Starting Weights and Goal for end of Challenge



  • Peace2me
    Peace2me Posts: 3 Member
    SW: 192
    GW: 162

    I can do this!!!!!
  • crystalsfordham
    crystalsfordham Posts: 177 Member
    CW : 164
    GW : 148

    Approx 1lb a week is what I am working toward.
  • Tristalee08
    Tristalee08 Posts: 10 Member
    SW: 128.5
    GW:115-120 (which ever looks healthiest on me.)

    Not only am I wanting to lose this weight by the end of this year I am hoping to have a flat stomach and my inner thighs not rub together. I have been on this journey since the middle of July and am half way there for the weight. More on toning than anything. This challenge should be great to get me there.
  • trishp95
    trishp95 Posts: 18 Member
    I am looking forward to this challenge!!
  • checof
    checof Posts: 114
    Starting weight 9/12: will come back to this, have to weigh myself @ the gym.
    Goal weight by 12/12: 210 lbs
  • cs821
    cs821 Posts: 48
    SW: 227
    GW: 197
    Definitely gonna do it:smile:
  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member
    Starting Weight for September: 204
    Goal Weight: 185

    I fear the holidays since Thanksgiving is a HUGE food day, and from December 4-29, there's Christmas and birthdays. :( September 13-29 is also huge for birthdays in my family. So I need this challenge more than anything!
  • shannajojo
    shannajojo Posts: 192 Member
    SW: 194 lbs.
    GW in 9 months: 130 lbs.
    GW at the end of year: 164 lbs.
  • LucilleHighball
    LucilleHighball Posts: 107 Member
    Current weight is 176, and I would like to be comfortably under 160 for the new year. Trying to be realistic in my goals, and then set another one.
  • CW - 190lbs
    GW - 170 by new years would be a dream, maybe even 165!

    UGW - 140
  • fitzpata1
    fitzpata1 Posts: 30 Member
    SW: 218
    GW: 188

  • svetlanaorly
    svetlanaorly Posts: 6 Member
    SW 138
    GW 128

    Just joined, but I am very determined!
  • zombiesage
    zombiesage Posts: 38 Member
    SW 210
    GW 190

    I'm hoping I can lose twenty pounds by christmas. The only thing I'm going to do differently once this challenge starts is only weigh myself on the days I'm supposed to so I will not get discouraged.
    If anyone would like to add me that would be Awesome!
  • SW: 160
    GW: 140

    That will be all my baby weight, plus the 8 lbs. I was working on losing when I got pregnant! I was aiming to have this all off by her first birthday in January, but I'm doing so great this far I think I can get it all off a month early!
  • MondayToday
    MondayToday Posts: 1 Member
    SW 180
    GW 150
  • For this short challenge, I'm going to go with a conservative 12 pounds :) My UGW is much lower.

    SW: 73.5kg (162 lbs)
    GW: 68kg (~150 lbs)
  • hilly215
    hilly215 Posts: 87 Member
    HI all!!! My goal for this challenge is to get out of the Obese category. To accomplish that, I need to be 191.4 or under (Obese starts at 191.6 for my height). Last Thursday's weigh in, I was 221 on the dot. So we'll see how this translates come Saturday. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Editing to add, feel free to add me as a friend, just please include a note that you are from the Sept-Dec Challenge so I know who you are! :wink:
  • SW: 161
    GW: 140

    Good luck to everyone!
  • amycb03
    amycb03 Posts: 68 Member
    Ready to do this!

    SW: 170
    GW: 140
  • SW: 176
    GW: 160

    Started last year at 189. I will reach this goal!