Menopausal Mad Hatters Chatter Monday, Aug 27th



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Evening Hatters..

    Long day; bit more than i had anticipated but appears all is well so happy camper. I'm back to work tomorrow for a week but its a good shift for me to stay on track food wise as I don't start til 1pm, so have the morning to get my walk and lunch prep ready....unlike dayshift which sucks the life outta me lol. Will keep it short tonite but a few replies:

    T2: thanks very much for the post my friend... my sister came back with me for a while after the eyeball place so nope, I didn't peek LOL.. but I would have if i had been alone giggle snort!

    Charip: lovely to see you, welcome back!! You know we're here for ya anytime!

    Janet - I tried to find your blog on your profile but alas...? then I tried to search under blogs.. but it wouldnt let me? Just wondered if it was a private blog and hence why I couldnt find it.. but as you've been so brave as to share some of your struggle with us here.. first of all, there isn't one of us in the MMH who haven't been exactly where you were; gone off track for one reason or another (you had a huge stress factor going on; I've gone off track for no reason at all!) and been off track for much longer than you were.. but... i understand completely what you mean about not wanting to acknowledge when the bad habits return, or we slide a bit... so huge kudos my friend for being brave and tackling it head on... I share your feelings about not having been comfortable posting the "less than perfect" stuff, just the postiive steps.. I think in my case its because I was embarrassed to admit if I "fell off my diet".... but this time around it does feel different for me, i think because i am honestly trying to change my habits and change my lifestyle, that I no longer fear that "slip", because its not a diet. I still get discouraged when I made bad choices intentionally... and I have days where I eat crap and still think badly of myself... but I honestly believe at this stage of our lives, if we are really going to make these changes permanent as you said.... we have to truly recognize that slips may happen, bad days, bad weeks, bad habits returning in times of stress... but the very fact that you were able to pull yourself OUT of that thinking and get back on track, is an amazing success story on its own.. and proves that the changes ARE happening inside.. your head!! how many times have we all tripped over the years and simply never started over again.....??? But now... we know better... its truly not how many times you fall that counts.. its how many times you get back UP and start again!! and YOU DID!! and that... is a huge step so proud of you! So huge hugs and huge kudos my friend.. and thank you for sharing with us....
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    P.S. Patrice!! an extra 1.5 ??? Well done!!!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Does anyone know how to share the blog that I did on mfp's home page? It is here

    Thanks, Janet
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    We are watching for Issac to hit us sometime tonight since I am in North Louisiana. Weather services are predicting 4 - 12 inches with lots of flash flooding. I didn't have school today and won't tomorrow. My girls had school today but not tomorrow. They go within a 2 minute walk from our back door and I teach in a different parish about 25 minutes from home. The internet has been lagging bad today so if I come up missing for a few days you will know I am without services. Newest reports are saying 20 inches with some surges of 10 to 11 feet along the coast. Glad we are not on the coast.

    Now that that is out of the way.

    Amazing blog post Janet. Acknowledging as many things and feeling as possible that went into this set back I feel is a huge accomplishment. I believe that us sharing with each other about feeling has been a huge part of the puzzle for me on this journey. I never fear judgement with you ladies. That doesn't mean there may not be any just that I know anything that is said comes from experience and with care and concern and learning not out of all the hatefulness, spite, or any of the other controls that other have used against me in the past. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this "The first thing I decided to do was to prove to myself that my body had not yet reverted to its January weight, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I had not gained 50 pounds because of a week of ignoring healthy choices." Our minds play such games on us so often. This may be the best choice to remind you of what you have accomplished and that one week could not undo that !!! I so relate to the San Fran story as it sounds like the same as when I visited, I kept imagining myself rolling down the street.

    Charip good to see you back. I have been in the wings a lot myself since school started just haven't had much time to post. For all of us being able to get back on the wagon and not letting a lapse keep us from trying I believe will turn into more and more victories and fewer and fewer lapses.

    Snoozie that embarrassed of "I feel of my diet" defeats so many of us repeatedly. The mind takes that and festers it until we are convinced there is no reason to even try b/c we were only going to fail. That is why it is so important to not view it as a lifestyle and not something we go on and get off of. When we get to where we don't see it as starts and stops is when I believe it will become second nature and we will make our goals.

    Well the lights are blinking and I don't want to lose what I have typed up so I am going to close this out but to each lady in this mad hatters groups I thank you so much for braving up and sharing so that we all can learn. Take care and to anyone that may be in Issac's path stay safe.
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Janet, good luck with all your issues. I can certainly relate to stress eating. I know you are facing some major family decisions. Is MIL still in the hospital?

    Patrice, awsome job with your running. So when is the 5k? It sounds like you are right on track & don't you feel teriffic?

    Tarnold, hope the weather is not too bad for you. I have been following it on TV.

    Some of you are aware of my home page post this AM. I will copy it here to share:

    Made my decision. It is now official, I am signed up for the Dana Farber Jimmy Fund walk on September 9th. I picked the 13.1 mile route. If I can get the next day off from work I may think of switching to the 26.2 Boston Marathon route. I have been thinking about this for a while & had a few things happen yesterday that I took as signs I was ment to do it. #1) a 9 yo the next town over died of cancer over the weekend, #2) I was on the web site looking into the walk & of the thousands of teams the one team I thought the name sounded interesting was for her & I knew somone on the team. #3) on cool down part of my run this AM found a penny from heaven.

    I do not know why, but this has become very emotional for me. Once I found the penny I could not get home fast enough to get on line & sign up. This weekend I hope the weather permits a nice hike. I'd like to cross one of the items off my bucket list & get the distance in in preparation for the walk on the 9th.

    Well have a great evening all. Kathy
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Good morning Hatters!!

    Been thinking about our Hatters affected by Isaac.. know for sure T2 and TA both in the areas so hoping to see you both check in here or on the main page today so we know you are all safe and sound...

    I'm back to work this afternoon; up way too early lol but as soon as the load of laundry i threw in at 6am is done I'll head down to the lake for my stroll...

    TA: beautifully written reply to Janet.. and I would like to piggyback on with you as you said what I was trying to but way better lol!!

    Janet: I dont know how to help with the blog, unless .. if you cut and paste it and go back to your profile page and click on MY BLOG.. and put it in again and post.. would that do it?? i didnt even see a blog option on yours (I know they exist cause I've read a couple of Hatter blogs.. but im not that puter it possible you have to "open" it in settings like you do with your diary?? sorry I can't help.. but I went to the link and was able to read it... it was awesome.. and touched a few hidden feelings of my own in regards to the same type of issues.... so thank you for sharing!

    Bis: so excited for you.. that is an awesome goal ..... well done you!!!!!!!!

    Well, I've been up for a couple of hours and still havent accomplished that much lol... gonna be a long day since I dont even go INTO work for another 6 hours... giggle snort!!

    Have an awesome day Hatters...
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    On the way to Cape May - see you all Sunday....

    Hairspray - we are way too much alike! LoL... loved the blog and can totally relate...

    Snoozie - thank you .... you are always so funny...

    Bisland... Awesome news on the run... wish you well - run a mile for the hatters...

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Morning, to my Hatter friends ,
    WE are still stuck under Isaaqc here in Mississippi. My area is only gettting steady drizzly rain, no major flooding yet, like most of the southern areas are. A bit of wind gusts , too. I pray that everyone down South of me and over in La. took shelter somewhere safe.
    Snooze , Glad everything went well, your still healing, so rest up those eyes.
    Bis - best wishes on the race , I know you will be tired , but exhilarated at the same time.
    Carol, I hope you have a great time!
    TA, Sending you many prayers during this storm.
    Janet, what can I say....every word you spoke resonates with each of us. You have such a gift with words. I know it gives you great peace to be able to put it to pen. I have heard that is great therapy.

    To Everyone that I missed, I know you are making great strides in this mission of good health. Keep on doing it!!


    GAIL!! loved your post..... and SO glad to hear you're ok.. just need to hear from TA to know all our Hatters are safe and sound....

    Love ya' Gail
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :bigsmile: ATTENTION MAD HATTERS :bigsmile:

    I'm declaring this offical IPOM MOMENT day in the Mad Hatters.... a day to celebrate ANY and ALL of the wonderful things you've each done for yourself or someone else today.. so bring it on ladies.. I wanna HEAR those IPOMS!!!

    AND I'll start us off (practice what I preach lol) Today I added three 20 second "slogs" to my morning walk.. !! Small changes.. lead to big results.. so yay me!!!!!!

  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Checking in as I know Snoozie is watching for a check in that all is okay. We have been without ele for a brief time but latest reports say we shouldn't have as much rain or flooding as first predicted.

    Snoozie yeah !! Keep adding those little things as we have all discovered its the adding of those that make when added all together make each of us more successful on this journey.

    T2 take care and stay safe. Like you we are getting constant rain but nothing heavy just yet so hoping it will all be good.

    Carol hope you have a great trip

    Kathy that is a wonderful inspiration and something that I keep in my mind for a future goal.

    To everyone else hope you are good, take care, and make wise choices !!!
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Kathy, my 5k is on Sept. 29 in Portland, OR. It's a color run. I am so excited! I won't be able to run the whole thing, but I will do as much as I can :) This is my first...of hopefully many. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other...
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Kathy, my 5k is on Sept. 29 in Portland, OR. It's a color run. I am so excited! I won't be able to run the whole thing, but I will do as much as I can :) This is my first...of hopefully many. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other...

    Have fun! You are doing great!!! I will be there cheering for you in spirit.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    TA: thank you so much for popping in to let us know... i was indeed watching and saw it last nite when I got home from work.. phew!!

    Bis: LOVED your IPOM lol... and absolutely have you to thank for the slogging!!! Was too funny really as I was thinking of you when I would go to start each round!

    T2: I think I accidentally put my reply to your last post ABOVE your tag line lol.... so in case it got missed .. loved it!

    IT's a holiday weekend here, but alas not for me - but that's okay cause there's lots less traffic going in to work on a weekend heehee
    have a good day ladies
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    To all the ladies who have been visited by that horrid Isaac I am relieved that most of its wrath is finished, good luck with any cleanup and those standard hurricane things like power outages, trees down, etc. seems every time we are threatened with a hurricanes my skinny H decides we need to eat the contents of our freezer "just in case". So hopefully there is no ice cream in your freezer that needs to be rescued!
    M in law still in hospital without a def diagnosis, she will go to rehab when her oxygen stabilizes, Then we will need to figure out living arrangements for her and F in L with dementia, they can't be alone. But I recognize that my failing to take care of my health won't help any of us. BUT for the next few days H is on his own, as I am headed to a family wedding, which brings other challenges, I can't keep up with celebratory drinking!
    So I brought my workout clothes and will do my own body pump to the Hatter tunes,
    Have a healthy and safe weekend! Janet
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    While I haven't been on here much I have kept all of the Mad Hatter's in my thoughts and prayers. This has been a difficult week for me personally. I haven't been affected by Isaac and feel badly for those that have. I have been affected by the move in by daughter and her husband and am ashamed to say that I let it affect my eating habits as well as my frame of mind.

    I have a plan to get back on track Tuesday September 4, 2012. This seems like the most logical choice since we have a long weekend coming up and I still basically have no living/dining or kitchen space. I was so worried about how this would affect my daughter (she's more than a little OCD) that I didn't think about myself. Last night I had a breakdown and stayed in my room and just cried. With the gain of a few pounds and all of the chaos I just lost it.

    I am not sure that many of you know but my step-son has been at the Mayo Clinic for the past week. He has been previously diagnosed with mitochondrial myopathy, hema gammaglobulina anemia, and needs to have his spleen removed next week. The trip this time was to get a determination on treatment and to have a few more tests run for other issues he is having. The vacation that we took at the first of the month could be his last with the majority of his mobility. It was a sad reality for all of us and we are praying that we have a few more years before that happens.

    Not that any of this is an excuse but it is much of the reason behind my poor choices the last two weeks and by my putting it in writing I can come to terms with all of it. Thank you so much for just letting me put it out there and getting it off my chest. I have found that this group is the best for listening and understanding as well as being compassionate.

    Thank you all and I hope you all have a great long holiday weekend!
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    No, I'm not dead. And no I did not gain 50 lbs and get my MFP membership revoked. But like a lot of you (I have been reading your posts even if I haven't been replying), life has intervened and made jumping on the 'puter (as Snooozie would say) difficult.

    For those of you who helped me through my vacation, I thank you, truly. Something about being with my family 24/7 (compounded by my husband's desire to be bike buddies and his lack of understanding about how hard weight loss truly is), made the week really challenging. I brought my scale with me, which I know some would think is over kill or obsessive, but in the past I've gained weight because I was unable (or perhaps unwilling), to be honest about what I put in my mouth while away. Coming home with a weight gain could have potentially sent me down the fat river, so I opted to sneak it into my suitcase :ohwell: Fast forward to getting home, and well, I just lost it. I had put so much energy into trying to be "good" on vacation, that I came home and ate everything and then some. I would do it for a day, than get back on track, only to do it again a few days later. When I read Janet's blog, I was so "there" with her. Janet you made SO MANY great points and things I will think about a lot (I especially liked the one about throwing out are so right!). The one thing I did (also in Janet's blog post) was continued to exercise. So in the end, although I didn't lose any weight, I'm exactly where I was before I left. I consider this a huge victory (a definite IPOM), because it's shown me I can fall off the wagon and get back on (instead of riding it all the way to I can't button my pants anymore/how did this happen)!

    In the meantime, my 16 year old is giving us a run for our money. We were very lucky with our daughter who wasn't really interested in drinking in HS, but this guy...OMG. I feel like I'm in the CIA, always checking his stories, smelling his breath and not trusting him. He doesn't seem to be able to just have a couple of beers...we get phone calls from his friends "I think you need to come and get him" because he's passed out. Then he's grounded (which makes for a lovely scene at home as he tortures his younger brother because he's trapped in the house). Grounding is lifted, scenario repeated. Ugh. He's playing football, but didn't really put any time in during the off season and for the first time in his life isn't starting (which makes him pissed off and us just sad).

    Now we're having issues with my daughter who's in college 6.5 hours away. She isn't feeling well, it seems to be getting worse, and we can't figure out what's going on. She had 9 tubes of blood drawn on Wednesday and so far all the results are normal. The situation is compounded, because she's the kind of kid that feels everything in her body (to an extremely annoying degree), so I don't know if she's REALLY sick or not. She's missing classes (which she NEVER does), so we're hopeful something will come out in the tests that are still pending.

    And than my poor youngest son, who always has a smile on his face, made the JV soccer team as a freshman and I'm finally making it to one of his scrimmages (an hour an half away today on the Friday before Labor Day, which means it will take me 3 hours to get home as I fight the traffic coming down to the beach). The poor kid just doesn't get the attention he deserves (maybe that's why third borns are so easy going?)

    My dear husband, who really is a great guy is an attorney. So his way of dealing with all of this is through constant questioning, cross-examination and "discussion", which inevitably turns into an argument.

    And there you have it. I know as lives go, I'm incredibly lucky. But right now, I'm a combination of nervous, anxious and angry...and my drug of choice (food, duh!) is not an option. So I'm trying to muddle through without stuffing my face.

    I know this is really long, and has more information than you're probably interested in. But you're my hatters, and I know you'll read it and be supportive anyway!

    Snooozie, thanks for your messages and staying it touch, you really are a special friend. Glad your eyeball is in the home stretch :)

    Leslye, so sorry about ALL you're going through. It makes my issues seem really insignificant. Hang in there, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I have to admit, I pictured a race with the oxygen tank guy and Snooozie's goose....

    Carol, in Cape May again, and again, no phone call, no coffee, lol. Enjoy!!

    Janet, thanks again for your heartfelt and honest posts. Congratulations on getting back on track, we both know that that in itself is a HUGE victory!

    Gail, thanks for your support, it couldn't have come at a better time. Truly, you will never know.

    Tonya, I wish I could give you a hug. I'm so sorry to hear about the health issues your step son is having, please keep us posted. It is unfortunate that as moms we have a tendency to put the needs of everyone else ahead of our own. When my kids were born, my mom came to take care of me so I could take care of my babies. From here on out, I'M going to take care of me, so I can take care of them (or maybe they should just take care of their own damn selves, lol)

    And Janet, when I read about your husband and the freezer, I laughed out loud. Thanks :)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters, and happy Labor Day Weekend!!

    Just going to get my coffee and come back to do some replies (so wanted to do it yesterday but ran out of time before I had to go into work).

    Know its a holiday weekend for many (but not me :sad: ) but hope everyone enjoys (I get to see the airshow from work so not really suffering too much lol) but in case there are any other Hatters about as well... my mantra for the weekend is gonna be the good old stand by "Don't give up what you want the most... for what you want now". Hoping it will keep me from straying should the urge rear its ugly little head!

    I want caffeine now.... lol but I don't have to give up what I want the most to have it.. so be right back!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    HSH: I’m thinking as I type this you’re either getting ready for the wedding, or sweating to the hatter tunes with the body pump on the morning after LOL!!

    Tonya: first off.. big hugs.. we knew of course about the huge stress with the changes from the kids moving back in.. but when I read about your s/son’s illness too.. well I almost locked myself in my room and cried for ya!! (actually I find the occasional meltdown with a box of Kleenex and a good wail does me a world of good)… I can’t even imagine the stress you’ve been under, but it’s completely understandable that you’ve been focusing on everyone else instead of yourself… you ARE a woman.. it’s what we do in times of need.. I honestly think we’re hard wired that way which is why so many of us end up at this stage with weight and health issues. You have NO reason to be ashamed at all about not having time to focus on your food, so any lingering thoughts about it.. banish them forever my friend.. you did what you had to do (and still have going on) and when you can, you will start taking care of yourself again.. I love your plan to have a scheduled return to doing just that… shows just how far you’ve come sweetie.. I don’t know about you but I’ve sworn to change before, and then completely thrown in the towel about a hundred.. or maybe a thousand times… but you DIDN’T! and I’m SO proud of you… because that’s the whole purpose of what we’re doing now.. learning that bumps in the road aren’t going to deter us or set us back.. they just “are” and will be there because life.. happens… and its all about knowing when those moments come… they might block our path for a while, but they won’t knock us off it this time.. huge huge hugs Tonya.. and know we’re always here for you!

    Merobi: you too are dealing with so much of “life happens” stuff right now.. wow.. and the fact that you managed to keep exercising too.. absolutely claim your IPOM woman!!! And a big IPOU TOO!! And added in the trubbles with the kids.. I’m guessing nervous, angry and anxious are only the top 3 of all the emotions your feeling right now!!! I hope they can figure things out with your daughter soon.. and you’re so right.. we take care of everyone else.. but the only one who takes care of us.. is us… so I was very glad to see you’re putting yourself on the front burner for a little while now.. as a good friend of mine said to her husband when he whined that he was feeling like he was on the “bottom rung” of the ladder when it came to her time and attention….. “well, at least you’re ON the ladder.. I’m on the ground!!”

    This is a tough time for many of our Hatters with life issues… so just want you all to know your willingness to share your struggles and fears as well as your success throughout everything.. well the strength and courage you all have inspires me every day.

    And every day.. you prove my theory.. that women.. excel at "hard". :flowerforyou: Stay strong my friends!
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    Hello to all! I know I'm going to miss a comment to somebody. Please forgive me if I do.
    Tonya - I've been in a similar situation. I was worried about you since you told us about this situation. Someone told me that the Chinese symbol for trouble is two grown women under the same roof. It's funny now. Wasn't then. Feelin' your pain.
    To everyone in Isaac's path - prayers are with you. My daughter went to Katrina clean-ups seven times in four years while she was in college. She was in Pearlington, Waveland, Gulfport - all around the area. She's waiting to hear about clean-up efforts so that she can go again. I'm sure there are lots of people waiting for the word so that they can help.
    Snoozie - I've been *pimping* the Hatters group to new members. We'll see if it works. Thanks for keeping it going.
    For those dealing with teenage terrors - My wild child turned 26 this week. I remember the pediatrician predicting that she would be a handful until "development of the amygdala in the frontal cortex of the brain where decision-making occurs - around age 25". I burst into tears CERTAIN I'd never make it, even if she did. She's 26 and he was right. We all made it through, Thank God!

    Have a great weekend!
    Kobie/Cheryl F.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    To my Ladies (as I refer to the group when talking with my husband)

    Such a tough time for so many of our ladies and so many revelations shared. One could look at these and think of the post as negative. While it makes my heart sad for what each of you are going through, it makes me very proud that we become a group where we feel COMFORTABLE enough that we can share and unload whatever is needed. I believe having a safe place to do just that helps both the poster and the reader since the post always contains something that I myself can relate to.

    Well we have no more garden since Issac found it necessary to take every thing down, but we were already planning on clearing out summer remainder and getting started with winter crops so no worries.

    Feeling blah today. Want to be out doing something and like so many rural areas there isn't so I am missing Seattle :(

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and the storms begin to pass.