Facial Hair



  • joyciebear
    joyciebear Posts: 13 Member
    Finding out I had chin hair was a bit traumatizing. I was 15 and with my boyfriend's family spending a beautiful day at the lake. He leans over, grabs my face, tells me to "hold still" and with his fingers he yanks out a big, long, black hair out of my chin area. Trauma. I tried laser, but the hair came back. It came back thinner so it was easier to manage.
    It's something I have come to accept about my body and it doesn't bother me like it used to. My husband knew about my excess hair issues early on in our relationship, and he loved me enough to accept it as well.
    Heads up, shaving is the absoloute worst thing you can do for your facial hair. Other methods such as tweezing and waxing are much much better. Don't be surprised if the first few times you wax it hurts a lot. It gets better. Shaving just makes the hair thicker and the root stronger. I wax about once every two weeks. In between waxes, if the hair looks a little dark, i just bleach it to make it let obvious between waxes. You can go to a salon, or do it youself. I do it myself and I use hard wax, like MicroTweeze or SurgiWax.
  • joyciebear
    joyciebear Posts: 13 Member
    Do you use any acne treatments like Accutane or Retin A? Also, before waxing, do you apply baby powder to keep a barrier between the wax and your skin? Acne treatments can make skin very sensitive and delicate. The powder helps the wax grip to the hair better, while keeping a barrier between you and the wax.
  • Pooh1981
    Pooh1981 Posts: 32 Member
    Do you use any acne treatments like Accutane or Retin A? Also, before waxing, do you apply baby powder to keep a barrier between the wax and your skin? Acne treatments can make skin very sensitive and delicate. The powder helps the wax grip to the hair better, while keeping a barrier between you and the wax.

    Thanks so much for this I didn't now baby powder would help! I don't have a big acne problem any longer thank God but I do get the occasional pimple. I do have extremely sensitive skin though and used wax one time before and it burned so bad I decided not to do it again. It burned not because the wax was too hot just because it was taking off more than hair!
  • joyciebear
    joyciebear Posts: 13 Member
    Try it again! Seriously! Also, let the wax cool before you use it. Stir the pot of wax around a bit so that you dont have extra hot spots of wax. The outside tends to cool first and the inside of the wax tends to head up the most/fastest when you zap it in the micro.

    I've made the mistake of using wax that's too hot, and it ripped my skin off. Ouch. But at least no hair grows there anymore so it wasn't all for nothing lol. Now I have a patch in the middle of my chin that's bald haha. When wax is too hot it technically "cooks" the outer layer of skin, making it easier to come off. I usually know when my wax is ready to use when it's not too runny. Apply it in the direction of the hair growth and then remove it the direction going against the growth. Since you've been shaving, you should def use the hard wax. It grips so much better. With the hard wax you just have to let it cool on your skin for a minute or so until you can pull on an edge without it coming off like Laffy Taffy. :) Feel free to message me if you have questions. I've been waxing myself for 13 years (i've waxed my *kitten*, face, tummy, thighs, because i'm a hairy beast haha)
  • LoyalAngel16
    LoyalAngel16 Posts: 186 Member
    It is actually a myth that shaving hair makes it darker and thicker. My doctor told me that you can get rid of it anyway that you find works best. If shaving hair actually made hair come back thicker, then most men would be shaving their heads more just to help with balding. Shaved hair lacks the finer taper seen at the ends of unshaven hair, giving an impression of coarseness. Similarly, the new hair has not yet been lightened by the sun or other chemical exposures, resulting in an appearance that seems darker than existing hair. Basically, shaved hair feels coarse and that leads you to believe it's thicker. In reality you're just fooling yourself and your hair remains the same. I tried everything besides laser because of the money. I tried bleaching and it worked some at first, but then I was left with lots of blonde hair instead of dark hair, then eventually it started to burn my skin so I had to stop. I tried waxing and my skin is just too sensitive for it. The only thing that has worked for me is shaving and I have done it for years. Hasn't come back thicker or darker. Also I have been on Spironalactone for years now. It does take about 6 months to notice any change at all, but the longer you take it, the better it works. Plus it works as a diuretic as well, which for me is a plus because during that TOM I always retain fluid.

    It was rough when I first started seeing chin hair as well. I was about 16 I think. Didn't have a boyfriend, but it did keep me from having one or getting close for a long time because I was embarrassed. My husband knew early on in the relationship and loves me as I am. It doesn't bother him at all that I am a big ball of fur.