What are your plans for Christmas without all those pounds?

helyg Posts: 675 Member
Looking ahead to Christmas, when we will of course all be svelte and toned, what are your plans? Any parties that you want to wow people at? Relatives that love to comment on your weight coming for Christmas dinner? Outfit you want to get into?

For me it is the short break in Center Parcs that I have booked for New Year week. I am determined to look better in my swimsuit as I hang around the kids' pool watching my daughter. I am also going to reward myself with a treatment at the spa there if I hit my goal.


  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    No plans for Christmas, except HOPING I get some good walks with the dogs either in lovely crisp snow or frosty sunny mornings, i.e. NO RAIN!
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I expect [hope] I will be round my daughter's and family on Christmas Day so may just try & get in some 36 waist jeans, but not sure if I will just look like a sack of spuds, A few years back when I lost stones I did wear my son's jeans but it was a struggle

    What I am looking forward to is a few pints with the dinner
  • tubbstattsyrup
    tubbstattsyrup Posts: 89 Member
    Just resting after the worse year of my life. Also trying hard not to dive in to the tin of chocolates and drinking creamy cocktails.