Whos close to 25 pounds lost?!

You guys im not even close to 25 pounds lost, but wasnt this fun though!!! And dont feel bad if u dont get ur goal, we have a couple of weeks left, lets make the best of it!


  • msmotivated86
    msmotivated86 Posts: 130 Member
    Well I've lost 16.6 lbs so far so another 8.4 lbs would be 25 total. Even if I don't make it to 25, I'll still be proud of myself for sticking to the challenge and getting close. If you know you gave it your all then being committed, motivated, and determined is what really matters.
  • NotTomorrowButToday
    NotTomorrowButToday Posts: 42 Member
    that is awesome msmotivated! woot woot!
  • reshapemariah21
    reshapemariah21 Posts: 184 Member
    Just 10 for now! But I'm fine with that.. Hey, It's something. :smile: Two weeks I've been sick. Week before last I had bronchitis, this week I have a sinus infection. :/ Next couple of weeks left should be better! We should do another one of these!
  • NotTomorrowButToday
    NotTomorrowButToday Posts: 42 Member
    reshapemariah you did pretty darn good girl based off the circumstances!
  • It has been fun. I to am not even close but that is ok. everyone worked hard and want to say congrats to you all! x