling a bit with D3 W6, 20 min solid run, a jump from D2 of 5 min run 3 walk 5 run 3 walk 5 run!

    But I'm adding extra days in and just running for as long as I can until I reach the 20 and then will move up again :-)

    I struggled with D1 W1 when I started 10 weeks ago, I've repeated W4 3 times and W1 once, so taken longer! But you will all do it :-)
  • NatashaRuz
    NatashaRuz Posts: 223
    Week1 Day 2 this morning.
    I did it without the dog, which was a HUGE improvement! She's fabulous, but she's still getting used to the whole "What do you mean I have to stop running NOW??". Husband took her on her walk, and I reversed our route so I met up with him towards the end of the session and walked back home with him and the dog.
    I'm pscyhed about doing Day 3. Aiming to do it Sunday morning, give my knees time to rest tomorrow.

    How's everyone else doing?? :)
  • PurpleCoyote
    PurpleCoyote Posts: 24 Member
    Week1 Day 2 this morning.
    I did it without the dog, which was a HUGE improvement! She's fabulous, but she's still getting used to the whole "What do you mean I have to stop running NOW??". Husband took her on her walk, and I reversed our route so I met up with him towards the end of the session and walked back home with him and the dog.
    I'm pscyhed about doing Day 3. Aiming to do it Sunday morning, give my knees time to rest tomorrow.

    How's everyone else doing?? :)

    Lol aww poor dog! I'm back to it today, WK1 D2, I'm hoping it will go well. I've started back at swimming lessons this week again so my leg muscles loathe me! Better that than injuries I guess.
    The reversing the route and meeting the hubby coming back is a good plan! Nice mixture of the solitude and the post-run chat. Well done you! Enjoy that rest tomorrow, you deserve it :)
  • NatashaRuz
    NatashaRuz Posts: 223
    Thanks Purple :) You do the same!
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 423 Member
    Hey there! I did 2 days of Week 1 last week and then got my new elliptical put together and just haven't gotten back to jogging yet... I would really like to do this program, I just HATE running! But I am determined... Do you guys do it every other day? What's your schedules look like? I'm currently doing 30 Day Shred and going on the elliptical for about 20 minutes, and then the occasional mini workout from my other apps I have. Any input, suggestions and advice would be greatly appreciated for this newbie!!! :-D