So....the first days after surgery?

ErinShannon Posts: 158 Member
Sorry for all the questions....

My Dr. does 2 weeks prior to surgery of a high protein liquid diet. This is the same diet you follow for two weeks after the surgery.

Yesterday morning they brought me 4oz of a protein drink at the hospital and told me to drink what I could in 30 minutes - I made it about to 2oz I'd guess before the 30 minutes was up. Lunch time they brought me strained soup but I just could't do it - the smell made me want to gag and run away. Plus I wasn't hungry. When I got home last night, I tried some protein shake and got about 2 oz in once again.

This morning I did another protein shake and made it to about 2 oz. This afternoon I had a yogurt (it's on the of approved "liquids" for this stage for me) and I had maybe 2 -2.5 oz of that before I was full.

Does this seem normal? I haven't had any "dinner' as I am just not hungry - I still feel extremely full like I did when I came out of surgery. I have explained it to everyone that it feels like Thanksgiving dinner when you eat and eat and eat and then you just want to roll to the floor and lay there for hours! LOL!

In between "eating" I am sipping my water and doing my walking (Dr. said at least 30 mins a day).

I know everyone's Dr is different but wondering what it was like for others in the days/weeks immediately following the surgery.


One other question - I've gained weight - which I am to understand is from all the IV fluids and gas pumped into me - when should I see that going back down again?


(oh and it was the Gastric Bypass if anyone was wondering)


  • cbbarge
    cbbarge Posts: 250 Member
    You sound like everything is quite normal. You will be able to get in more fluids as the days progress. Just keep drinking as much water as you can get in, stay hydrated and keep walking. Everyday gets better!!
  • rhondadwyer69
    rhondadwyer69 Posts: 74 Member
    I had the band - but some of what you are experiencing is what I experienced and yes it is normal. The gas is the hardest part of the recovery. You need to keep walking to get it moving - keep sipping - you'll be fine. Congrats on your new life!!!
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    the doctor I had said 2 oz would be normal, I pretty easily did 4 from the start. I remember my first meal was 2oz of chicken broth with protein powder and 2 oz of jello, I assumed it was easy because my surgery was text book with a quick recovery and I presume little swelling.
  • sallypesta
    The hardest thing for gastric bypass is the "head" part... your head says, "I should be eating more"... well, that is how you got to where you are. Never again. If you can't burn these words into your head and heart, you are going to end up back to where you were to start with.
    If water is about it that you can get down, then fine. Just make sure you are getting enough water. All else will fall into place.
    I had gastric bypass in '04 at 251 lbs, down to 126 at my lightest, have swung as high as 162 and am now vigilantly working to get back to 135-140.
    I have seen many failures with bypass and I am determined to not be one of them.
    Yes I have craving sometimes that overwhelm, and I wolf down a huge piece of cake and icing.... and either end up throwing up or feeling really sick for a couple hours and regretting it....
    Change everything you ever thought about food and eating.
    You took this huge extreme step and now is the time to reset that brain. There is NO way you should feel hungry at this early stage, if you do, your brain is crossing signals and you are thirsty -- drink more water!
    I have been fat and thin. I like thin. I like healthy with low sugar, low cholesterol, low b/p, knees not aching, clothes fitting....
    I was where you are over 8 yrs ago.....
    ...... you can do this. are stronger than you give yourself credit for. deserve this.
    I say all this because I literally have been there, walked where you walk.
    Make the determination to be one of the percentages on the success side!
    Signed: been there, done that... and will be doing "that" forever!
    PS: if you aren't in a support, FIND ONE!! This group is fine and good for everyday....
    but the physical group is a higher level of accountability! and sitting with a group of people who have gone thru exactly what you are dealing with/ feelin is so comforting!
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    seems pretty normal to me. I would make a shake and put it in the fridge and just pour out a little at time. That way I could sip on it all day if I had to in order to get it down. Be sure to keep sipping water, a little at a time if you need to. It was easier for me to sip room temp water in the beginning.
  • ErinShannon
    ErinShannon Posts: 158 Member
    Oh I am definitely not hungry....if anything I am struggling to remember to eat ...well drink my protein. And I do have a support group that I can go to once a month. Thanks!