


  • mslucy1971
    mslucy1971 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my name is Yvette and I'm 41 mother of 2. I've reached my heaviest weight ever this pass year. Ending a bad relationship and then losing my mom suddenly. I'm new to this site but so glad I joined and to find support groups as such is the icing on the cake. So thank you for starting such a wonderful steady pace group and as part of the challenge I plan to stick with the forum for 1 yr. Life changing events I joined a gym 2 months ago. Committed to a personal trainer 1 month ago for 1 year two times a week and now this. Gods Divine Order. My Goal in phase 1 is to lose 10% of my current weight when I weigh in on Monday. So I look forward to u seeing less of me in the future.....:love:
  • tmbowen12
    tmbowen12 Posts: 175 Member
    Hello my name is Tanya. I just turned 37. I am excited about this group, i also love the show too. I have struggled with depression for many years and turned to food for comfort. I have a clear mind and now I'm ready to tackle my weight problem. I have a daughter graduating this year and I would love to be down 50 pounds before that day. So this challenge would be perfect for me. My first phase goal will be to lose 15 pounds.
  • hollieam92
    hollieam92 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Excited for a new group, the few I have joined, fizzled out pretty quickly!

    My name is Hollie, I am 20 just turned. I am a binge eater and comfort eater so trying to curb that . I lost 25lbs but put it straight back on when me and my boyfriend hit the rocks. I decided recently when I bought a dress without trying it on that I am so not happy with how I look, the dress was no where near fitting me, so I am back and looking to get down the 37lbs and maintain that weight!

    Starting weight - 168 lbs
    First Goal - 150 lbs
    Exercise - I walk everywhere and dance DVDs are my thing. Eventually I might do banish fat, boost metab but to be honest, hate Jillian but you never know music over her voice might be the way forward.

    So bring it on! 1st December! We can do it!!:drinker:
  • Well, let me just dive in and say HI!

    I want to say that loosing weight has solely been my idea, but it wasn't. My husband's daughter forwarded him a video (Fat Sick and Nearly Dead) that had him deciding to try to the juicing fast. He couldn't stick with it (the smell was too much), but he did decide to start eating healthier. I have stuck with the juicing (although not the fasting).

    I noticed that I was starting to loose some weight so I decided to kick it up a notch and eliminate caffeine. After a headache from hell I have now been caffeine free for 28 days. So I decided to work on my smoking. It has been 3 days since my last cigarette (no patch, pill or other assistance), and the urge to binge eat has drastically increased.

    So, worrying about regaining what I have struggled to lose, I figured this might just be the group for me! Please be gentle!
  • sunnymel126
    sunnymel126 Posts: 359 Member
    Hi Suzanne... I'm Melissa. I'm happy to see this group this morning. :flowerforyou:

    I enjoy watching the show also when I get a chance to. I struggle with emotional eating and lack of ENERGY. I suffer from Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism and PCOS. I have been recently referred to a new doctor and new treatment. I am hoping in combination with regular weigh in's and being accountable I can get where I need to be.

    Thank you for starting this up!

    Favorite workouts and/or activities: Fitness TV on Comcast, Workout DVDs
    Phase 1 goal- 26 lbs. which is 10% of my body weight
  • Hi everyone! I joined this group because I need all the support I can get when it comes to food. I've grown up loving food and unfortunatly it's never been kind to me I was a large girl when I was 10 lost alot when I went to my upper school around 14 then it crept back when I got to alcohol. Food and alcohol doesn't mix I've been battling with my weight for the last 8 years now and in July I was at my heavies of 257lbs. I'm only 5"4 so its even worse for me as its hit my middle area and I struggle to find clothes that fit and after seeing a picture of me from my nephews christining I decided enough is enough.

    I've been on this app for a year now but I only used
    It for a month and gave up now I'm determined to keep using it and lose weight for good. I've lost 15lbs so far and want to lose another 100lbs :)

    Phase 1 - 14lbs I'm keeping it small to start hoping I will smash it! Xmas time will be the hardest! Weigh day officially Monday!
  • ampage25
    ampage25 Posts: 9 Member
    I completely understand where you are coming from. I am the exact same way- however I am pushing 32 and want to have another baby!
  • ampage25
    ampage25 Posts: 9 Member
    Starting weight (optional) TBA Monday September 3.
    Favorite workouts and/or activities: walking, jogging, zumba
    Phase 1 goal- 30 lbs
  • brittlynn8907
    brittlynn8907 Posts: 92 Member
    I've struggled with my weight since high school. I joined this group to get motivation and to motivate others. I recently realized that sometimes when I'm bored I eat even though I'm not hungry. I'm hoping to get this under control now that I've identified it.

    Favorite workouts and/or activities: zumba, walking, lifting
    Phase 1 goal- 20 lbs
  • Yoshima
    Yoshima Posts: 58

    I am new to this site, but not to trying to get my health under control. I am glad to have found this group, and hope it will help me reach my goals. I'll be camping all weekend, and won't be back until Monday evening, but will have my goal posted Monday evening or Tuesday morning.

    Good luck to us all!

    I thought about it, and decided on my Phase One goal, so I'll post it now instead of when I get back.

    Phase One: Lose 15 lbs by December 1
  • Hi girls. You all are so YOUNG! Listen, you CAN do this. You CAN live the life you are dreaming of. Don't waste some of the best years of your life! For 20 yrs I procrastinated and let myself get up to my heaviest ever 275 lbs at 52. The wasted yrs of disappointment, frustration ...I saw a news bit interviewing the world's top surfer's wife (model/volleyball champ). She said she hated exercise (like me!) but she said something that has really helped me about 'brain change" and how she daily makes it a task she cannot get out of (like going to work each day) can't just say "oh...I don't think I will go to work today" HA! She just made it NOT an option to not work out 5d/wk.
    Look, I just got released from the hospital last week after a 20min episode of inability to speak or understand what was being said to me...couldn't walk right or lift my rt arm...TIA (pre stroke/heart attack symptom). While I laid in a hosp.l bed getting blood thinner shots in my stomach/MRI/CTscan/echocardiogram/EKG, my longtime HS friend was dying of a heart attack several states away. I lived and he died. This challenge is a blessing and the timing perfect. Don't get to this point where you are fighting for your life.
    start wt : 274.5
    3mo goal : 15lbs
    Plan : break out the WII and walk (just got a fitbit) 5 to 6d/wk

    Thank you for letting me "listen in" / praying for success for ALL of us!
  • sed1217
    sed1217 Posts: 228 Member
    Hi, I'm Sarah and I'm happy to be a part of this group! I've been sort of all over the place with weight in my life. I've been heavier and I've been much lighter. But it's time to get serious about staying in shape and taking off the weight. I teach, and it's embarrassing to get sweaty and sore from a day spent just doing my job, but I do! It's time to be healthy.

    SW: 247
    Three Month Goal Weight: 10% down, so 24.7 pounds, or 222.3 by December 1.

    Activities: C25K and walking. I'm trying to get into weight lifting too, though. That will be a goal.
    Diet: I've just switched to Primal eating to try to get my carb binging under control.
  • strick1and6
    strick1and6 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I am a new mom (little Corbin is 6 months old on Saturday!). I have lost all but 15-20 lbs of the baby weight. My first goal is to get back to my pre-baby weight. After that, I'll tackle the other 50+ lbs I need to lose.

    My husband and I are training for a triathlon (9/23). Swim 1/4 mile, bike 12 miles, run a 5k. I'm aiming for a completion grade! Goal is to not die!!! :laugh: What freaks me out the most: putting my face in the Gulf of Mexico to swim. Ewww. That and sharks.

    Starting weight (optional) TBA Monday September 3.
    Favorite workouts and/or activities: Cycling, Spin Class, running (although my "run" is technically a slow jog), Zumba
    Phase 1 goal- 15lbs.

    I have a wedding to attend mid-November. I want to be back to my pre-baby weight by then!
  • lll0493
    lll0493 Posts: 10 Member
    Howdy from Texas! I love Extreme Makeover and Chris Powell! Yes, I'm in for this challange. Very timely too! I just tried a radical diet that was very low calorie + supplements and supposedly physician supervised. I lasted 7 days until I nearly passed out driving home from work yesterday. I'll look at this temporary insanity on the positive side and feel I've had a really good detox. Although I don't recommend it! Will put together my Phase one goals and stay tuned to the site! Thanks for starting this challenge and I'm so glad to have found it!!
  • stefwi2000
    stefwi2000 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Stef

    I am looking forward to being part of this group. I have been on MFP since June of this year and I have a challenge set for myself. It is a 1 year goal to be down to 185 pounds. I started out at 314 and I am looking forward to being HEALTHY, SLIM AND SEXY. LOL


    Starting weight Monday September 3. TBD
    Favorite workouts and/or activities: Walking out doors, Long walks on the treadmill, Wii Fit. and Water Aerobics.
    Phase 1 goal- 15lbs at least.

    Feel free to add me as a friend or just support. I have a fit bit also.

  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    Hey Everyone!!

    My name is Misty and I have been suing MFP for over a year now. I previously lost 35 lbs fairly quickly and then the last 10 have been a struggle, and I still have 20 to go!! 25 if I wanna be what the docs would say is healthy, that'd put me at 145 and I just don't see me being comfortable at that weight, but anyway...

    I've never joined a group on MFP, but I like the idea the accountability. My weight was creeping back up, so it's time that I get back to businesS!!!
  • Hi I am Tammy, I am almost 51 years old and have struggled with weight issues since age 9. I have high blood pressure, I am a diabetic, I have had one (FOR SURE) TIA (mini stroke), suffer from simple partial seizures. On November 4, 2011 my 3rd husband and I separated and on July 23, 2012 the divorce I filed was final. My top weight was 282#, I am 5'2. On that fateful day in November I did not start out to loose weight but God had a different plan for my life, I thank Him. God has brought many new, encouraging ladies into my life and I have now lost down to 248.9#, my goal is to reach a HEALTHY weight. I have abused my "temple" God gave me for the last 50+ years. I have fallen off the "wagon" since I tried to handle it within myself. I too HATE, repeat HATE to excerse. I am taking this one tiny step at a time and thanking God for each microsopic pound, inch, whatever He helps me to loose. Thank you MFP for all the friends & help you are supplying.

  • SelenityJ
    SelenityJ Posts: 168 Member
    Hello Suzanne! Everyone!

    My screen name is Selenity and I am a 25 (soon to be 26) year old young lady. When I was a teenager, I was told often that I was fat. I look at pictures of myself then now and I shake my head. Instead of being determined to lose weight at the constant name calling I instead got the attitude that well if I'm fat no matter what I do I guess I'll always be fat. I managed to maintain the high end of a healthy weight while I was in the military but after a medical discharge and a few new health problems and a spiral into depression after my fellow military husband left me I began an unhealthy weight gain. I didn't realize how much bigger I had gotten until I hit 250 lbs!

    I've lost 35 lbs so far but I'm hoping that in time for my 27th birthday I will be down to 125-135 lbs. Though my doctor is encouraging me to get down to 115 lbs. I think I'll stop when I look good and feel healthy. I'm really looking forward to this challenge!

    My starting weight is 215 lbs and here are my goals:

    Phase 1 September-December- Goal 25 lbs. GW then at end: 190-185
    Phase 2 December-March- Goal 20 lbs. Gw then at end- 170-165
    Phase 3 March 1-June 1- Goal 20 lbs. Gw then at end- 150-145
    Phase 4 June 1- September 1- Goal 20 lbs. Gw then at end- 130-125

    We can do this!!!!

    Selenity Joyce
  • Hi Suzanne and everyone,

    I'm BJ and I'd love to be at my goal weight this time next year. I have 51 pounds to lose. I've set my goals for each quarter to be 10 pounds, but hopefully each quarter will be at least 13 pounds. Then I will reach my goal.

    It's extremely hard for me to lose weight, probably because I've ruined my metabolism. Who knows? My highest weight was 300 pounds in 2002. I got extremely ill and lost 135 pounds but then after being properly diagnosed and put on medication, I gained back 92 of those pounds. I've lost about 40 since March of 2011, and plug away everyday to try to lose more.

    I belong to a gym and workout every chance I get. I work about 50 hours a week between two part-time jobs, so finding the time to exercise is hard.

    I will weight tomorrow morning to get my starting weight.

    My favorite workouts and/or activities: working out at the gym, water exercises there, walking
    Phase 1 goal- 10lbs., and hopefully more

    Best wishes to everyone in this challenge!
  • Anewmein2014
    Anewmein2014 Posts: 31 Member
    :smile: Hi all!

    Glad that this group was started! I have to say that I love the extreme makeover weight loss edition! I acutally am reading Chris Powell's 7 day carb cycling solution. I have tried many different diets before and did well on the low carbs but i missed my fruits and veggies. Love this plan. I am planning on walking everyday as I have issues with my back and cannot do many dfferent workouts. Walking 20 min to start and then i will add on from there.
    Good luck with the challenge! I know that we will all succeed!!