Wanna join me in making a Halloween goal weight plan?



  • pal00ga
    pal00ga Posts: 139 Member
    woohoo that's exciting! I still have 30 lbs to reach my Halloween goal... not so sure I'll actually make it, but that just means I will have to make another goal after Halloween, like a Thanksgiving or Christmas goal since that tends to be a time I see more distant family
  • believe_n_destiny
    believe_n_destiny Posts: 5 Member
    Yep i'm in ;)
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    getting closer each week!

    start 193.1, goal 175 by Halloween

    current 182.8, 7.8 to goal
  • ragslittle
    ragslittle Posts: 176 Member
    Starting Weight: 205
    Goal Weight: 175

    8/8/12: 207.4
    8/15/12: 201.6
    8/22/12: 198.8 ---- ONEDERLAND!!!!!!
    8/29/12: 199.6 ---- It's a gain, but still ONEDERLAND!! - Not sure if I will make 175 by Halloween, but I am still gonna try!!
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    You guys are doing awesome! This was such a great idea since I find myself staying focused so I will have a good weigh-in on Wednesdays! OK here is where I am:

    Started the challenge at: 223.4

    This morning I am 216.4 for a loss of 7 pounds.

    16.5 pounds to go to make my goal by Halloween! On that note...I am off to the gym :laugh:
  • pal00ga
    pal00ga Posts: 139 Member
    Started this challenge at 238.8
    Current: 228.6
    Goal By Halloween: 199.

    It took me a whole month to lose 10 lbs. I'm not so sure I'm going to make it to onederland by Halloween, but maybe since I started working out yesterday and plan to regularly now, I will... FINGERS CROSSED
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    Is it to late to join?
    CW: 310
    Goal weight by Halloween: 300
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    Starting weight: 272
    Goal: 20 pounds

    8/8/12: 269.4
    8/15/12: 268.2
    8/22/12: 265.1
    8/30/12: 265.9
  • pal00ga
    pal00ga Posts: 139 Member
    Of course not! It's never too late! (Unless it's Halloween)
    I'm just glad to see people getting pumped up by it.
    I wish I knew how to add something like an excel worksheet or even a screenshot of an excel worksheet on here so we could all see more clearly how everyone is doing in trying to reach their goals
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    start 193.1, goal 175 by Halloween

    current 182.2, 7.2 to goal, it was a very small loss this week :(
  • gsbanks1
    gsbanks1 Posts: 69 Member
    I know its late but I want to join. My goal for Halloween is to lose another 25 lbs. My starting weight is 259.0 and I will weigh in again on Saturday!!!!
  • ragslittle
    ragslittle Posts: 176 Member
    Starting Weight: 205
    Goal Weight: 175

    8/8/12: 207.4
    8/15/12: 201.6
    8/22/12: 198.8 ---- ONEDERLAND!!!!!!
    8/29/12: 199.6 ---- It's a gain, but still ONEDERLAND!! - Not sure if I will make 175 by Halloween, but I am still gonna try!!
    9/5/12: 198.4
    holding steady...should see a loss soon.
  • pal00ga
    pal00ga Posts: 139 Member
    Start: 236.6:
    Goal: 199

    Current: 226.6.
    It's coming off slowly, but at least it's coming off. :D
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    8/29: 310 LBS
    9/5: 308 LBS
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Started the challenge at: 223.4

    Today 215.2

    Loss: 8.2 (so freaking sloooowwwwww)

    Hoping for a big loss to boost me this week!
  • ragslittle
    ragslittle Posts: 176 Member
    Starting Weight: 205
    Goal Weight: 175

    8/8/12: 207.4
    8/15/12: 201.6
    8/22/12: 198.8 ---- ONEDERLAND!!!!!!
    8/29/12: 199.6 ---- It's a gain, but still ONEDERLAND!! - Not sure if I will make 175 by Halloween, but I am still gonna try!!
    9/5/12: 198.4
    holding steady...should see a loss soon.
    9/12/12: 194.6 ---- YAY!! - Still don't know if I will make goal...If not there's always Thanksgiving and Christmas :wink:
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    start 193.1, goal 175 by Halloween

    current 182.4, 7.4 to goal, This was a GAIN of .2 (I have been bouncing around at this weight for a couple of weeks now so I pulled out the measuring tape and logged a bit more than an inch off my waist and a half of an inch off my hips.)
  • gsbanks1
    gsbanks1 Posts: 69 Member
    There hasn't been a change for me in my weight. I’ve hit a plateau.

    Starting weight: 259.0

    Current weight: 259.0

    No loss and no gain :(
  • pal00ga
    pal00ga Posts: 139 Member
    Start: 238.8
    Goal: 199

    7/31/12: 238.8
    8/8/12: 236.6
    8/15/12: 233.8
    8/22/12: 232.8
    8/29/12: 228.6
    9/5/12: 226.6
    9/12/12: 223

    It took over a month for me to lose 15lbs. I have another 24 to lose for goal which is in a month and a half. I'm starting to think that if I at least get to 210, I'll feel pretty accomplished.
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    Start> 310
    9/5> 308
    9/12> 306