calories - women under 120 pounds?

exact same post in regular community...but wanted to get advice from you all, too... :)

i am STARVING all day. ALL DAY. i'm finishing up month 1 on saturday. before insanity, i ran 3 miles a day and was able to eat around 1300 calories a day (of course I had some days with less and some days with much more). i feel that insanity is a different work-out, but i'm not sure it's HARDER than running. i don't have a HRM, so can't compare calories burned.

i've been trying to stay under 1500 calories a day, but, as i said, i'm so hungry. it's so hard for me to average above 1300 since i've been averaging there for so long...psychologically i feel like i'm overeating. but i know i'm not since i'm shaky hungry, not bored hungry. :) i'm currently eating 5-6 times a day. if i didn't, i literally could not function.

i guess i'd say i've been at 1400 - 1500 lately, but i'm not losing any weight. i'm not trying to lose weight, but if i'm hungry so often, doesn't it seem like i'd be losing weight?

not sure what my question is here exactly, but...thoughts?? anyone else under 120? if so, how many calories are you eating during insanity? and should i expect more hunger/increased calories during month 2?

if it helps to know, i definitely have gained muscle in my stomach, legs, and shoulders.

thanks in advance!!


  • jeolds
    jeolds Posts: 104 Member
    If I recall correctly, doing an exercise like running for long periods the body adjusts to that exercise and becomes more efficient utilizing calories for it, so you won't burn as much as when you first started. I had the same problem with cycling when I first started hitting the gym. I couldn't get my heart rate up until I put so much tension on the machines that I could barely pedal. This was years ago though, but it sticks in my memory.

    Insanity will hit you hard at first. I am in my fourth week and have noticed that my hear rate avg has dropped around 7-10 bpm and it is taking a bit more effort to hit the peaks I hit during my first two weeks. I'm also not burning as many calories. This morning I finished Plyometric Cardio and only burned about 660 calories as compared to 740 during my first week. I'm also not having to pause the breaks anymore.

    Hopefully that helps, but your best bet is to invest in that HRM. I have the Polar Wearlink Bluetooth and using it in combination with the iCardio app on my Android. It logs the data and if you use if for running, enable your GPS and it will track your distance as well.

    Hope that helps.
  • I started Insanity this week and I found out I burn the same calories as running (about 400 cal). I use a HRM (Polar FT4) that tells you the amout of calories you burn. I think it was a great purchase! And I keep eating the same as before - 1300 cals NET (my BMR) eating back exercise calories (or most of them).
  • laracroftminx
    laracroftminx Posts: 17 Member
    I was 125lb when I started Insanity and now weigh 119-120lb. I too just needed to tone - which I have but have not developed the six-pack I wanted! I couldn't function on 1200 calories especially as I was doing other exercise as well even if it was just 2 x 40 minute walking the dog every day.
    Don't think I ever burned over 400 calories on an Insanity workout and would say usually between 300-350 on a Max workout. I would say on average I am/was eating 1800 calories a day but would normally be "under" on MFP as it takes into account exercise calories.
    Why not take a protein shake just to give you a bit more energy??
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    I've been averaging around 1600 this past week, eating more during the day and less at dinner/evening. This has REALLY helped b/c I'm hungry and NEED those calories throughout the more saving them for big dinners and after-dinner snacks. Definitely something I have to plan for as I'm not used to eating like this. I have to plan 3 small "meals" essentially to bring to work each day...which is hard!!!! I'm not the type of person who can just eat the same thing over and over and over and over again. :)

    I do a protein shake for breakfast because I work-out first thing in the morning.