what is your actual maintenance calorie number?



  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    still trying to figure this one out. any updates from those who have been doing this a while? i am now 5'4" 124 lb. i am stepping away from the scale for a little over a month. want to see if 1600-1650 is right.
  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,215 Member
    Over 50 years old, 1710 calories is my goal, moderately active. I exercise about 6 days a week, sometimes only a half hour. Exercise goal is 225 minutes weekly. I almost always do more than that, including two days of circuit training at my "Y". I usually don't eat up to my caloric goal. But I am trying to slowly get up to it. Reached my goal weight in December. I feel good at this weight --around 135-38. No real problem maintaining, but I still log all my food, sort of phobic about backsliding.......Have lost control for a day or two here and there.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I have been struggling with this too, i'm trying out 2500 calories but i don't eat back my calories. I'm 5' 10 and currently am 172. I'm tyring it out for a week and will see what happens.

    good idea, but 1 week isn't long enough. If you are trying a different calorie intake its best to give it a good month! :)

    good luck!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    1730 calories/day before exercise. I am a sedentary desk worker and I walk briskly for about a mile a day and do pilates. Sometimes I eat those calories, sometimes I don't. Doesn't make a huge difference to me since I don't rack up huge calorie burns like in spinning, running, zumba, etc.

    35 years old
    Maintaining at 145 pounds (only on week 2 of maintenance, still figuring this all out)
  • NicoleMarie0409
    I am 5'4" and 105 pounds. MFP gave me a maintence calorie number of 1405. I sit all day with my job (from 9:00am - 6:30pm) but I do have a FitBit so when I am more active(days I am not working) it tells me I can eat about 1550-1600. <---Love those days :)
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I have maintained at 105lbs for 10 days now, so it's early days, but my figure is about 2300 :D that includes exercise, I don't try and make adjustments for individual days, I just aim for 2000 minimum and usually hit between 2100-2500.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    MFP says my maintenance is 1600, but i actually net about 2000 - 2100.

    About the same here. Maintaining since April. A 3xxx number here and there hasn't hurt me yet.
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    1450 Cals per day
    50kg (110 pounds)

    I like to eat/drink more than that so exercise to eat back those extra calories. Been maintaining for 3 weeks now and all is going well with this plan
  • capperboy
    capperboy Posts: 99 Member
    Height 5' 10"
    weight 154 lbs

    Settings in MFP maintain, very active

    Calories per day 2420

    maintained this weight since February 2012.
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    I'm not sure if I'm done yet, but right now I am at 1700 + exercise calories.

    I'm 132 lb and 5 foot 8.
  • milele_transfome
    milele_transfome Posts: 18 Member
    I haven't started to maintain yet (still losing, though not on purpose because I feel I've pretty much reached my goal) and I've been eating between 1800-2000 calories per day.

    I'm 5'9" and 149 lbs as of Saturday.
  • MeredithLee11
    MeredithLee11 Posts: 192 Member
    I'm 5'4" and swing between 115 and 118. My activity level is set to lightly active - I'm a pharmacist and I spend 12 hours on my feet on the days I work (which is about half the week); on my days off, I run errands and do housework, but most of my time is spent on my butt :tongue: . MFP has me set at 1690, and my net is under that most days then use some of my "saved up" calories on a splurge day. (Yea, I do calorie roll-over. It works for me.)
  • BodyCombatGirl73
    BodyCombatGirl73 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm not sure if I'm done yet, but right now I am at 1700 + exercise calories.

    I'm 132 lb and 5 foot 8.

    I'm pretty similar... 5'9" and currently maintaining at 137lbs. MFP put me at 1710 per day and I also have a very sedentary Mon-Fri job, but I do exercise at least 5, if not, 6 days a week. Still not sure how it is going as I think I am only on Week 2 of maintenance, but I do know that I am having a hard time eating all of my calories, especially on exercise days (which happens to be most days).
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    Just an update, I'm at 1740 + exercise cals now. which is usually another 200.

    I could probably go up a bit, since I seem to be down a lb, but I feel like I'm at a level now that I can eat what I like, so I'm not like 'yearning' for more calories.
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    1560 cals plus exercise, so I usually eat 1700-1800 calories.

    Height - 5ft 1in.
    CW - 118
    Exercise 30-40 minutes 5-6 days/week
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I base mine off of TDEE:

    32 yo, 5'2, 113-114 BF 17%
    Workout 6 days a week
    Calorie goal is 1950

    Been holding steady for almost 6 weeks now.
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    I just found this group. I've been dieting for about 18 months (started well before I joined MFP). Altogether I lost 30 pounds, which was half of my long term goal, but I hit a wall, not only in terms of weight loss but also in terms of motivation. At that point I was consuming 1200 net calories per day and not losing weight. I found a large number of people who were posting that when you hit a plateau you need to raise your calories. I tried increasing my calories to the level MFP said was my maintenance level, which was 1600 calories a day or 11 times my weight, and I gained 5 pounds! So I decided to find my real maintenance point, which appears to be about 1350 net calories. I'm 5'9 and weigh 158 at the moment. So maintenance for me is only about 9 times my body weight.

    I've read several articles about how our bodies pump out more appetite hormones and slow our metabolisms for more than a year after we've lost weight. So I've decided to stay on a maintenance diet for a while, maybe a year. I will go back to dieting later. Right now I just want to keep from gaining back what I've lost! I'm actually having a hard time with that. My appetite has gone crazy. I will finish a meal and feel like I could eat a second one. It seems as if once I started letting myself eat a little more, the dam broke on my appetite control. I'd love to hear any suggestions on how to deal with this.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I'm not sure if i am at maintenance yet or not. I reached my original goal of 100 lbs loss and have just been concentrating on trying to tone up some of the loose skin, but now i am thinking maybe i want to lose another 10-15 lbs but anyway I have been doing maintenance at 1450 cals for the last few mths, it is hard to figure out my mindset makes it hard to eat more, so scared of gaining back all the weight I have lost. Mostly because of health reasons before MFP I was in bed 2-4 days a week, falling asleep in midsentence, falling down when walking, etc, it was bad. I feel like I have my life back and I NEVER want to go back......
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    I've been pretty much maintaining for around 9 months or more. MFP maintenance cals is 1930 but I keep my goal on 1/2lb loss p week since I'm a bit naughty on weekends LOL So it generally works though I sometimes unintentionally lose. At that goal cals is 1680.

    HT: 173cm / 5'8'' WT 68 +/- 1kg (around 150lb) Daily = sedentary Workout 5 x 45mins/1hr
  • thuy5
    thuy5 Posts: 22
    1560 cals plus exercise, so I usually eat 1700-1800 calories.

    Height - 5ft 1in.
    CW - 118
    Exercise 30-40 minutes 5-6 days/week

    I'm about the same as you, I net 1600 cals and for one week a month I net 2000 cals (TOM when i am out of control lol, I also exercise a lot that week cause I feel bad to balance the 2500 gross I consume in sugar/junk food)
    CW - 118
    my exercise pushes me up about 200 cals a day and on a good day 400